Not quite the end but.......
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The apology has been made. Now comes the payback to everyone. Since I genuinely, and as it turned out foolishly, believed in the events that would come about right now I set aside many hours to prepare a final clip. The clip was not intended to be a best of ETV. More an illustration of their ability. Their ability to entertain. Their ability to shock, to surprise and, quite often, to annoy. This compilation was all wrapped up in some carefully chosen music. So while I could have sat on this clip and waited, after my wake-up call the clip serves yet another purpose. It serves as a reminder of times now gone. Times that are memories. The channel has moved on and we must move on with it. We can enjoy the clips from the past. At least there is a future that when this clip was prepared was very much, in my mind, in doubt. |
Hello |
Yes a really great clip of how things used to be. It proves the point that to make a sexy show is so so simple if you stick with a simple set up. Simple props and good bright lighting. It also helped to have models who were willing to strip and enjoy doing so for the camera. Happy days indeed when Euroti WAS the king. There really is no reason why they cannot be up there again because most of the clips in your compilation showed no more of the models than we see today. It was the way they showed the models on screen which made the show a success. There wasn"t many models sitting around looking bored then was there ? Hand held camera work also got the viewer or caller right into the action which was also a bonus unlike todays static camera views from far away. The staff at Eurotic might care to take a look at this clip not on a see the models basis but on a this is how it was and should be done basis. We can only hope. Yep great clip and happy days. |
Great video. And a very sad reminder of some faces we unfortunately won't see again. Sigh ... |
Hey DB, you make there a very good job. I dont believe in a quik end of ETV but your clip is super.Thanks |
DB, these are some great moments that we can see in this vid ,thank you ( specialy when the vid .starts and ends with Kaleya :) ) realy great the compilation ! Kind Regards "Shaky"- Schumi (the three musketeers-the red/white shark) |
Excellent work DB , what an amazing compliation , so many memories & a charity benefits. So no harm done , I guess, everyones a winner. |
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