Picture on SexySat1

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17.04.2009, 12:44

Picture on SexySat1

Since the last days the picture on SexySat1 have had become bad ( again ! ).
The quality in the last weeks was much better. This is not a good sign - again...
I think they are in litte struggle about their future. What will be next?

11.05.2009, 19:52

Re: Picture on SexySat1

Picture on SexySat 1 has become worse a few days ago when they added the crappy phonennumbers on the left top again. Lots of green artefacts and picture breaks about every 10-5 secs. That means that the poor picture quality desaster has moved from SexySat 2 to SexySat 1 :-(

23.04.2009, 18:47

Re: Picture on SexySat1

Some good news for a change. The annoying phone number on top of the screen disappeared - Sexysat 1.

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