Marla - Discussion & Chat

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08.11.2015, 11:37

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

yeah that's really unbielevable

07.11.2015, 10:24

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

Most Memorable Exclusive Energy Moments: Marla Cool

Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

06.11.2015, 13:53

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

slava64 wrote:Marla 05-06.11.2015
mkv 1280x720 25fps 2165bps 50mb 3min12 [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Waiting patiently for Marla showing her gorgious boobs in the shower was worth the effort.
Now we must let her do what she wants the next month or so, later ask for more.
Remember how long it took before Gia showed her boobs


27.10.2015, 19:57

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

Thank you guys

All below gives proof that girls and tastes are different.

There are enough people who admired Gia for what she was and there are also. maybe enough, people who like Marla. Those who are pretty quick with their judgement should consider this.

27.10.2015, 17:42

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

Slowfox wrote:How much time and money did you waste on the girl who was the inspiration for your nickname, if I may ask ? Wasn't she all the same with her panties ? I recall nightshows where this girl did not even drop a single piece of her clothes, people still praising her for such kind of boldness and her unique behavior.And where is the difference now ?
Gia was an actress, a really good and lascivious player- Marla looks always like a beaten creature!!! That´s the difference!
And imo Gia in winter-clothes would have had much more sex-appeal than Marla if she were totaly naked!

27.10.2015, 17:17

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

Stop Marla at the liveshow

27.10.2015, 15:25

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

I like Marla a lot, and i don't know why, cause she is the opposite of the girl i like on ETV, but i can also say that Gia was super, maybe the best ever, and Marla is far away from levels of Gia

27.10.2015, 14:04

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

with all due respects, conparing Marla with Gia is completely meaningless. Gia was many times boring, lazy and had bad temperament, that's truth, but she was not model in exclusives times, and we can't know how would she had been with so many webshows like ETV actually offers . She was mainly model in times of night shows as only (but very few premiums at the end)time for performing nudity. She had no chance to chose in exclusives yes, in night shows no. Now the models can live different kind of profiles, Marla has chosen her own.

But i will say you something: with only a few movements in a single day, Gia was more hot and sexy than Marla will never be able even to dream of. Gia was a superb model, overtalented for the erotic shows. Marla with all due respects it's not.

And don't get wrong with me about her, i have nothing against Marla.

27.10.2015, 12:56

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

giadreamer wrote:Marla should really stop to waste my time- I don´t waste my money for an uptight girl like her!
In the way she acts she hasn´t lost anything at a nightshow!!!

How much time and money did you waste on the girl who was the inspiration for your nickname, if I may ask ? Wasn't she all the same with her panties ? I recall nightshows where this girl did not even drop a single piece of her clothes, people still praising her for such kind of boldness and her unique behavior.

And where is the difference now ?

27.10.2015, 12:23

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

marla go home

27.10.2015, 10:59

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

JohnGuitar wrote:
giadreamer wrote:Marla should really stop to waste my time- I don´t waste my money for an uptight girl like her!
In the way she acts she hasn´t lost anything at a nightshow!!!

Well done and good point, but what about others like Effy, Penelope and Tara as well?
If I express my humble opinion I would have put them in the FIRAV first available flight and send back home.Angry

For me Effy is my favourite model now. Maybe she has problem with pussy and ass but she is great. Jasmin did not show her ass or pussy for very long time. She came in April 2014 and she became full nude began of 2015. The problem with Marla she dosent want to show any thing. In my opinion if any model dosent want to show her boobs she should find another job.

26.10.2015, 21:46

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

Come one Guys, please stay nice.
1. I guess, the most of them are already in their home city, so it's unnecessary so send them home;)
2. It is really the fault of the girls, when they are scheduled for the nightshow?
3. They mentioned a several times, they won't undress fully naked, so please accept and respect it finally

Have a nice eveningSmile

26.10.2015, 20:18

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

giadreamer wrote:Marla should really stop to waste my time- I don´t waste my money for an uptight girl like her!
In the way she acts she hasn´t lost anything at a nightshow!!!

Well done and good point, but what about others like Effy, Penelope and Tara as well?
If I express my humble opinion I would have put them in the FIRAV first available flight and send back home.Angry

26.10.2015, 10:34

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

Marla should really stop to waste my time- I don´t waste my money for an uptight girl like her!
In the way she acts she hasn´t lost anything at a nightshow!!!

25.10.2015, 17:36

Re: Marla - Discussion & Chat

Good evening,
Marla should undress during nighttime shows otherwise makes no sense his presence; Jade example.