Winter sport

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04.12.2014, 19:54

Re: Winter sport

Biathlon World Cup in Oestersund (SWE)

Women 15 km Individual

1.Domracheva D.(BLR)
2.Makarainen K. (FIN)
3.Semerenko V. (UKR)
4.Skardino N. (BLR)
5.Vitkova V. (CZE)

03.12.2014, 20:48

Re: Winter sport

Biathlon Oestersund (SWE)

Men 20 km Individual

1.Svendsen E.H. (NOR)
2.Semenov S. (UKR)
3.Slesingr M. (CZE)
4.Lesser E. (GER)
5.Lindstroem F. (SWE)

Perfect performance by Emil Hegle Svendsen.He shot clear all 20 targets.Martin Fourcade (FRA),World Cup winner of the last 3 years,had a bad day.He missed 6 targets and landed on place 81.

01.12.2014, 12:06

Re: Winter sport


Men Standings (first 10 places) at November 30th : 1. Kjetil Jansrud NOR 216 points
2. Marcel Hirscher AUT 180 points
3. Fritz Dopfer GER 120 points
4. Manuel Osborne-Paradis CAN 116 points
5. Dominik Paris ITA 110 points
6. Henrik Kristoffersen NOR 100 points
7. Matthias Mayer AUT 96 points
8. Guillermo Fayed FRA 80 points
9. Hannes Reichelt AUT 69 points
10. Benjamin Raich AUT 66 points

Ladies Standings (first 10 places) at November 30th : 1. Kathrin Zettel AUT 250 points
2. Mikaela Shiffrin USA 209 points
3. Tina Maze SLO 188 points
4. Frida Hansdotter SWE 175 points
5. Eva Maria Brem AUT 166 points
6. Maria Pietilae-Holmner SWE 154 points
7. Nicole Hosp AUT 129 points
8. Anna Fenninger AUT 122 points
9. Federica Brignone ITA 105 points
10. Michaela Kirchgasser AUT 96 points

01.12.2014, 11:46

Re: Winter sport

Lake Louise, Canada, November 30th :

Results Men Super-G : 1. Kjetil Jansrud NOR 1' 32'' 02
2. Matthias Mayer AUT 1' 32'' 31
3. Dominik Paris ITA 1' 32'' 33
4. Otmar Striedinger AUT 1' 32'' 34
5. Max Franz AUT 1' 32'' 37
6. Hannes Reichelt AUT 1' 32'' 44
7. Manuel Osborne-Paradis CAN 1' 32'' 53
8. Johan Clarey FRA 1' 32'' 59
9. Jan Hudec CAN 1' 32'' 62
10. Patrick Kueng SUI 1' 32'' 73

Aspen, Colorado (USA), November 30th :

Results Ladies Slalom : 1. Nicole Hosp AUT 1' 44'' 90
2. Frida Hansdotter SWE 1' 45'' 09
3. Kathrin Zettel AUT 1' 45'' 85
4. Maria Pietilae-Holmner SWE 1' 45'' 95
5. Mikaela Shiffrin USA 1' 45'' 98
6. Sarka Strachova CZE 1' 46'' 07
7. Michaela Kirchgasser AUT 1' 46'' 19
8. Maria-Michele Gagnon CAN 1' 46'' 28
9. Tina Maze SLO 1' 46'' 59
10. Bernadette Schild AUT 1' 46'' 63

30.11.2014, 17:50

Re: Winter sport

Biathlon Mixed Relay
Oestersund (Sweden) 30.11

1.France-A.Bescond; A.Chevalier; S.Fourcade; M.Fourcade
2.Norway-S.Solemdal; T.Eckhoff; V.S.Christiansen; L.H.Birkeland
3.Germany-F.Hildebrand; F.Preuss; A.Peiffer; S.Schempp
4.Ukraine-N.Burdyga; V.Semerenko; D.Pidruchnyi; S.Semenov
5.Italy-K.Oberhofer; N.Gontier; D.Windisch; L.Hofer

Let's hope for a thrilling season Smile

30.11.2014, 17:02

Re: Winter sport

Ski jumping 29.11. Ruka (Finland)

1.S.Ammann (Sui) and N.Kasai (Jpn)-The 'old' men of Ski jumping are still top.Thumb upThumb upThumb up
3.S.Freund (Ger)
4.P.Prevc (Slo)
5.M.Hayboeck (Aut)

Rough wind conditions in Finland.Anze Lanisek (Slo) and Andreas Wellinger (Ger) had heavy falls.Fortunately,they are not seriously injured.

30.11.2014, 12:07

Re: Winter sport


Men Standings (first 10 places) at November 29th : 1. Marcel Hirscher AUT 180 points
2. Fritz Dopfer GER 120 points
3. Kjetil Jansrud NOR 116 points
4. Henrik Kristoffersen NOR 100 points
5. Manuel Osborne-Paradis CAN & Guillermo Fayed FRA 80 points
7. Benjamin Raich AUT 66 points
8. Felix Neurether GER & Alexis Pinturault FRA 60 points
10. Victor Muffat Jeandet FRA 55 points

Ladies Standings (first 10 places) at November 29th : 1. Kathrin Zettel AUT 190 points
2. Mikaela Shiffrin USA 164 points
3. Eva Maria Brem AUT 160 points
4. Tina Maze SLO 159 points
5. Anna Fenninger AUT 122 points
6. Federica Brignone ITA 105 points
7. Maria P. Holmner SWE 104
8. Frida Hansdotter SWE 95 points
9. Viktoria Rebensburg GER 76 points
10. Nina Loeseth NOR 74 points

30.11.2014, 11:49

Re: Winter sport

Lake Louise, Canada, November 29th :

Results Men Downhill : 1. Kjetil Jansrud NOR 1' 50'' 20
2. Manuel Osborne-Paradis CAN & Guillermo Fayed FRA 1' 50'' 34
4. Dominik Paris ITA 1' 50'' 61
5. Marco Sullivan USA 1' 50'' 68
6. Beat Feuz SUI 1' 50'' 90
7. Werner Heel ITA 1' 50'' 93
8. Patrick Kueng SUI 1' 50'' 95
9. Hannes Reichelt AUT 1' 50'' 96
10. Johan Clarey FRA 1' 52'' 73

Aspen, Colorado (USA), November 29th :
Results Ladies Giant Slalom : 1. Eva Maria Brem AUT 2' 05'' 97
2. Kathrin Zettel AUT 2' 06'' 56
3. Federica Brignone ITA 2' 07'' 33
4. Tina Maze SLO 2' 07'' 38
5. Michaela Kirchgasser AUT 2' 07'' 56
6. Mikaela Shiffrin USA 2' 07'' 68
7. Viktoria Rebensburg GER 2' 07'' 88
8. Elisabeth Goergl AUT 2' 08'' 01
9. Nina Loeseth NOR 2' 08'' 23
10. Manuela Moelgg ITA 2' 08'' 36