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saoirse wrote:mong. Apparently insulting races and religions is something that made this guy cry but he's completely OK using offensive terms towards disabled people. Good that you're not going to drag this on, maybe move on completely and stop stalking people? Just an idea. If you need me to rephrase this post with smaller words then just let me know. Cheers. |
Cheers for the support gents, I work a lot of hours and today I have finally got a day off so thanks to strawman I don't have to take this troll down all on my own so many thanks again as I really don't have the energy today to be dealing with such serious and untrue allegations.
saoirse wrote:lump lol! he's bigot and a racist, it's clear for all to see. but thanks for keeping something going that i had let go. i'm sure sweaty sock bloke will be so thankful, matbe he'll let you join his gang. right after you remove your tongue from his ass. What a shameful and disgraceful post to be coming out with, insulting 2 members in the process. For somebody that likes to accuse others of being insulting then if this post isn't insulting then I don't know what it - saoirse you are a disgrace to this forum. I suppose if I was some sort of racist then all my uploads would feature only white women, I upload videos based on how good the shows are as my uploads have included all nationalities. The only thing I discriminate against is poor performances. Also rather strange why I would include Amnesty International in my signature if I was that way inclined, saoirse you have your own agenda against me, nobody else. Statistically wise 90% of your entire posting history has been unprovoked attacks on me. You follow me around here like a bad smell and if it was in the real world I would have floored you by now but the fact that the internet acts as breeding ground for trolls such as you with your identity anonymous then members like you spread like a computer virus. Last but not least here's my message to you saoirse ![]() ![]() |
Wait, I think this is the very definition of a strawman argument.
![]() strawman wrote:saoirse wrote:you mentioned the burka because indians are brown, like the muslims. |
strawman wrote:saoirse wrote:you mentioned the burka because indians are brown, like the muslims. lump lol! he's bigot and a racist, it's clear for all to see. but thanks for keeping something going that i had let go. i'm sure sweaty sock bloke will be so thankful, matbe he'll let you join his gang. right after you remove your tongue from his ass. mong. ![]() p.s i'm bored with this now. i think i leave it there. |
saoirse wrote:you mentioned the burka because indians are brown, like the muslims. It seems things go in one ear and out of the other with this lump. Indians are brown like the muslims, wow. Any person of any colour can be Indian. Brown skin is not a requirement for any nationality. Same goes for being a muslim, there are muslims of all colour. Again, you probably know this, as it's very simple, but you are yet again throwing mud at SB. His post wasn't politically correct, i'm sure he'll admit that, but you are seriously reaching now, I think it's time you gave it a rest and I hope other members of this forum aren't buying into your daft games. You don't like his posting style or him as a person, we get it, move on, it's boring but seemingly now it's gone beyond boring into serious accusations. You aren't having free reign to carry it on. |
Wasn't Back To The Future a great movie, glad they never decided to do what Star Wars did by turning a unique Trilogy into something that has destroyed the whole franchise
![]() Shame I won't be able to make it to the Dundee United game this weekend, ah well I guess I'll just have to tune into the radio instead ![]() Oh I forgot to say to you saoirse I have already given you my reply as has strawman in greater detail. Keep asking and trying to grow arms and legs all night long if you so wish to do but I will exercise the right to ignore your posts from this point onwards ![]() |
ok, here's a question. indian people are buying the channel, why mention a burka? the burka has about as much to do with indian's as it has with the British. you mentioned the burka because indians are brown, like the muslims. this is the very definition of bigoted and racist imo.
i'm sure in your head you were being funny, but in truth you were being horribly ignorant. and stop with the fuckin whiney you've got it in for me bullshit. how fuckin old are you. stop posting stupid shit and i'll stop replying to it. |
Well that's me just home from work, welcome to the forum strawman, yeah I remember on the other forum we had a run in about S66 or something, all water under the bridge now, no hard feelings as to say
![]() ![]() My post was a dig at censorship and oppressive regimes. Also my post wasn't offensive in the least in the context of this forum. If anybody on this forum has an account and has such a backward view on women having to cover up from head to toe then its double standards on their part and I'd be more than happy to go tit for tat with any one of them because posting on a forum such as this which celebrates the beauty of women would make them a 2 faced hypocrite. Its either all have to cover up or none of them, you can't have it both ways. As pointed out, religion is not a race, its a belief. Right I've just wasted 10 minutes of my time responding to yet another false accusation. On the + side I only have 1 member that trolls me on this forum as opposed to the UK one in which I had to deal with at least 20 of them. I'm sure saoirse was one of them, just posting under a different username which I'd fully expect from a coward such as him. Perhaps he might want to come up to Scotland one day, meet me in any chosen place and see if he'd still have the balls to say it to my face, I doubt it, taking into consideration that fitness is a big factor in my line of work ![]() |
strawman wrote:saoirse wrote:the racist part of the post was equating all Indian's and by extension all Indian women with the burka and by extension Muslims. fair point. i will concede the term racist might be slightly inaccurate in this case although equating indians with muslims just because they're brown is imo racist. let's just say it was offensive and i would add extremely bigoted. but as i'm sure you will agree, both racism and bigotry are equally repulsive and usually go hand in hand. |
saoirse wrote:the racist part of the post was equating all Indian's and by extension all Indian women with the burka and by extension Muslims. There was no racist part of his post whatsoever. You're going to have to concede this. India is a country, not a race of people. Muslims aren't a race, indian women aren't a race. You don't know what "race" is, either that or you are being disingenuous to try get your mud to stick, well it won't do. White people can be muslims, sikhs, buddhists - they can believe in any imaginary friend they want. Insulting their belief is not racist nor is confusing muslims with indian people. Ignorant maybe, but i'm sure he's been called worse. It might be against the rules of a particular forum on the internet, but let's face it, these places aren't great representations of what society really is like, and who even cares really? You don't, I know your type, you're not religious, you're most likely not a minority in any situation in your real life. You jumped on something that was borderline to try yet again to stir things. Time for you to stop now, or at least bring a valid point to the trouble you're trying to start with him instead of petty mud slinging. As for me being right wing, couldn't be further from the truth, i've argued with SB before about some similar views, he didn't budge, that's fine, but I don't believe he is racist. Personally i'm pro-immigration and multiculturalism, I just don't believe religion should fall under the banner of culture, it's poison and i'm against it in all forms no matter what colour the participants, white included. |
strawman wrote:saoirse wrote:there is so many things wrong with this post i don't know where to begin. i know i said i'd stop picking on your posts, at your request but i don't think i can, in all good conscience, let this one slide. the racist part of the post was equating all Indian's and by extension all Indian women with the burka and by extension Muslims. the rest of the post was just good old fashioned bigotry. still, nice of you to join up though to share your thoughts, i'm sure you're right wing beliefs will go down a storm. thanks. |
saoirse wrote:there is so many things wrong with this post i don't know where to begin. i know i said i'd stop picking on your posts, at your request but i don't think i can, in all good conscience, let this one slide. I don't think i can, in all good conscience, let your post slide. Was his post offensive? Maybe at worst, but only to some people who choose to believe in nonsense fairy tale religions. I don't believe those people deserve respect for their beliefs, but whatever. What is worse than his post is people like you throwing the word "racist" around like it is nothing. There wasn't one thing racist about his post and i don't believe that was his intention. No religion is a race, that is obvious, and you know that. To insult a religion is not racist but you just jumped on the most serious allegation that popped into your tiny brain that you thought you could get away with. If you had ever experienced racism in your life then you wouldn't be so quick to use the word. Real racism is horrific for those people whose lives are ruined and made miserable because of it. A "joke" on a porn forum aimed at people who choose to cover themselves in (my view) bizarre religious dress has nothing to do with racism and you comparing it is belittling those who are real victims in life, one of which is not you, or people who wear hoods in public. Thanks. |
Scottishbloke wrote:JuFan wrote:An Indian channel has bought the channel slot and won't continue Storm's adult programme. there is so many things wrong with this post i don't know where to begin. i know i said i'd stop picking on your posts, at your request but i don't think i can, in all good conscience, let this one slide. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism are the main religions in india, and non of them require the participants to wear a burka. before spouting your hateful racist vitriol in future, at least get you facts straight. racist and ignorant. dangerous combination. |