ETV, a year in (re)view - aka a trip to the 7/11
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Oh my dear readers. Did you miss me ? I thought I would save my carefully chosen words to acknowledge the achievement of the third year in the existence of the tv. I was sorely tempted to dig up my post of last year and just make a few minor adjustments. But maybe the 'Status Quo' is not appropiate any more as there have been many changes these past few months. Are you familiar with the term 7/11 ? It's that shop typically on the street corner which seems to be open all hours. Usually run by a fellow of Eastern origin. Prices are higher than your supermarket but you always have to pay a premium if you really want it. Now where have I heard that before ? But even your supermarket is joining in. Some even have experimented with 24 hour opening. Now where have I heard that before ? And supermarket shopping is a wonderfull experience. Now you know exactly what you want when you go in. And you go straight to that section only to find that a little man got up somewhat earlier than you and moved everything. And such moves are not always to your liking. So why mess around ? To retain your interest. To persuade you to buy something that you had not planned to do so. Now where have I heard that before ? So now you have found what you came for. Hang on. My favourite brand is not on the shelf. "Sorry Sir but that model has been discontinued but we have a brand new one for you to try. It may well be to your liking". Now where have I heard that before ? Or how about this. The name is the same but the ingredients have altered. Some will like this. Some will hate it. Sometimes, due to demand, the old ingredients will come back. Now where have I heard that before. And sometimes, in a fit of madness, they strip out all the fittings and put in new ones. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they do not. Now where have I heard that before ? But as you wander round that vast supermerket that offers all these products take a moment to reflect on it's humble origins. Just one little shop(could well have been that 7/11) and a few loyal staff. So loyal that they are even there to this day. Now where have I heard that before ? So today, no comments. No criticisms. Just reflections. Reflections on times gone. Anticipations on times to come. Thank you ETV. You are unique and for that alone you deserve some credit. Long may you reign. |
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