Off-Topic Discussion

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18.12.2013, 22:57

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

eigentor wrote:
genya wrote:[hidden image - please register]
Big Grin Tongue Smile
Yeah, vacations are over CryCry

Some fucker signed a better deal than me for mod EnvyEnvyEnvyEnvyAngryAngryAngryAngryTongue

18.12.2013, 21:57

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

eigentor wrote:
Slowfox wrote:
eigentor wrote:
genya wrote:..but I am glad that you are here again Smile
Thx bro, I guess you´re the only one... Big Grin
Dude, I´ll keep that in mind...Tongue

[hidden image - please register]

18.12.2013, 21:53

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Slowfox wrote:
eigentor wrote:
genya wrote:..but I am glad that you are here again Smile
Thx bro, I guess you´re the only one... Big Grin
Dude, I´ll keep that in mind...Tongue

18.12.2013, 21:46

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

eigentor wrote:
genya wrote:..but I am glad that you are here again Smile
Thx bro, I guess you´re the only one... Big Grin


18.12.2013, 21:44

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

genya wrote:..but I am glad that you are here again Smile
Thx bro, I guess you´re the only one... Big Grin

18.12.2013, 21:39

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

eigentor wrote:
genya wrote:snip( Eigentor is back.gif Big Grin )
Yeah, vacations are over CryCry

This is sad Sad...but I am glad that you are here again Smile

18.12.2013, 21:18

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

genya wrote:[hidden image - please register]
Big Grin Tongue Smile
Yeah, vacations are over CryCry

18.12.2013, 21:14

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

[hidden image - please register]
Big Grin Tongue Smile

17.12.2013, 21:26

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

brudgon wrote:didymos [hidden image - please register]

More than diserved Smile Thumb up ... Congratulations didymos.f6 ! Keep it up Cool Thumb up

Kind Regards

17.12.2013, 11:39

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Not to hijack the "ETV Models 2013" thread:
TimMcGee wrote:This will be the winner Tongue

[hidden image - please register]

Then they should rename it to "award for the best decoration" Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin


17.12.2013, 02:06

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

brudgon wrote:didymos [hidden image - please register]

[hidden image - please register]

Welcome General didymos.f6 Big GrinSmile

17.12.2013, 00:42

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

didymos [hidden image - please register]

10.12.2013, 23:44

Torrid December...

[hidden link - please register] My Christmas side of Life Thumb up

The best avatar you chose mate, no contest, the brunette is for me, you keep the blond one...that was the deal, no? Happy Christmas TongueTongueTongue

A torrid night to the readers Cool

07.12.2013, 16:08

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Hilbert wrote: - December 6th, 2013, Nightshow -

[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]
[hidden link - please register]

Hi Rune, is everything OK?

Hey Bro, hope you're fine and your house is still safe
Kind regards, Italianfan

06.12.2013, 00:06

Three years in Heaven: my Annual Statement...

Hi Guys, this is my 400th post here...

Here is the time for me to reduce one entire year, inside and outside the forum, in few sentences.
Well, what are according to me, the highlights of this ending year...?

I will start with Life outside the forum if you agree.
For me, the word violence symbolise this year 2013, violence from People, violence from Nature and violence from Economy.

In first, violence from People: i didn't see as much single gunmen in previous years, in USA, in Europe (especially in France), the number of persons killed by fire guns is just incredible this year...certainly a new crime trend.
An example, only in Marseille (a French town), more than 25 persons killed by fire guns in less than one year.
And i don't talk about terrorism acts: again 2 French reporters shot in the last month, no, i talk about "normal" guys (mainly men...), who go crazy because of our society or because of some personal issues and who decide to buy a gun and to kill randomly some innocent people before to kill themselves...horrible and incomprehensible!

In second, violence from Nature, another smashing year in this category!
We don't count the number of tsunamis, typhoons, hurricanes in World this year anymore.
A huge number of deaths, thousands broken lifes, separate families and other nightmares which arrive as fast as a blink. In one night or one day, you lose everything and you return to zero with or without your children and wife. All this because of the Global Warming it seems...
I'm not so old, i was born in the 70's and all this didn't exist some years ago, it went almost suddenly, like a storm, very weird...

Last but not least concerning Life outside the forum: violence from Economy...which is the origin of violence from People in many cases.

Violence from Economy, a large and heavy subject...
In Europe, we know the crisis for almost six years now...personally, i'm a lucky man, i work in a domain which will never know the crisis and i have more work i need/want but i will not complain...
But lot of European citizens are impacted, in Greece, Spain,Portugal...soon Italy or France?
This never-ending crisis creates a two speed society, the middle class is near to disappear, there is now two kind of citizens, the ones who can live a normal/nice Life and the ones who fight to survive and finish the day/month.
And it's worth outside Europe, the number of African people who die in ocean because they want to reach the European Eldorado, fucking Eldorado yes...poverty, prostitution, humiliation, that's the future they will find...but ok...this situation is not really recent...

Well, now the forum, our safety place, what can i say about it...?...a lot of things sure!
I will be selfish to in the forum, 36 reps, not a bad score for the little poster i am.
The last year at this period, i promised a lot of vids, in facts i posted maybe 10 or 15 vids and not always edited...sorry but i tried my best.
It's hard to conciliate personal life, professional life and web life, not enough time, Life is too short.
Another time, i promise you more vids for this year, believe it or not, i have more than 400 burning TV sequences to display, they will be all on line soon or later, trust me.
Each time i try to produce a cleaner vid and it takes time, all videomakers know that.
Funny member, that's how i called myself last year, after my "Award", i'm not sure i was so funny this year, certainly not as much as i wanted to be, always a question of time, of priorities and maybe of material because i mainly practice the reactive humour...
The thread i read the most this year was certainly the "Off-Topic" particular comment...

But i'm not alone in this nice place, well daz and brudgon stay my fave members, they were in good shape all year long, not impacted by any crisis it seems, around 120 reps...damn champions...
Concerning mods, we have no news about GenaroXP, apparently lost in the web corridors, we have now some ghost mods who appear and disappear: aceman65, alexxxi, we also have some part-time mods:Tarl Cabot, eigentor, Buccaneer (but buddies, when you're on, you're perfect) and we have the pillars, the Temple Guardians: daz, maximmus, Mauro...
But the blood of the forum are the others, the "normal" Guys, the Liveshow girls adulators!
I noticed this year a lot of interesting newcomers, very active, who wake up the forum, they are hungry for erotic video contents, they ask some technical questions to improve their ability to catch spicy stuff, they ask for re-uploads...
They create new threads, not always very useful but they bring some fresh air and it's nice, no doubt.

I will not finish my speech without saluting a member i adore, zxccxz30, a very nice guy and a supreme poster!
Voilà friends, i wish you a wonderful Christmas time and a more wonderful 2014...and please...don't buy a gun...ConfusedBig Grin

Long Life to Cool