VIP birthday

3.62 (13 rating(s))

(3.62 / 5, 13 ratings)

Author Posts

29.01.2012, 12:35

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
29/01/1945 tom selleck american actor
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29/01/1953 dalila di lazzaro italian actress
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29.01.2012, 01:58

Re: VIP birthday

Adam Lambert 29th January 1982
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Happy Birthday to your 30th anniversary Smile

Oprah Winfrey 29th January 1954
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Happy Birthday to your 58th anniversary Smile

29.01.2012, 00:51

Re: VIP birthday

Heather Graham 01/29/1970 (42)

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Katie Lohmann 01/29/1980 (32)
(she isn't important but the tits are Thumb up )

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28.01.2012, 21:25

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
28/01/1931 lucia bosè italian actress
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28.01.2012, 07:28

Re: VIP birthday

Nicolas Sarkozy 28th January 1955
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Happy Birthday to your 57th anniversary Smile

Elijah Wood 28th January 1981
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Happy Birthday to your 31st anniversary Smile

Camila Alves 28th January 1982
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Happy Birthday to your 30th anniversary Smile

27.01.2012, 22:17

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
27/01/1960 heather parisi american dancer
[hidden link - please register]
27/01/1956 mimi rogers american actress
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27.01.2012, 00:03

Re: VIP birthday

Bridget Fonda 27th Janury 1964
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Happy Birthday to your 48th anniversary Smile

Eva Padberg 27th January 1980
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Happy Birthday to your 32nd anniversary Smile

26.01.2012, 00:04

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
26/01/1957 eddie van halen holland guitarist
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26.01.2012, 00:00

Re: VIP birthday

Kelly Stables 26th January 1978
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Happy Birthday to your 34th anniversary Smile

Kherington Payne 26th January 1990
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Happy Birthday to your 22nd anniversary Smile

25.01.2012, 00:00

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
25/01/1978 charlène wittstock the princess consort of the Principality of Monaco
[hidden link - please register]
25/01/1981 clara morgane former french porn actress
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25.01.2012, 00:00

Re: VIP birthday

Alicia Keys 25th January 1981
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Happy Birthday to your 31st anniversary Smile

Claudelle Deckert 25th January 1976
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Happy Birthday to your 36th anniversary Smile

Charlene von Monaco 25th January 1978
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Happy Birthday to your 34th annniversary Smile

Stefan Kiessling 25th January 1984
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Happy Birthday to your 28th anniversary Smile

24.01.2012, 20:10

Re: VIP birthday

Nice job here brudgon. And a big rensponsibility you took by opening this thread.
I wish you courage man. Keep it up Thumb up

24.01.2012, 12:51

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
24/01/1954 natassja kinski german actress
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24.01.2012, 00:00

Re: VIP birthday

Misha Barton 24th January 1986
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Happy Birthday to your 26th anniversary Smile

Michelle Hunziker 24th January 1977
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Happy Birthday to your 35th anniversary Smile

23.01.2012, 00:00

Re: VIP birthday

today's vip birthday
23/01/1957 carolina di monaco monaco princess
[hidden link - please register]
23/01/1944 rutger hauer holland actor
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