Many many maaaaaaaaaanyyyyyy years ago when i was still at school ,and the school had a shoolparty i was doing this song as playback ...i was very succesfull with it ....i resieved a Big applaus for this from each and everyone at school ....teachers,principal, fellow schoolmates,studensts everyone applaud ,cheered and clapped there hands gave me such a boost when i was doing the rock'n roll performance of Shaky ...some could not believe what they saw ....i moved and danced like drove them crazy ....and because of that i kept on dancing and performing like Shaky at many different playback shows ......and the succes was sometimes overwelming ..but i stayd with my feet on the ground .....even sometimes at this ages i still do sometimes a performance ...but now it's only for friends and family ....this was te song that started it all . So it's one of many Shaky songs that is my favorit song ,only this one made it special for me ...
Kind Regards
( soon more of the story how i became Shaky since the early '80's )