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24.12.2011, 15:04

Re: Christmas

MERRY CHRISTMAS for everyone here, from me too!

Nollaig shona! (merry christmas on the "green island")

24.12.2011, 13:48

Re: Christmas

Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you here on the forum ....friends, members,vid.makers,Admin.,and last but not least ..all the moderators on this forum , who make this place the best to be on and to stay on's a big family here ,sometimes with good moments,sometimes sad moments ,funny moments ,serious moments ,etc ...but most of all it's always a place that we come here for to enjoy the "liveshow" conversations and all the rest that we can find here after a hard day ofwork ,after watching a show ,etc Cool Thumb up .
And also this is important ...let's us also just stand still on these days with those we have lost this year .. it with a death, accident, war, disease ... that they remain for eternity in our hearts !!!!!!!!!!! Christmas won't be thesame as before whitout them !!!
And now ..a little word towards Etv Blush....I wish Etv a Merry Christmas ..the models,the directors, the camera crew, the moderators,the cleaning crew , the make-up people ..and those who i forgot Smile Thumb up..and one more thing Confused...i want to wish a " Merry Christmas " to a person that i have hurted again ( twice this year Cry )...sometimes it's allready too late to say i'm sorry or to explain the situation why it's written like that ...but if there is 1 thing that i can say on this day ....i realy do miss you Cry ..and there is no preverance ...i am like i am ...sometimes too good hearted ..and sometimes a fool ( idiot..hmm lately more than before it seems Sad ) ,but all that i had with you is realy something that i want to keep also in the next year Confused ! And also to them who have a favorit model ....i hope you can both share some happiness together on this day and that you may continue also in the next year Cool Thumb up...pssssssst and than a little compliment does not hurt to say it to her Blush

Kind Regards

Ps: i'm going to be honaust people Confused...i've lost the christmas spirit a long time ago Sad..but i will spread some joy around Enjoy this christmas night tonight Cool !!
....and to continue ..look at the topic " Time for some Xmas Ditties."

24.12.2011, 13:03

Re: Christmas

Merry christmas at all forum members

24.12.2011, 12:40

Re: Christmas

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all involved in this forum.In love

24.12.2011, 08:44

Re: Christmas

From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another.
The warmth and joy of Christmas, Brings us closer to each other
Merry Christmas to all!

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24.12.2011, 07:38

Re: Christmas

I would like to take this oppertunity to wish all the forum members a very Happy Christmas and thanks for making this a fun place to be a part of

23.12.2011, 17:18

Re: Christmas

Now it`s my turn.Blush
I wish all crazy but nevertheless adorable members of this forum a Happy Christmas.
Special greetings deserve all videomakers and the relentless sheriffs alias moderators.

Best regards

22.12.2011, 15:07

Re: Christmas

I certainly do not want to stand back, and what I wanted to say has basically been said already here:

[hidden link - please register]

anyway, taking the opportunity to wish you and your beloved ones a very merry and peaceful christmas.

May year 2012 make all your desires, dreams and wishes come true, and that goes more for your private life rather then what you expect from our dear tv channel

last but not least, in these rough times good health and the strength to stand all uneveness of a normal life

and finally I wish to thank those, who were always ready to support me, those who were always available for a good discussion (hope we can continue this next year) and all of you not specifically mentioned.

Sincerely / slow

22.12.2011, 14:42

Re: Christmas

thank you texasranger, marry xmas to you and to all fiends of this forum. may you be happy and God bless us.

22.12.2011, 11:11

Re: Christmas

Heart From a landscape covered with white and pure snow I send my wishes to all of you who have helped make this Forum to be what it is.

To all of you and to everyone who happens to read these lines I wish

A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! Heart

21.12.2011, 16:45

Re: Christmas

Merry Xmas each

Whatever your creed or religion This is a time for good will and good cheer

Also If you know someone who has a need greater than yours

Then be kind and do something nice for them

And so chaps to everyone on the forum and to all the ladies we all love and without which our lives would not be complete

Merry Christmas and happy new year

21.12.2011, 14:39

The party's going on...

[hidden link - please register] Sonya Kraus

My best wishes for you guys...and mainly a good health Smile
This year was a great party...Thumb up...I hope it will go on and on and on and on...Thumb up...SmileSmile...

Please...during this period...don't abuse with drugs and champagne...i know you...Big GrinBig Grin...You can abuse with's allowed Thumb upThumb upThumb up

Have a nice day Cool

21.12.2011, 12:59

Re: Christmas

A large family like ours deserves the best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy 2012.Thumb upThumb upThumb up
God, as well as the moderators in our forum, we teaches that in a big family we must all be United
by a great friendship and a great respect for others, especially at Christmas .Smile
The case that these are also the strengths of this great forumThumb up throughout the year.SmileThumb up

Greetings from my heart to you all.HeartHeartHeart

19.12.2011, 22:24

Re: Christmas

I forgot to wish you a merry christmas to all, from the bottom of the heart!HeartHeartHeart

19.12.2011, 22:21

Re: Christmas

universal wrote:
zorgaux wrote:He to miss a Christmas tree on the forum. I do not know if there will be enough place to put all the shoes. Hundred thousand members, that makes two hundred thousand shoes. Big Grin

< snip >

Perhaps that we could put just one shoe each.Big GrinThumb up

I think its enough for the active members which would be more than ok Smile