* moved * something to hide ?

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15.06.2008, 11:54

* moved * something to hide ?

 i wrote something in the "sin bin" topic.

i write here again because my words were deleted.

i was talking about censore rules. not in the liveshows.

the intention of mine was to put the attention of all the people that are members here that this forum is becaming every day more and more censored.

the reason is quite simple to explain:

mauro parra, the boardmod ( probably the same person) and few others have something to hide.

they don't want to share with the others some things ;)

that's why they are so determinated to go on in this way.

they have for free what 99% of the members have to pay. and they are continus checking the situation for not loosing their privileges.

a long long time ago i was looking for the way to contact lana.

i did, and i discovered a lot of others interesting things.

i think it will be shortly the time to share this with all of you.

take care about the chat room in the next week

15.06.2008, 17:36

Re: * moved * something to hide ?

Dear clemenza,

your posts are a very good example how little censorship is done here.
And if you joined in the vain hope someone would serve you your favourite model on a silver plate, you really misunderstood the sense of this forum.
If you expected that private phone numbers or addresses would be exchanged, you didn’t think about it. If this would happen and would be tolerated, your favourite model wouldn’t get much sleep (remember nearly 125 000 page views/month). Even without this numbers effect, it would still be a misuse of the trust she has put in you by giving you her private phone number or other information about ways to contact her.
If you really contacted her, you will also know that she has no interest in being contacted by 99.999 % of the callers. Maybe she has contact to some people and maybe some of them even post here (I don’t know), but she certainly doesn’t want all of us standing at her door one day.
Every model (and your favourite, too) has a right of a private life. If there are some folks she likes to stay in contact with, she will have told them how to contact her before leaving. So if some guy like you comes up with some crude idea like “I have to contact my favourite model”, it is pretty obvious that she isn’t interested in that contact, because otherwise you would know how to contact her and wouldn’t need to ask.
If the rest of your ideas and the “nice” things are as crude as the ones you already posted, I’m not interested in hearing anything about it. It would be just a waste of time reading them.

15.06.2008, 17:02

Re: * moved * something to hide ?

I did not understand what you say
This site is not a ETV, it is independent.
Nobody give information on the life deprive models on this site. While blame you exactly?
it is normal that there is a censorship to avoid any slippage of some members.

15.06.2008, 15:44

Re: * moved * something to hide ?



do you really need more?

haven't you realized yet that here is not possible to do anything?

censore over censore.

i came here to know something more. i find here a wall.

i joined here trying to find the way to contact lana, my etv fav model.

i 've found here no help, i had to do all by myself.

and i've found "nice" things. 

if you look well you will find the truth too.

i won't provide any evidence.

this is only a warning for the 99% of the members here.

to those people i say: be careful because 1% of the members have fun, and all the other can only dream.

15.06.2008, 15:05

Re: * moved * something to hide ?


say what you know but more importantly provide evidence.
Personally I have nothing to reproach the administrator of this site, yet I criticize a lot and all.

15.06.2008, 14:47

Re: * moved * something to hide ?

 i don't mind about that.

i only would like that people start to think about how things are going here.

you are too much aggressive, you and the administrators.

is the attack the best defensive system? 

15.06.2008, 13:02

Re: * moved * something to hide ?

Clemenza, I'm not worried about anything, but you should stop attacking or threatening the Admins of this site (and any other members). Else you should worry that you could be nomiated for the first candidate for the sin bin ;-)

15.06.2008, 12:55

Re: * moved * something to hide ?

 yes, we can continue to discuss this my mail.

of corse the reason is to not fill the forum with rubbish, right?

or maybe you are afraid that i can write here what i know.

your request is not so smart and it's another proof that you are something to hide.

are you worry?

15.06.2008, 12:30

Re: * moved * something to hide ?

Dear clemeza, we can discuss your conspiracy theory by email, But please stop posting rubbish here. How many cents did you pay so far for this site??? Of course you are free to visit the Italian ETV board where every posts that's not coming up with the opinion of the board mods there is censored or deleted.

15.06.2008, 12:24

Re: * moved * something to hide ?

 "end of discussion"

nice reply.

i need not enough words to let people understand i'm right.

censore over censore.

dear boardmod, why don't you write something really interesting ?

15.06.2008, 12:05

Re: * moved * something to hide ?

Your topic has been moved.

Now what part of the following words do you not understand ?

"Postings to this topic will only be allowed to forum moderators. All other posts WILL be deleted."

That is why your post was deleted.

End of discussion.

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