Eurotic TV - General Discussion

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05.11.2012, 00:01

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

outside wrote:Just pointing it was an invention from Kaleya herself, replying to Julia, who named Clio as "little Kaleya".
You could also check for that here, since I reported that here too (don't remember which topic). It was in summer 2009, when Kaleya came back for a little while.
Kaleya knew best.
Big Grin
About the rest, I won't reply.
I usually don't feed trolls.

[hidden link - please register]

I don't expect any reply, but please stop your insults without any reason of one of the best ones there, I hope you have so little respect...

04.11.2012, 20:38

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Just pointing it was an invention from Kaleya herself, replying to Julia, who named Clio as "little Kaleya".
You could also check for that here, since I reported that here too (don't remember which topic). It was in summer 2009, when Kaleya came back for a little while.
Kaleya knew best.
Big Grin
About the rest, I won't reply.
I usually don't feed trolls.

04.11.2012, 20:25

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

outside wrote:Just a little example, I cannot watch Mashiara anymore because she gives me feelings of dirt and filth.
I get the same feelings if I read your comments....
Joker1305 wrote:Do you think the same about Kaleya and Jaya? They even showed their pussy FTA.
Is it distorted perception with you or do you just want to tease Nighthawk?

Hi Joker,
don't worry that's not new for me. He can do it and name me how he wants but he will never get any success.
Best Regards

outside wrote:P.S. about Kaleya, "little Kaleya" was one of Mashiara's nicks. Just to point my feelings about.

This nick is the invention of one of our politest and most respectful members here
and you Mr_outside, should know who it is....

04.11.2012, 20:04

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

HvB wrote:
outside wrote:Hey man, it's you who have to give answers about that.
I just have some interesting google analytics log.

As expected; nothing. So all you wrote is just lies. As usual.

Maybe his comments would be placed better in the thread of "Some Fun And Jokes" Big Grin

04.11.2012, 19:53

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

outside wrote:I cannot watch Mashiara anymore because she gives me feelings of dirt and filth.

That totally fits.
Finally I know how I have to estimate you. I hade some assumptions before and now the proof is given that I have been right.
Best Regards

If you cannot watch her, you are free to switch over to one of your so hot beloved Porn-channels or go to sleep or, or, or .....

04.11.2012, 18:54

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I've spent some time by reading the last pages here.
I've understood that someone says he knows how things work, but there's no need to have any proof.
On the other side, someone else always needs to show the proof, otherwise every single word could be part of "rumors" and "conspiracy theories".

Ok, I don't want to take part to this discussion and I won't do in the future, so there will be no further reply from me about this subject. But I must admit, I have 2 great imperfections:
- I'm not enlightened as regards "sexy channels business".
- i'm a very curious guy.

I always thought that sexy channels have to respect some rules imposed by authorities and laws,
but that there's also an important censorship imposed from the "inside" (in order to have longer calls).

Straight to the point.
[hidden link - please register]
Here we can read:
[hidden link - please register]

[hidden link - please register]
Here we can read:
[hidden link - please register]

My question:
How can we know that BS24 uses a self censorship, while ETV, during 2011, has been victim of new imposed rules from outside their control?
is there any proof of these statements?

Thanks a lot in advance.

04.11.2012, 13:58

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

outside wrote:Hey man, it's you who have to give answers about that.
I just have some interesting google analytics log.

you start rumours so you'll have to give answers or shut up.
and yes, google analytics. Big Grin
you are the most predictable man in the world and so I still don't understand why HvB hasn't lost the fun in this little game. Confused
btw: afaik you know nearly nothing about this topic while you still believe you know all.
except of course you have added some knowledge to the trash you posted some month ago at another place. Smile

04.11.2012, 13:37

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

outside wrote:
HvB wrote:
outside wrote:Hey man, it's you who have to give answers about that.
I just have some interesting google analytics log.

As expected; nothing. So all you wrote is just lies. As usual.

As expected, nothing from you too.
As I have repeated, and I don't want anymore, because I know when I am getting annoying, people know both you and me, and will buy my hot air or maybe yours.
Have a nice day.

So I asked you how many times to prove the validity of any of your claims?
You have delivered nothing, except a nice little story about how fantastic you have been fighting for the Italian viewers while etv did nothing.
Well, pity that I could show you knew about etvs efforts and have been informed about the struggle. So that nice little story turned out to be nothing but a lie.
Now you tell us that Mashiara is such a dirty person that it want's to make you puke.
Well, any reson for that?
Ah, something imaginary you don't wanna talk about as it would immediately turn out to be a lie again.
And the best is you make a claim and expect me to explain something that only exists in your mind?
So if you make a claim, you better have the facts or stand there with your pants down with nothing but hot air to show as you do now.

Yes, by now people should start to get to know you ...

04.11.2012, 13:01

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

HvB wrote:
outside wrote:Hey man, it's you who have to give answers about that.
I just have some interesting google analytics log.

As expected; nothing. So all you wrote is just lies. As usual.

As expected, nothing from you too.
As I have repeated, and I don't want anymore, because I know when I am getting annoying, people know both you and me, and will buy my hot air or maybe yours.
Have a nice day.

04.11.2012, 11:40

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

outside wrote:@Joker, Scarlet and Amy got my respect again because they left that place. They got their lives in their hand again. It's possible outside ETV.
Many girls still haven't realized, there are some who are there since 7 years.
I wish every girl she finds a well paid job beyond ETV, but I don't condemn if she doesn't make it.
P.S. about Kaleya, "little Kaleya" was one of Mashiara's nicks. Just to point my feelings about.
I prefer Mashiara-Hase Smile
At that times it was prohibited to send flowers, they just trust good old Udo (do you remember him? His blog was first about ETV).
No, that was "before my time".
Now they have a flower store. Flowers, teddybears, shoes, stockings, jewel cases, photocameras, spa treatments and so on.
Store is the dirtiest part.
Not as dirty as investment banking. These Banksters cost us huge amounts of money even if we don't deal with them at all, with ETV everyone is free not to spent a Cent on it.
But without customers spending money for ETV there were no ETV, so I don't blame them for trying to make money and I don't blame anyone for spending his money on ETV.


04.11.2012, 11:23

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

the girls are in it for the money. they don't love you. everybody knows I hope. If the quality of the show is not as it was than it mainly due to the customers who allow some girls to make money for almost nothing. But tastes are different some guys only want to hear that Karry loves them though they must know that this is not true. If it's true she would give you your private number so that you don't have to pay so much to call her or send her SMS. But this will never happen.

That does not mean that some girls don't like there job they like to tease men and like to show off. But some hate it I'm sure but it's a way to make money.
The aim of ETV is not erotic show the aim is to make money with calls and SMS. To tease by getting naked is one way to make money but it's not the only way as we see.
All models try to build a personal relationship with the viewer because this means more calls and SMS and regular calls and SMS otherwise you have to get used to new customers everytime which is probably not so easy.

the most successful model for ETV is one that don't get naked in anyway because this could lead to trouble and earn as much SMS and calls as possible. We call them succesful softmodels.
it's mainly the fault or wish as you would like to call it of the customers if the shows are like they are. Don't pay for something you don't like if you want change. You can watch it you can complain that's allright.

All that I say everybody knows but it still seems like that noone get it. the truth tastes so bad in this business noone like to take a byte.

04.11.2012, 11:18

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

outside wrote:Hey man, it's you who have to give answers about that.
I just have some interesting google analytics log.

As expected; nothing. So all you wrote is just lies. As usual.

04.11.2012, 11:14

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hey man, it's you who have to give answers about that.
I just have some interesting google analytics log.

04.11.2012, 11:08

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

outside wrote:My feelings, like it or not.
Mashiara is the worst among the whole roster. I don't forget photo camera issue.

@Joker, Scarlet and Amy got my respect again because they left that place. They got their lives in their hand again. It's possible outside ETV.
Many girls still haven't realized, there are some who are there since 7 years.

Nothing for sale, nothing to buy, I am not a chicken.

Of course I ask for deteils, sources and proof .... and of course I won't get an answe, because there is nothing but hot air.

04.11.2012, 10:55

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

robert wrote:
outside wrote:I cannot watch Mashiara anymore because she gives me feelings of dirt and filth.

And the mask is removed. This says more about you than any of the models.

My feelings, like it or not. I am not among those who content of a shower in pantyhose and high heels.
Mashiara is the worst among the whole roster. I don't forget photo camera issue.

@Joker, Scarlet and Amy got my respect again because they left that place. They got their lives in their hand again. It's possible outside ETV.
Many girls still haven't realized, there are some who are there since 7 years.

Nothing for sale, nothing to buy, I am not a chicken.

P.S. about Kaleya, "little Kaleya" was one of Mashiara's nicks. Just to point my feelings about.
I well know this happened even in 2006-2007, I well know what happened about Dior, Simona and so on, but now it has been officialized.
At that times it was prohibited to send flowers, they just trust good old Udo (do you remember him? His blog was first about ETV).
Now they have a flower store. Flowers, teddybears, shoes, stockings, jewel cases, photocameras, spa treatments and so on.
Store is the dirtiest part.