Smokin Joe has left the ring

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09.11.2011, 18:08

Smokin Joe has left the ring

Facing Ali wasn't the most likable mission for any boxer …but for Smokin Joe it was the most desirable aim he has ever wanted though out his long career .

Joe Frazier was such a great boxer, with a hard determination and very strong will , He became the heavyweight champ immediately after Muhammad Ali was suspended and stripped of his title due to the refusal to participate in Vietnam's war .

Despite that Joe was always considered one of the top ten greatest boxer of all time , and the undisputed champ of his era, however Ali's shadow has never left him , and did chased him in every fight and every place .

And for this he managed to bring Ali again to the ring by any means . even if this would cost him the title . Reaching to the highest political level in his country and convincing them to bring back Ali's license.

There was something deep inside himself telling him that there has to be a battle with the most greatest and skillful boxer in the history of boxing , and he must put down that great boxer in order to be the real champ of his era .

He didn't care about the boxing community around him , the press , the family , the brothers , the friends , who were telling him the same …Ali is still the real champ …he just care about himself….and he was honest with himself , he would never be the real champ without beating the great boxer the one has never lose before to any other competitor .

When they met in their first fight 1971 , it was nearly the biggest sports event of all time. And they both provided the greatest and skillful bout in the history of the boxing

Frazier prepared himself to die in that fight , and after the fight he was nearly about to die in the hospital , but again he didn't care …he just care about achieving his ultimate goal ….and he did ..and became the first fighter ever to beat Ali .

Personally, I was and still one of Ali's fans, I mean , I have always been fascinated with this man and his fights in the ring and outside the ring . the way he stands and defense his beliefs and attitudes towards the different issues , and the way he was always planning for every single battle he is about to start .

The moment when Ali regained the title again in 1974 through beating Big George after more than 8 years of struggle …wasn't only such a moment of victory for Ali himself.

But it really was a decisive moment and a clear message for every true believer in this life.....that a day will come when you as a true believer will certainly achieve the victory long as you are standing at the right side of history .

For me Frazier was the other side of the coin , a great champ starts his struggle in his very early years , fought poverty , illness , ignorance , stands beside his family , and made his way out to the top on his nails .

His complicated relationship with Ali and their longstanding rivalry, the way he came after him , and the significant role he played in order to regain Ali's boxing license , and their furious battles in the ring . wasn't only such an epic boxing trilogy.

But it was such a lesson of how a man should be a man , stands to his belief , keeps his dignity and fights till death in order to achieve his aims …. also It was something unique and phenomenal for anyone to search about his biggest nightmare , makes it true ….and put an end for it with his hands .

Having a quick look at the boxing world today makes us realize how ruthless and immoral this world became , and how it lacks the real champ like Ali , Joe , Forman …who certainly were not only a real champs inside the ring ….but also a real inspirational figures for all the masses of mankind .

For years and years I have been following Smokin Joe , and I admit that he was one of the most inspirational figure in my life and for this I dedicate these humble words to his soul .

16.02.2012, 15:59

Re: Smokin Joe has left the ring

It's more fascinating to see the man " George Foreman " who has lost in the title in 1974 …..regained it again after twenty years at the age of 45 in one of the most " miraculous achievement " in the history of boxing in particular and history of sports in general .

And between losing the title in 1974 at the age of 24 ...and regaining it once again in 1994 at the age of 45 there was a long long long way to go …..

for a man who suddenly realized that ..he was standing at the wrong side of history... and decided to reconsider his whole life again and to reconstruct his personality from the beginning ........Only foreman Between all the other greatest boxers in the history Muhammad Ali , Joe frazier , Larry holmes , sugar ray , joe Louis , who has achieved this miraculous achievement .

The only interpretation for this miracle is one thing .....A man knew how to put himself again at the right side of history .

16.02.2012, 15:36

Re: Smokin Joe has left the ring

Back Again to the golden age of boxing in the 70's when there were such a real " champions " inside the ring with one of the most historical event in boxing .

According to many boxing experts …George foreman is considered the most powerful boxer who has ever existed in the history of boxing …...And did destroyed every boxer in his way including Frazier himself and therefore the anticipation before the fight was 3-1 for foreman interest .

Ali at that time was about 33 years…and did lost a lot and of " exceptional ability " but in the other hand his will, intelligence and his strong beliefs was his tools to handle this monster .

Another treasurable documentary about this historical bout I would be very happy to share it with all the friends and brothers here in our forum .

01.12.2011, 22:30

Re: Smokin Joe has left the ring

But the best thing in the whole documentary was when Joe said " whatever you have done when you are a young man , it comes a bite in the .....when you became old ….trust me that what will happen " ....

I had no idea about the presence of a boxer called Joe Frazier till I have read Ali's autobiography ….and I get surprised that nearly half of the book was talking about Joe and his toughness and skills as a boxer .

The truth is that Ali did respect Joe very much and hold him in high esteem but he didn't express this for the public. Sadly Joe has spent his whole life didn't believe or say didn't feel that .

But the question is …does a heavyweight champ belongs to the old times worth all these words about him ……the answer would be yes he does because he wasn't only such a heavyweight champion .

But he was such a perfect example of the real moral champion who built himself from nothing , overcomes all the barriers and the bitterness on the way , stands all time beside his family ......and most of all generously presents the complete support and help for his biggest opponents .

which one of today's champions... would behaves or even thinks about doing this . And that's what made Joe till today a true champ even for a generations and generations had never been existed during his era.

01.12.2011, 18:13

Re: Smokin Joe has left the ring

It was a shame how the bitterness between them continued throughout all of there years, but some rivalries are real and some are there for one fight only.

After watching the documentary you are not left in any doubt this was very real, thanks for posting these gems zxcv Thumb up

30.11.2011, 21:00

Re: Smokin Joe has left the ring

A complete remarkable and outstanding documentary about the two great rivals' career …it also gives a complete background about the nature of politics and religious of this period .

For some reasons I do think that this documentary is very controversial and it gives a strong sense that it is being presented according to Joe's viewpoint .

Also it's proves a very big surprise concerning their third fight in manila 1975 ...and that's when Ali ( according to his trainer ) was going to stop the fight in the round 14 but Joe was more faster and asked to stop this bloody fight .

Having read all Ali's autobiographies I do believe that Ali hold a great respect for Joe , and did appreciated the significant role he has played in his career and that's to the contrary of what Joe was believing .

I also believe that if Joe won the third fight in manila ..he won't ever continue as Ali did , and therefore I think that the very few critical seconds between each other decision to surrender and stop the fight in the 14 round was directed in the right direction .

Last but not least , sorry to put all this big file in our forum …..but as I said before…. it's not about just two great boxer … it considered such a glorious struggle story and everybody should take look at it .

30.11.2011, 06:09

Re: Smokin Joe has left the ring

Some quick glances between the two great rivals :

At first Ali received A call from Joe

Then the two rivals decided to be a friends for just one minute ...see what could happen .

Finally Ali wrote a poem about Joe telling what exactly has happened when they both met .

09.11.2011, 22:14

Re: Smokin Joe has left the ring

R.I.P. Smokin Joe

I'm sure there is a ring in the sky too.

09.11.2011, 19:30

Re: Smokin Joe has left the ring

'smokin Joe'

09.11.2011, 19:02

Re: Smokin Joe has left the ring

Today it is unthinkable to see a fight like Ali-Frazier, 1971.
It has been one of the largest.
RIP.; (

09.11.2011, 18:50

Re: Smokin Joe has left the ring

I loved his fighting style as it was no compromise and to me sorry to some members but at the time he was the most exciting fighter on the planet, his style was a pain in the arse to beat, which very few did Cool

You will be missed Smoking Joe Cry
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