Cameron and her hubby

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14.12.2008, 01:21

Cameron and her hubby

Now on a chubby girl named Cameron. She brought her husband along for some reason and when she eventually had a caller she pulled him into the picture by his dick and gave him a blowjob.

And because that got her a bit exited, she flung him onto the bed and they had a nice little fuck, all of the time talking to guy on the telephone.

That was quite a highlight after several boring days...

22.12.2008, 01:36

Re: Cameron and her hubby

The question is just how long will carry on showing this sort of material for free. I am always suspicious that these sort of things start well, but are, ultimately, a means of drawing in punters then switching to whole operation to a subscription basis. Cynical? Moi?

15.12.2008, 18:21

Re: Cameron and her hubby

Yeah - I saw it, and later she repeated the show (poor man!! hehe). Sadly I was watching it on the box, otherwise, I'd have tried making a clip (or two!)

Let's hope for more - it sure got my attention up, even if I'm not a chubby-lover!

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