Power-Flirt Clips

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23.02.2013, 23:56

Power-Flirt Clips

If you remember those Babes and you also stayed between 1999 and 2003 right there after Mindnight in Germany on DSF's Late Night Show named "Nachtshow" you are welcome! Heart
Re-Starting this NOW because I finally found more Videos I ever thaught I could find!!! Cool

For the Germans here:

Wenn Ihr zwischen 1999 und 2003 auch Nachts im DSF geschaltet habt und die Sendung "Nachtshow" verfolgt habt dann erstmal BITTESCHÖN, ich teile meine Collectión meiner Videos gerne mit euch (im 2. Anlauf)!
Ich habe doch mehr Clips gefunden als ich anfangs dachte zu haben! Cool

Comming NEXT - a little Preview of the first Clips I will share with you...

13.08.2014, 23:56

Re: Power-Flirt Clips

sepp88 wrote:Your first post sounds like you have a big collection of clips, don't you ?

Would you mind uploading them here ? Would be great !!!! HeartHeartHeart

For sure I have 10-20 (or 25) different. But since the general interest does not affect so many people here I will make no more videos for disposal.
That I'm really sorry, but the videos remain with me.

28.06.2014, 11:45

Re: Power-Flirt Clips

Your first post sounds like you have a big collection of clips, don't you ?

Would you mind uploading them here ? Would be great !!!! HeartHeartHeart

25.02.2013, 23:29

Re: Power-Flirt Clips

...Ok, you want more? You get more! In love

Here comes Maria's Strip:

[hidden link - please register]

Running Time: 2.01 min Size: 43.7 MB

Btw... 2 Bad my nice Preview Photos got deleted Confused but I will try to post all my videos so that's better for you all! Cool
And if YOU ALL also got some 'Old School' videos of the DSF Nachtshow - Post 'em here! Smile

25.02.2013, 15:33

Re: Power-Flirt Clips

GREAT !!! Thumb up

Hope you'll keep on uploading ! I love these clips, reminds me of the good old times Smile

24.02.2013, 00:25

Re: Power-Flirt Clips

Moni's Strip:

[hidden link - please register]

Running Time: 3.15 min Size: 70.2 MB
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