Phonecall Problems

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14.11.2010, 09:24

Phonecall Problems

In last time the quality of understanding in both directions became continually worse. If conversation almost is no more possible the caller resigns and hangs up. But for the models who have to suffer this problem 5 - 6 hours permanently this is really a bit strong. Carmen often is to be seen covering ears with her hands and her face reflects the serious understanding problem. Is this the result of calling under shower? Perhaps some sets should be exchanged.

14.11.2010, 11:35

Re: Phonecall Problems

I have to agree that if you call when it's the shower show it's not always understandeble from the callers side aswel as from the girl/models side ( i have witnessed this also Sad ) ,the connection is bad ,i have this from 3 girls/models themselfs hearing it say also ,so yes there is sometimes a problem ..and not only when it's the shower show but lately in a normal show also .so this is also a reason why we see sometimes a girl/model sitting in the back .

Kind Regards

14.11.2010, 11:08

Re: Phonecall Problems

the-muppet wrote:sometimes those problems could be faked to make bad callers going earlier...

but in this case is the quality in both directions bad.

Catt wrote:In last time the quality of understanding in both directions became continually worse.

I don't believe that etv has a "bad connection" button for unwanted callers.
There are other ways to stop these.

anyway: there are obviously various audio problems at the moment
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