9 Sms for VIP-Sms?!?

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07.11.2007, 14:34

9 Sms for VIP-Sms?!?

Hi guys,

i'm not watching ETV so often anymore...and now i saw 9 sms for your sms on screen...

That's 27€ for a sms on screen...You could enjoy yourself 3 times at McDonalds for this price...

Was it always that high?!? And the funniest thing a guy from Austria wrote such one, with the wish of a strip from Jaya. From Jaya! We saw her so often nude! Some guys are really strange...

07.11.2007, 14:40

Re: 9 Sms for VIP-Sms?!?


And the second Vip-Sms from this guy 'Andi from Linz'...

With a wish, that a girl should hold her feet into cam... Mamma mia! 54€ for such 'trash'! It's funny!

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