Monopoly with erotic theme?

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13.08.2011, 23:46

Monopoly with erotic theme?

Hi all,

after long researches and a lot of time for testing I finally found a Multiplayer Monopoly Game which can be played absolutely free.
From Linux I knew the monopd and the application with name Atlantik, but was hard to invite someone who hasn't any X on pc.

Now I can invite you all to download a free Monopoly-Client which run on Windows OS and is available also for Linux, Apple OS or Console:

[hidden link - please register]

It shows a list of public monopd-servers, but alternatively you can set an adress where you want to connect to. ( Maybe an idea to setup an monopd for this Server? )

After weeks of playing I must say: A lot more people who love to play Monopoly should be connected. The highest number of players I saw was 15!! On 5 servers!

So I invite you all to come to play and check out the options - you can play, you can chat and of can choose a big variete of Monopolyboards!

If you like what you see, I would like to create a Board, which is dedicated to this Site and to the channels we discuss everyday Smile Then I would need your help in creation....but for this later more....

If only 10% will come then enough players are available most of the time

Come in and try....

[hidden link - please register]
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