fotoman's thread

2.33 (3 rating(s))

(2.33 / 5, 3 ratings)

Author Posts

08.05.2011, 19:03

Re: fotoman's thread

thank's for your videos of mashiara scarlet and our queen gia......good work and good quality

07.05.2011, 23:01

Re: fotoman's thread

Very good idea Brugdon, I say a lot of times: Without Fotoman and the other videomakers our lives are so sad and boring.
By that, Thanks Fotoman the First so gratefull by your job Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up

07.05.2011, 22:26

Re: fotoman's thread

I think very good idea this thread to honor the Nr. 1 Videomaker !
Espacially the highlights of Giashows those often have long boring parts - wonderful work and fast done Thumb up
Believe our fotoman never sleeps - he is the real 24/7 !!!
He is the most precious brother not only for me - keep it up fotoman we love you and your working results Thumb upThumb upThumb up