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Post: #623 Last edited: 13.06.2017, 00:21 13.06.2017, 00:18 Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
Babestation is pretty bad right now but i wouldn't say they are quite as censored as that shambles of a channel S66, plus at least all the girls on BS get a fair amount of solo air time, unlike on S66 where some girls have to share a set all bloody night and some girls always have their own set
![]() Anyway, fanboys and casual callers are still keeping the shows in business and they are partly to blame for how bad the shows have become, the girls have it too easy these days because they know mugs will still call them even if they do fuck all, i hardly watch some of my faves anymore as they have become dull as ditchwater |
I think my post was perhaps more political than Babestation orientated but it was merely to point out the serious hypocrisy's of the existence of ofcom. I am also 50/50 on whether or not ofcom has had anything to do with the demise in Babestation and beyond but one thing that is certain is that no matter how far these channels choose to or don't decide to push the boat out that in the grande scheme of things they should not be the ones targeted for censorship. I think we all know what causes widespread offence and vile documentaries which shows certain Islamic community's showing full support towards ISIS and Sharia Law and allowing this type of non western values to be broadcast on mainstream channels without so much of a bat of the eyelid by ofcom just shows everything wrong with their existence. I said before that dishing out fines and sanctions on Adult Channels achieves nothing. As a result we are now left with watered down shows that aren't even shows.
AniseedBalls wrote:I am really fucking pissed off with these shows, with the people that make them, the girls that appear in them, but mostly the fucking idiots that still finance them. Why do people still phone up the shows? Everything about them is total shit. The producers, camera operators, and the models take the piss out of the idiots on the phone that is blatant to see. Very good point ![]() |
I've just thanked you Scottishbloke after you had a little sulk a while ago about my lack of "thank you's" that I tend to give out. And please don't reciprocate because you maybe feel obliged to. I don't need any fucking thanks for saying what I feel needs saying.
Post: #620 Last edited: 12.06.2017, 18:11 12.06.2017, 18:07 Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
Last night I noticed when Maddie Parker took her knickers off that she actually briefly flashed her pussy from behind, it was a very quick flash, that quick as as soon as I noticed it I went to immediately record the stream but by that time I had done that her knickers were back on after an obvious ticking off from the producers. God forbid they cause any widespread offence to some religious or ethnic minority who happened to accidentally stumble on the blatantly obvious adult listed channel.
Tolerance has gone too far, I bet you ofcom are paying more attention to Babestation and co than lets say one of the Islamic channels but hey........lets all hold hands, throw a music concert and send on our thoughts and prayers which counts for the square route of fuck all and carry on regardless until next time that is ofcourse when they decide to blow up innocent kids in the name of Islam yet we aren't allowed to blame the Muslim community for this in case we upset them despite their obvious hatred of western values and democracy. But hey........who are we to question what ofcom should truly be monitoring. Meanwhile repulsive documentaries like this are allowed to air but a so called breach of decency on a late night adult channel is clearly more important to the well being of this tolerant society. Since this documentary was aired its come to light that the people involved in this programme were directly involved in the recent attacks. |
AniseedBalls wrote:I am really fucking pissed off with these shows, with the people that make them, the girls that appear in them, but mostly the fucking idiots that still finance them. Why do people still phone up the shows? Everything about them is total shit. The producers, camera operators, and the models take the piss out of the idiots on the phone that is blatant to see. Because the majority of the population are total fuckwits, the recent election results emphasised that. No idea if OFCOM are on the ball or if any of the channels have been reprimanded but it is noticable that BS have totally clamped down on possible pussy slips/flashes since the fannyfest of a week or two ago. That may be them just wanting to appear to be good boys and putting their own house in order to avoid a kicking, or maybe they got a friendly ticking off and warning? |
I am really fucking pissed off with these shows, with the people that make them, the girls that appear in them, but mostly the fucking idiots that still finance them. Why do people still phone up the shows? Everything about them is total shit. The producers, camera operators, and the models take the piss out of the idiots on the phone that is blatant to see.
Blaming Ofcom has become a very bad and lazy excuse for these trashy offerings. The girls only cover up their bits, so the aforementioned idiots will pay for the privilege. There is far more nudity in these shows than there as ever been, take for instance Alice, when these programmes were in their heyday you would never see her without her knickers. But now she can't fucking wait to get them off. But very rarely does she show anything that the viewer wants to see. When she does show her pussie, it is done to wet the appetite of the fools. And it seem with the consent of Ofcom, as I never ever see anyone dragged over the coals for breaking any of their rules. Proving to me that these rules no longer exist. Or did they ever exist? Why I am here it has to be said that the quality of the models is fucking dire. And the way that the models of years ago keep getting 're introduced is nothing short of scandalous. Another one appeared over the weekend with the most fucking ridiculous tits anyone could imagine. But also another "New" girl, New to me anyway, appeared on our screens with even more ridiculous tits and a body full of bad tattoos.......oh FUCK IT! I'm off......I can't stand this shit anymore. |
I don't want to seem like I am criticising anyone for writing their views on this or any other forum because I am not. But what I can do is question the sanity of some that write. For instance over on the other popular babes forum, one fucking lunatic chronicled the whole night. Minute by minute of the night's events on the babechannels, finishing at 5-30 am. That night happened to be Saturday night/ Sunday morning, and we all know what happened then. So for anyone having the need to write such fucking drivel on such a night is totally beyond my comprehension.
My assessment of the models on these channels doesn't suit everyone. But hey this is supposed to be the glamour industry, right? And seeing some of the models on here recently must surely contravene that description.
Quite a few of the girls seem to be partial to the odd pie or two. That paired with some girls not being in the first flush of youthful beauty makes for me, not very good viewing. In fact it's fucking awful viewing. |
If I was held in Levi's thighs, I would submit in 3 hours
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Post: #614 Last edited: 03.04.2018, 20:17 26.05.2017, 15:05 Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion |
dogman wrote:OldRoyal wrote:Sadly yesdogman wrote:Thanks Oldroyal,now i know,think you might be let down though.. Ha ha, I likes your sense of humour mate. Nice debating with you Dogman. ![]() |
dogman wrote:Thanks Oldroyal,now i know,think you might be let down though.. Do you mean in not seeing Mrs May on Babestation nights ![]() |
Re - Dogman - Post 617.
"Why is Theresa May going to be out of a job next mouth,please enlighten me. " Hello Dogman, I will try to enlighten you as best as I can. First, a bit of background so you know where I am coming from. I am a mid-60s married homeowner, with the intention of leaving our home to our grandson, so that he can pay of his university debt and hopefully get on the housing ladder. I count myself lucky I am in a position to do that. I am what is considered a typical Conservative voter, though I have not always being so; but that is not important. What is important is the future, the future for both the elderly in their old age, and also for the younger generation, finding a job, getting their own house etc. This takes me to the crux of my assertion that their will be a different occupant of 10 Downing Street next month. 1) A number of grey voters like myself that I have spoken to, feel like I do - Betrayed. Betrayed, that our homes will be taken from us, whilst the super rich fox-hunting brigade & corporate giants will continue to avoid paying their share to societies needs. Some, I have spoken to will not vote in the June General Election, others have said they will vote Labour. None, have mentioned voting for Lib-Dems; a 2nd EU referendum and 1p on income tax to help pay the salaries of over-paid NHS trust bosses - no thank you. 2) New teenage voters, voting in their first election may well be swayed by the promise of no university fees, and a chance of affordable housing. Speaking for myself, I am not a political die-hard; neither Capitalist nor Socialist. Political philosophies have no interest for me. My vote is based on how political parties respond to ever growing changes in our society, and more personally, how they best meet my needs and aspirations. As soon as they take my loyalty for granted and treat me less fairly than others, then I do a fair amount of deep soul searching. There you have it Dogman. My assertion based on part gut feeling and part understanding of my fellow greys. As for the gut feeling bit, there could be a slight mishap in the guts. I once had a gut feeling in the early 1960s that Dave Clark Five would be more successful than The Beatles. |
With regards to the streams I managed to get them to record only a few hours ago and then nothing! now they can record again but what I do find strange however is whenever they are unable to record on my laptop the vlc icon still appears below the bat file telling me otherwise, so many mega bytes are being used only to see fuck all. How can a file run and show nothing one minute and then the next have it all appear again. I don't know............I'm confused!
Knowing my luck they'll probably put on a naked 2 for 1 and have them going at it like rabbits. This ofcourse will be the point in which the streams will fail again to record if such as unknown event were to occur, which is about as likely as Teresea May losing the general election to then appear on some old granny channel shaking her wrinkly arse cheeks around ![]() |