A new life within ?

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23.03.2008, 10:27

A new life within ?

Today I will be brief (relief all around) but atleast a little topical.

A glance at my calendar tells me that today is Easter Sunday. The tradition of Easter is that we give our friends and family eggs. The popular culture has dictated that the eggs are made from chocolate but it many parts of the world, including one we know quite well, real eggs are used - hard boiled and painted.

But we must not forget what the egg stands for. It is, itself, a symbol of the Resurrection: while being dormant it contains a new life sealed within it.

So how is this relevant within these pages ? You should know by know that I can find an allegory for the tv with almost anything and today is no different. The tv is an egg. The tv contains a new life sealed within it. We must wait for the egg to hatch and hope that there indeed is a new,worthy, life inside and not an aborted mess.

Happy Easter.

23.03.2008, 18:13

Re: A new life within ?

Just to add a little - maybe less known - detail: in ETV-Country easter is not today, but on April 27th.
(Google helps a lot here)

23.03.2008, 11:45

Re: A new life within ?

Happy Easter to everyone.

23.03.2008, 11:29

Re: A new life within ?

I only hope that a new life will reappear somewhere else!

23.03.2008, 11:29

Re: A new life within ?

Well, I also wish you a happy Easter...But just to remind you that etv egg is really like an Easter egg...Hard boiled it is. So no life within.

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