Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

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18.12.2015, 17:30

Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

The ETV Video section contains thousands and thousands of videos covering many different show formats including Feature Premium Shows, Movies, Daytime Premium Shows, Exclusive Energy Mix Shows, Daytime Exclusive Shows, Short Exclusive shows and Reserved Experiences. As a result it is very difficult to decide which videos are worth buying, especially the older ones, which may have been posted before new viewers joined the site. ETV tag some videos as "Recommended" but they do not say why and to who the video may appeal. Therefore this thread is for the members who have watched specific videos that they believe are worthy of recommendation and include a short reason why, so others may choose to watch the video. Remember we all have different tastes and desires, so please respect the recommendations of others.

07.10.2017, 20:12

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

There is nothing to recommend!AngryAngryAngryEnvyEnvyEnvyThumb downThumb downThumb down

07.11.2016, 20:56

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

ivantoyota wrote:Hi,
Has anybody seen Picnic under the stars with Jasmine and Zoe?
Is it good, with lots of pussy or not?

This video is more for the kiss- and lick-fans (like me CoolTongue )
Zoe's pussy is never shown significantly, and Jasmines only 3 times as doggy from behind, not too far away camera position, but also not a closeup.

Question to all from me: Blush
"Job Interview" by Angelina and Mikeila with good kissing interaction?


09.10.2016, 11:02

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

Has anybody seen Picnic under the stars with Jasmine and Zoe?
Is it good, with lots of pussy or not?

27.09.2016, 17:44

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

3 hours with Nancy is a ray of sunlight in the dark sky of ETV; the video is full lenght record and uncensured, this is a pleasent surprise; after 50 mins i was a bit worried because it looked the usual ETV show, but then, the show got hot and the wishes part was wonderful. You can see every part of Nancy's body in close-up, except feet; so feet-lovers this show isn't for you. Smile Simple ingredients to make an unforgettable solo-show: 1) a great model, ready to grant every kind of request. 2) a gorgeous body. 3) very brave shots. Have a good time & enjoy yourself with Nancy-hase. Heart

22.06.2016, 14:56

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

Not so long ago this was a useful thread to share in the pleasure of shows for which we had purchased the rights for unlimited viewing of their hosted videos. Sad

Goodnight dear thread, may you awaken again one day!

03.06.2016, 05:26

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

All Aida fans, checkout "Exclusive Energy 14 September 2015 Aida, Dacota, Effy, Kelly Kristina and Tia", specifically 20:21 for one of the best spread leg shots I am aware off from 2015.

29.05.2016, 21:09

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

meteorix wrote:I think twenty shows "Exclusive wish for free" made between June and December 2015 have been, by far, and without any comparison, the hottest shows (hottest and not most beautiful, i precise) made by ETV throughout its history.
I think these shows were interrupted mainly for reasons of censorship, because the girls were always nude and often with open legs, but also because few girls were willing to make them.


29.05.2016, 19:05

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

I think twenty shows "Exclusive wish for free" made between June and December 2015 have been, by far, and without any comparison, the hottest shows (hottest and not most beautiful, i precise) made by ETV throughout its history.
I think these shows were interrupted mainly for reasons of censorship, because the girls were always nude and often with open legs, but also because few girls were willing to make them.

29.05.2016, 13:29

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

Pirncemami wrote:
asoert wrote:guy's which shows that girls shows pussy clearly like elmar ?? any recomanded videos thanks

Which show that for Elmar ?
U can watch Jasmine show I forgot what was name but there was three model and free messages. She made crazy shows ...
Exlusive wish for free with Jasmine, Saiqa, Kia and Fairy 16 October 2015.
When i watched this video again i am disapointed how shows are boring and bad today. When you watch this video you will understand why.

29.05.2016, 13:03

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

As stated by Ilian, in a video dated July 4, 2013, called The Flower, you will see Anna completely naked. They are also Irra and Nancy, both very interesting. It takes 30 minutes and is worth one credit. Worth seeing.

a greeting.

28.05.2016, 16:40

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

alexx22 wrote:Is there a video with Anna complete naked?

Not naked but pussy oops here :-[hidden link - please register]

28.05.2016, 12:02

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

alexx22 wrote:Is there a video with Anna complete naked?

Yes, but only exclusive. Fashion Show, pool, flowers.
They were still two oscillations in the night show, but I do not know the dates.Cool

28.05.2016, 11:26

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

Is there a video with Anna complete naked?

24.05.2016, 15:36

Re: Eurotic TV - Viewer Recommended Videos

Pirncemami wrote:
asoert wrote:guy's which shows that girls shows pussy clearly like elmar ?? any recomanded videos thanks

Which show that for Elmar ?
U can watch Jasmine show I forgot what was name but there was three model and free messages. She made crazy shows ...

The Elmar show is: [hidden link - please register]

We need more information to find the Jasmine show you recommend, approx. date, the other models, Afternoon, Evening, Night show etc. Otherwise it is like finding a needle in haystack.
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