*Updated* Please read before posting

4.12 (26 rating(s))

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Author Posts

16.08.2009, 11:16

*Updated* Please read before posting

We ask that all members acquaint themselves with the forum's rules. At the end of this post, we also list the sanctions that are available if we find it neccessary to use them.

Forum Rules:

What is allowed:
  • fair and valid criticism of models
  • fair and valid criticism of directors and moderators
  • creative suggestions how to improve shows

What is not allowed:
  • discussion about the personal life of models
  • abuse about models, directors and moderators
  • abuse or general attitude issues to fellow members
  • attitude issues to forum administrators and moderators

Regarding complaints and rants about eUrotic TV:
Anyone making rants or repeating well-known negative views is advised to sent a copy if of it to eUrotic TV ( info@etvshow.com / showteam@etvshow.com ) to make sure that they read it as well.

  • Create multiple accounts - the creation of multiple accounts will result in suspension of all your accounts on this forum.
  • Write in any language other than English
  • Spam the board with repeated posts about the same subject matter. Confine your comments to one post.
  • Hijack topics. If you want to say something not covered by the topic then start your own one.
  • Write complete posts in CAPITAL LETTERS. This is very bad net etiquette.
  • Bump your own topics or requests in an unreasonable manner. Allow atleast 72 hours before repeating the request and even that should not be neccessary as those that will reply do read older posts.
  • Post topics in the wrong forums.
  • Publish your e-mail address on the forum. Posts including member e-mails will be edited or deleted.

  • Read the forum first to see if there is a topic which deals with your comment rather than starting a fresh topic. Your posts to old topics do 'come to the top' so they will be seen.

In respect of video posts from eUrotic Tv:
  • No videos from InXtc TV are to be posted anywhere on this site be it the forums or members contributions to the multimedia section.
  • Show all videos unedited. This means leave all phone numbers and logos as they are on the screen during broadcast.
  • Exclude any videos and pictures offered on the official or authorised websites for pay download.
  • Do not post any member-only exclusive shows, caps or photo session pictures from etvshow.com

Generally for all videos:
  • Only post direct download links for clips that you have created or previously downloaded. However, do check the website and forums to see if the clip you are posting is already here and still active to avoid duplication. The exception to the 'duplication' rule will be if some already existing videos, that have a common theme, can be 'pooled' together to create an interesting topic.
  • Do not post direct links to clips hosted on other websites. In this instance, just post a link to the website (as long as the clip is relevant to the usual content of this site)

eUrotic TV conspiracy theories:
Anybody who claims to know "the truth" about their conspiracy theories must provide evidence or proof of the theory or it will be deleted. Saying "Others agree with me" or "I know but I cannot reveal my sources" does NOT count as evidence or proof.

Policies and Sanctions:
(Any post not following these guidelines could be edited or even deleted without further warning)

When a post is either edited or deleted by a moderator, the member is not allowed to cancel the edits or resurrect the complete post within the forum.

The interpretation of these rules is the sole remit of the forum moderators and site administrators. They are under no obligation to provide any explanation within the forum or by direct email. Do not litter the forums with arguments of why you think the action taken is wrong. Any such posts will not be answered in the forum and the post will either be edited or deleted.

The moderators and site administrators will endevour to show an element of tolerance. If a member, in the opinion of the moderators or site administrators, repeatedly violates the rules, the member will receive up to three formal warnings. These warnings could either be by reply within the forum itself or by direct email. The member will also be informed if the current warning is being treated as the final warning. If the member violates the same rule beyond the final warning, the member will be suspended.

The length of the suspension will be notified to the member. Generally, for the first offence this will be for a period of 7 (seven) days. During the period of suspension, if it is discovered that the member has re-registered then the suspension will be extended for a further 7 (seven) days.

If the member violates the same rule after serving suspension, there will be a further period of suspension and without the associated warnings or final warning. This subsequent suspension could last for up to 28 (twenty-eight) days.

In the most extreme cases where a member shows a total disregard for the authority of the moderators or site administrators or repeatedly violates the rules even after serving suspensions, the site administrators retain the option of enforcing a life-time suspension for that member.
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Amateur models online