New Television with hardcore clips

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04.11.2007, 05:07

New Television with hardcore clips

Just  happened to record the rest of a clip. The girl was peeing in the toilet. This  part of the clip is about the cleaning  of her pussy and sometimes it looks like she is peeing again. (Btw: they show now many clips in an uncensored version)

Again: I'm not a peeing fetishist. I'm  just wondering about the new behaviours of many channels.

Just competition or are we back in the era of decadence like before the Roman Empire  breaked down? 

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11.11.2007, 14:44

Re: New Television with hardcore clips


You're right! She's really peeing... I didn't see the entire clip! ;)

07.11.2007, 02:57

Re: New Television with hardcore clips

It's like this:

I pee

you pee

he/she/it pees

we pee

you pee

they pee

past tense:

I peed

you peed

he/she/it peed

we peed together

you peed

they peed


I must urgently pee.

Have a nice day! :-))))

07.11.2007, 01:13

Re: New Television with hardcore clips

@johnrambo666: before the bidet, she was on the toilet and she really pee. Perhaps you've not seen the full version.

07.11.2007, 00:07

Re: New Television with hardcore clips

Right, it was the water coming from down :)

By the way, it's not the first time that clip was aired; for instance, I saw it on Noello Sat several times, weeks ago.

Now New Television and Etruria channel and House Channel are simply airing again explicit "solo action" as they did yet in the recent past. Mainly the clips are still the same. (Etruria and house air those clips during late night, after the recorded or live show)

06.11.2007, 22:04

Re: New Television with hardcore clips


04.11.2007, 10:50

Re: New Television with hardcore clips

I saw this clip, she pee in the toilet with full close up action.

If we are back in the area of decadence about sex, I like that !

Have a good day.

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