Does anyone here watch Sexysat these days??

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19.04.2009, 14:45

Does anyone here watch Sexysat these days??

Just wanted to see if anyone else here has given up on the channel? Yesterday Vicky and Tina and Nikita all did shows as usual, I think Vicky did two shifts. Maybe Ingrid did shows yesterday as well?

I just find it all completely and utterly unbearable, to see the same models over and over and over again, it's beyond a joke now. I remember two years ago guys here were completely fed up of Athina, she left soon after - but girls who wre there as long as Athina was since 2004/2005 are still there even now - Vanessa, Vicky, Tina, Sue. That's a whole 2 extra years since Athina left and it really looks like they will never be leaving. Then Nikita and Ingrid have been there since 2006 and 2007. Milli has been there since 2007, Milli is very nice but always looks extremeley bored, so you wonder why Milli continues to do shows if she's not enjoying them. And not only that, if Sexysat survives to say 2011, these girls will probably be still there!!! And there's absolutely no signs of any new models at all.

I don't know about you guys but I can't bear to watch Sexysat anymore, it's mentally disintegrating!!

The only thing I do now is set my recorder through the night to see which vintage shows they put on. And girls like Dana, Jennifer, Sharon, Lenka, Ludmilla, Nicky look so like they were enjoying what they were doing. Kim was like that too but I think she doesn't want her old shows to be shown, which is a pity because she was good.

What do you guys think of all this, do you watch Sexysat in the daytime anymore?

19.04.2009, 20:34

Re: Does anyone here watch Sexysat these days??

Actually I do watch some of the nightshows: Nina and sometimes Justine. Sue has become quite revealing lately and is always friendly and nice to her callers. I like Vanessas butt, though she is a total phoney and also unwilling to show.

The rest of the models is just crap. I hate their attitude. What do they think their customers call them for: to have a nice chat about the weather? No, if you are willing to invest 3 Euros per minute, you want to see some pussy, and that´s about it. No need for any of the models to get pissed, they should be perfectly clear about it.

It´s amazing to watch the old holland liveshows at night: what an immense difference to see those nice and motivated models, who are, just to top it off, even much more beautiful than the new ones.

I think the Sexysat staff is just too lazy to care about new models. They have girls who regularly come to work and don´t make problems, so why bother...maybe new models would generate more profit, but they would have to get their asses off the chair to find them.

At least we have the repeats at night , these are at least a very good reason to watch and they fixed some of the technical bugs. So maybe things will get better eventually.

Hope dies last

19.04.2009, 19:01

Re: Does anyone here watch Sexysat these days??

Nina was on SS1 yesterday night, one of the very few reason to check the channel this week, Justine is quite revealing on SS2 usually, but she's not my prefered model. Nicol seems to be hotter again, but she's yet another model who seems to wait for her rent on SexySat. I can't believe that they can't find new models in Slovakia, but they are too lazy to look for.

Ranking top regarding dullness are definitely Ingrid, Tina & Nikita.

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