Als So Leibe Freundin.......

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09.01.2008, 18:44

Als So Leibe Freundin.......

Quite right. Meine Deutsches Sprache ist kapput.

But this afternoon I tune into ETV and I notice a few little things.

1. They are using one of the monitors for eine alternativ kamera shot. Done that before but it does have some merit.

2. Some SMSs are appearing in the notification area in a different colour. What is this ? A glance at the plasma reveals that these are actually VIP SMSs. I wunder wo they gott de idea from ? Gesmach !

So it's a start. It shows where all the best ideas come from and not just from yours truly. It takes a little longer to do the graffiks but ETV be brave. Be adventurous. Show that you can react to inovation.

Eine rose from me if you can.

10.01.2008, 22:57

Re: Als So Leibe Freundin.......


This topic has been hijacked ! It concerns the treatment of VIP SMSs on Astra

Kindly place your comments about the HB banners in another topic. My cousin gets quite upset about things like this.

10.01.2008, 22:19

Re: Als So Leibe Freundin.......

This way is really unwatchable. Those banners are needed for arabic advertising, but they can do smaller.

10.01.2008, 22:15

Re: Als So Leibe Freundin.......

Now its really unwatchable with the SMS nearly reaching the mid of the screen..............

I dont understand why dont the keep the afternoon concept

09.01.2008, 19:56

Re: Als So Leibe Freundin.......


There are quite a few advertising graphics on Astra - even more this week. These appear at the top of the screen.

The only real difference is that Astra has SMSs in the lower screen all day whereas Hotbird has SMSs in the 2nd show (or so I understand) and that terrible graphic hiding a lot of the viewing area the rest of the day.

09.01.2008, 19:04

Re: Als So Leibe Freundin.......

I was sure I have asked this but I can't find my post.

Does the graphic (Big adds) also appear on the Astra link or only on Hotbird ? Thanks

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