Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

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26.07.2011, 22:59

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Can't believe that, Ana's shows have always been to much predictable while Deea was a superb and great-looking dancer who always gave 100%. I really miss her Confused

26.07.2011, 22:53

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

113 Madalina Balan 2011-07-18 15:40
Quoting YO_YO:
Deea do all the work if there was deea the show will say for sure that the audience grew decent but does not want to shame that collaborated with Taraf TV still will not be as it now has other plans already (and you can see from post ana a copy to all styles but nothing is put on the postSmile and oh woe is she gives a ton of makeup on your face (it sprouts out with you ana you is not nothing you put dot here 18 years (to make shaving (Hear that guys do not expect her to say that I blame deea not come;) for he was kicked out simply that handicapped by Adriana bahmuteanu for that that is Taraf TV station manager;) DEEA HAVE TOO MANY supposedly was too immature to do its job anyway FIGURE Banu received the first;)

Taraf TV audiences dropped out due to very low Deea and for no other reason. How, because good audience was kept Ana

This was copied from Tafaf forum

What do you chaps think ?????

25.07.2011, 21:13

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

I f******g well despair of Taraf tv They have a billboard advert on their site proclaiming Fata will return soon with many surprises?? deeeeer ?
There are pics of Ana dressed as she was in the old series

There is a bulletpoint message shown every 1/2 hour or so suggesting that Taraf are true televisual proffesionals


18.07.2011, 12:29

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Hi Chaps
There was a very small spark of viewing pleasure last night
Before you froth up and demand videos It wasnt that good
Nowhere near as good as the old shows but very slightly better than previous fare
I think it was designed to entice people to watch this awful show as they are being torn to pieces by the critics
If however we base things on todays comments on Taraf forum, once again they have failed
No one it seems gives a toss about Manalesti They are for the most part old overweight and unkempt regretfully the women are worse The comments on the forum are all about Ana ,and why not Deea or Gabi etc
Perhaps Madalina Balan will remove her head from her arse long enough to smell what she is shovelling and see the light But I seriously doubt it

12.07.2011, 21:47

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

tony5599 wrote:I am starting to suspect that the current batch of Fata shows are pre-recorded and not live as suggested by Taraf I noted there were dedications addressed to Dear Gabi please play (whatever) this seems strange as everyone knows whom Ana is . Or Tafaf are recycling dedications to cover up the fact that no one sends sms texts in to the show if it is being shown live. I myself have sent sms texts to Taraf none of which have been shown admittedly some were contentious but the bland ones were not shown either, In addition there is a note on the Taraf forum that some sms texts have been censored It is a bit of a poser

Keep the faith chaps I intend to get to the fact of it all

Regretfully I was correct This batch of Fata are all prerecorded none are live transmission
This is why no messages and being boardcast

04.07.2011, 19:53

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

I am starting to suspect that the current batch of Fata shows are pre-recorded and not live as suggested by Taraf I noted there were dedications addressed to Dear Gabi please play (whatever) this seems strange as everyone knows whom Ana is . Or Tafaf are recycling dedications to cover up the fact that no one sends sms texts in to the show if it is being shown live. I myself have sent sms texts to Taraf none of which have been shown admittedly some were contentious but the bland ones were not shown either, In addition there is a note on the Taraf forum that some sms texts have been censored It is a bit of a poser

Keep the faith chaps I intend to get to the fact of it all

04.07.2011, 19:39

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

dazaman wrote:
pepe010 wrote:This message is for the admin (sorry 4 my english):
Please post some shows with Ana(the blonde). I searched on this forum but nothing with she so please post. And if you can post every show.

[hidden link - please register]

Sorry PEPE

There is nothing to post the shows are dreadful If anything changes you will be among the first to know

04.07.2011, 07:39

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

pepe010 wrote:This message is for the admin (sorry 4 my english):
Please post some shows with Ana(the blonde). I searched on this forum but nothing with she so please post. And if you can post every show.

[hidden link - please register]

04.07.2011, 07:31

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

This message is for the admin (sorry 4 my english):
Please post some shows with Ana(the blonde). I searched on this forum but nothing with she so please post. And if you can post every show.

29.06.2011, 21:21

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Despite all the slagging off of Taraf Tv Fata has only changed for the worse not better Sorry for bad news chaps

21.06.2011, 19:58

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Mauro wrote:Thanks for your regular updates Tony. I saw Ana last night and with her nice dress (and without bra) she looked slightly more daring last night. And I have always been sure that the meanwhile censored shows are the result of terribly strict regulations in Romania. Well, what a liberal Europe we live in Confused

are taken out of an encrypted channel

21.06.2011, 12:06

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Thanks for your regular updates Tony. I saw Ana last night and with her nice dress (and without bra) she looked slightly more daring last night. And I have always been sure that the meanwhile censored shows are the result of terribly strict regulations in Romania. Well, what a liberal Europe we live in Confused

21.06.2011, 10:34

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion


1 # 84 Madalina Balan 17/06/2011 2:47 p.m.
My dear, I want to tell you that I intend to take into account your opinion, as much as possible.I do not write very often because please believe me, are everything you see on ocupata.Pentru Taraf, it takes more time spent and hard work.I noticed that too would not like to show at midnight.We can not we do erotic shows that we are not allowed in national council of audovizualului.emisiunea based on dedications, music, dance and fun, I think.Someone wrote that you do not take into account the opinion of the telespectatoril town.Not true, you for me are very imiportanti Taraf TV station.without you we could not.Thank you and please understand my reason for not communicating with you so often.Thank you.Madalina Balan.Taraf MANUFACTURER.TV

This is in response to many critical comments on Taraf forum and seems to be the official line from Madalina(who runs Taraf Tv) pro temp re Fata despite varied objections by Taraf viewers many of whom are threatening to watch other channels
It may get better as adverse comments are flooding in to the forum on Taraf, but l can see no change in the near future.
To be fair Ana was a little more risque' last night a very, very slight improvement
Will keep monitoring and report any changes if they happen

17.06.2011, 11:00

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

From what I can glean from Taraf comments Forum (Taraf site itself has very little info) "Fata de la miezul noptii is to be broardcast Sunday,Monday and Tuesday only with Ana (fully clothed)as DJ There are many negative posts on the Taraf comments Forum as to content of show and requests for different girls etc Any posts made seem to be uncensored (as posted) ( I posted a couple myself and they are displayed as sent) and usually appear a day after posting
As yet no spokesperson from Taraf has come forward with any info at all But I will keep everyone posted should the situation change
There is no point asking for Video clips as there is nothing to view. Again, should this situation change. You will read about it here
Should any of you wish to add comments of your own go to Taraftv.ro and sign in Be warned they will not accept any comment not in Romanian so use Bablefish and translate them first prior to posting

13.06.2011, 23:44

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

aprancoz wrote:
tony5599 wrote:If anyone missed it the Ana show was on last night 8.30 to midnight gmt same as boring ever


No point nothing at all happened just Ana hopping about fully clothed
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