Viki - Discussion & Chat

3.9 (30 rating(s))

(3.9 / 5, 30 ratings)

Author Posts

30.03.2012, 02:01

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

Cry ...i wish i could talk to her and tell her what she needs to do to make her shows better!!! she's a joke since the triple shows began!!! and first i liked her so much... Cry

25.03.2012, 23:52

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

linn2 wrote:She's full of tatoos!

It's spring.Then colour comes back to life! Smile

25.03.2012, 23:47

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

She's full of tatoos!

25.03.2012, 14:41

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

Buccaneer wrote:For all who are interested:
Viki is now online on MyFreeCams as AngelWiki!

[hidden link - please register]

Look also [hidden link - please register]. Smile

Sorry guys!
Viki has finished her show just a few minutes after I discovered it... Sad

But Tarl has saved us a few minutes! ( see above ) Smile

25.03.2012, 14:23

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

For all who are interested:
Viki is now online on MyFreeCams as AngelWiki!

[hidden link - please register]

[hidden link - please register]

Look also [hidden link - please register]. Smile

10.03.2012, 23:51

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

viki did a great show tonight, but in the last 20 minute he looked as if she would start crying every moment - felt sorry for here......

10.03.2012, 22:07

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

Don`t like here new tattoo so much - looks a little bit cheap & slutty - but still: Viki is a great woman

07.03.2012, 19:20

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

wolf1 wrote:
GenaroXP wrote:Wow.....Viki has a new tattoo on her left arm!!

Hm its a Tatoo from a Girl its would be intresting what the Meaning of that.

new tattoo on her left arm the girl looks like Sue Big Grin

07.03.2012, 19:12

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

GenaroXP wrote:Wow.....Viki has a new tattoo on her left arm!!

Hm its a Tatoo from a Girl its would be intresting what the Meaning of that.

07.03.2012, 19:06

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

Wow.....Viki has a new tattoo on her left arm!!

[hidden link - please register]

04.03.2012, 13:03

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

I do not like their time is over 7-8 years is a long time is enough

04.03.2012, 08:24

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

I like her

04.03.2012, 00:18

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

AmitaT wrote:I dont get it! why is everyone ranting down Viki? She's cool! Sexy legs (i like her tattoos), Sexy tits, Sexy Face and Hair - Sexy Sat Babe! Heart
Maybe it would get more of the watchers to call if she would do a show with some other Babe too!?
I dream about a double girl show of Viki and Naomi together - kissing, hugging, cuddle and snuggle each other!
What are you here thinking? Heart

We all get that you like her , but after so many years with Vicki .. she is not a hit anymore . Have fun watching her , call her , spend your money and your time with her . Personal I do not care . People can like her do or even not . I don not care but she is def not my fav . At some point you are done with her because we have her even two times per day on screen . Enough is enough , but if you like her it is your choice and personal I have not fucking problem with that .

04.03.2012, 00:09

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

I dont get it! why is everyone ranting down Viki? She's cool! Sexy legs (i like her tattoos), Sexy tits, Sexy Face and Hair - Sexy Sat Babe! Heart
Maybe it would get more of the watchers to call if she would do a show with some other Babe too!?
I dream about a double girl show of Viki and Naomi together - kissing, hugging, cuddle and snuggle each other!
What are you here thinking? Heart

29.02.2012, 01:43

Re: Viki - Discussion & Chat

I like to give a little feedback about Viki!
So I like to watch her using her hot gunns and sexy curves like she is doing!
She always has fresh and cute make-up and I like her very much. Smile
Wow she also has a busty sexy ass! Thumb up
The only thing that I dislike is this:
She's kinda nervous sometimes. Why? No reason, lovely Viki! Heart
Viki should'nt be so depressiv after all.
And she should really do more with her lovely ass! Cool
Viki is CHeartHeartL
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