LSTV FORUM AWARDS 2012 - The Winners!

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17.12.2012, 23:42

Re: LSTV FORUM AWARDS 2012 - The Winners!

I'd like to thank anyone who voted for me(there are master videmakers/cappers) Blush and congratulations to all winners Thumb up
Thanks to the moderators, cappers, videomaker and LSTV Forum Awards.Thumb up

17.12.2012, 23:34

Sooo proud...

Hi guys Smile

Woosh...two titles in two years, i still feel thrills...TongueTongueCoolCool
I want to thank infinitely all the members who voted for me, you made the right choice buddies...Big Grin...i love you all Thumb up
I also want to congratulate all the winners and especially two of them: in first brudgon, i'm sooo happy for you buddy, your title was made for you and you deserved an award for sooo long Thumb upThumb upThumb up
In second LeahLuv, i know what you feel right now man, it's a super cool award you won and well deserved as well, welcome to the club Thumb upThumb upThumb up

Hey guys, i will make efforts next year to be more funny, i know i will...Big GrinBig Grin
I'm glad and proud...thank you again Smile

A...torrid night to the readers/winners Cool

17.12.2012, 23:25

Re: LSTV FORUM AWARDS 2012 - The Winners!

Congratulations to all winners! Big Grin Thumb up
Just your (and the other member,of course) work makes this forum to that what it is! Smile

17.12.2012, 23:23

Re: LSTV FORUM AWARDS 2012 - The Winners!

Congratulations to everyone who was nominated from day 1 and thank you to those that have voted for the results tonight Cool and for those where the voting will continue, yes seems some missed its quiquems and Joker1305 to see who is the best video maker of Liveshows 2012, good luck to both and of course both are already winners so now the bonus round Cool

Now time for me to celebrate losing forum fanboy 2012 Big Grin

Katrina & The Waves - Walking On Sunshine

17.12.2012, 23:10

Re: LSTV FORUM AWARDS 2012 - The Winners!

congratulation to all winnersThumb upBig Grin
opsBlush i'm a 2012 forum fan boyCoolBig Grin
thanks to all guys participate to the awards and thanks to all guys voted for meTongueBig Grin

17.12.2012, 22:55

Re: LSTV FORUM AWARDS 2012 - The Winners!

schubert wrote:Congratulations to ALL the winners !!!


Dito Smile Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up

And also Congratulations for the LSTV Team who have created again a fantastic Award 2012 topic
Hope to see again a next Award edition next year Cool Thumb up

Kind Regards

17.12.2012, 22:48

Re: LSTV FORUM AWARDS 2012 - The Winners!

Congratulations to ALL the winners !!!

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