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Post: #1
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.12.2007, 16:43
02.12.2007, 12:22
Lots of Questions - Any Answers?
Apart from the delightful Sesil the most recent “hot” models still there are Lilian and Becky. Since those two most of the new girls have been do-nothing-show-nothing Barbies or, at most, very soft. So:
- Are they actually even trying to find “hot” models at all?
- Is the current trend of increasing the percentage of Barbies deliberate or forced upon them because they cannot find any hot or even warm models?
- Does the employment of the latest “Ultra-Barbies” Zara and Violet, mean that ETV is just desperate to recruit anybody at all, even though they are totally out of place on a show called “eurotic”?
- After abandoning the soft show officially because it “hadn’t worked”, are they at risk of being forced to reintroduce because of the models available, and why should it work any better this time? (Note: This afternoon's ETV2 show is a softshow with Hera, Jasmine and Zara)
- Do the girls who strip really get paid more than the others? If so, why is this not enough to encourage others to strip too? (Yes, DB, personal choice, but people – like Michele – can change their minds with suitable good reason.) If not, what is the incentive for a girl to work hard, to be erotic or strip when she can get paid as much or nearly as much by sitting/standing around doing nothing?
Secondly – returns. There’s been a good thread this week, and the argument about agency girls is persuasive. It also explains why several of them only last one or two shows; they are presumably sent along without any idea of how to react to a groping by Lana. HvB’s and outside’s posts about other jobs are also compelling, and as far as ETV’s own directly employed models are concerned it’s true that some return (Alexa, Sunny, Safo, Lana, Kiara), usually after what is clearly a temporary, if protracted, break. But it’s not very many over the years, and when a departure is announced or happens without any mention, it seems so final. Do we really ever expect to see Larissa, Tamara, Monica, Veronica, Kia, Selena again? What inside knowledge has one of our forum members to be able to say that Samira will return at Christmas? Of course life goes on, people leave the area/need a change/take a break, stop being students and take up full-time employment, get sacked/bored/married/pregnant, boyfriends/parents object, but they surely don’t all leave hating the place. So:
- Does the above adequately explain why relatively so very few of ETV’s own directly employed models ever return to the show even for odd guest appearances?
- Why were only four or five former models at the 3rd birthday party in October?
Thirdly – manner of departure. When Dorian left, there was a studio party. Quite right. But longish-serving, excellent, popular models like Tamara, Selena, Monica and Larissa leave the show seemingly unannounced. Even Kia’s departure, though heralded, was very low key. Yet Gia’s leaving, after a paltry 6 weeks, was heavily trailed and accompanied by an on-screen love-in and much wailing and gnashing of teeth. And now we’re told there was a farewell party and “wir vermissen sie sehr”. So:
- What is that all about? Why the disparity of treatment? What does that do for morale?
Fourthly, the ETV website. All the longer-standing girls and a few of the newer ones have their photos on the site. Joanna’s was there but now isn’t. Obviously it’s a piece of cake to put a photo up, so the girls themselves (or the agency) must have requested their removal. So:
- Why do some of the new girls not want their photos on the ETV page?
- If it’s to conceal identity, why does that not apply to Sesil, Emanuela and the longer-serving girls?
- And why has somebody deliberately put Carolina, Hera and Zara down as “hot” models? Is it a joke? My sides are splitting with mirth.
Finally, a rhetorical question. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a model/former model on the forum again? Ksaviera was. Anybody got any contacts?
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02.12.2007, 16:56
Re: Lots of Questions - Any Answers?
My € 1.279 (sorry still shocked after filling up at the gas station)
I don’t think they are interested in hot models. I assume that selling the program to cable-networks and re-broadcasters is by now generating more money than the calls and the sms. If the cable networks are outside of the eu or if the contend is run under the label of a local channel, they have to obey to the local rules. Therefore the content has been toned down (I also assume that even the hot models are quite happy that they don’t have to do a “Muschi-Show” every few minutes). That would explain why they are hiring soft (and maybe cheaper) models. So this would be a deliberate decision to maximize profit.
Well, now lets take a look at the shows: Most of them are soft shows (or at maximum lukewarm). Do they work? Yes and no. The number of sms and calls may be down, but the re-broadcasting is more than compensating for that. But this is walking on thin ice. If the shows turn even more uninteresting, they could be dropped by the re-broadcasters. So the content has to be soft but erotic and that is very hard to do (at best only a handful of the models have the style and the moves to offer compelling shows like that).
The payment: I do not think that nude or non nude is the relevant argument (maybe it was, but it isn’t anymore). I think they know pretty well which model generates which amount of income, so they are paid accordingly (and maybe get camera attention according to this internal ranking). This would place Kaleya and Jaya very high on the internal ranking and income scale (and I think they are the best earning and most called models).
The returns: In Lana’s case I think it is pretty obvious. I think she is a student and if you have studied you will know that it is highly recommended to spent some time in foreign countries … So after some time at a university somewhere in the UK, the USA or Italy she is back home (guess how she made the money to afford this trip).
The ones that left without a proper farewell: Have you ever worked with a bunch of girls??? You know what happens when one of them leaves the room??? You know what happens if someone told her what happened when she left??? Normaly this ends with someone looking for a new job or at least changing the department.
And to be honest, would you like to talk for hours to a bunch of wankers every fuckin’ day??? And if you find a different well paid job, would you risk this job for a guest appearance on a weekend???
The photos on the homepage: We know that some of them work as photo or fashion models. It would be quite interesting to determine if the models without photos work for the same agency … Maybe it has also something to do with personal circumstances. The environment of the longer serving models is obviously well informed about their job, but I’m not sure that every of the new models has told their family what they do.
Hot and soft: I have no idea. Sometimes I have the impression that it is just the personal tast of the webmaster …
Models in this forum: Would be great if the management would encourage at least some of the longer serving models to participate. This would eliminate a lot of our misunderstandings of the strategy and the direction of ETV, So there will be less ranting, less complaining and a more positive view on this whole thing. Hm, actually it must be in the interest of the management to get some positive feedback and some input. If I remember well, every time someone from ETV participated in this site the mood switched from destructive complaining to understanding and exchange of ideas to improve the program (some of this ideas have been incorporated into the program).
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02.12.2007, 15:32
Re: Lots of Questions - Any Answers?
Encouraged? DB, did you forget the orgasm of S.... in the chat room? :-)))
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02.12.2007, 14:49
Re: Lots of Questions - Any Answers?
So many questions. Just a few anawers.
Methinks you mis-understood my comment about the 'agency'. The 'agency' is within ETV not outside it. So that being so, the girls come and go as their circumstances dictate.
Without having access to the pay records of ETV there is no proof that 'hot' models (ETV's classification)- girls that strip - get paid more than girls that do not. Yet it is an accustomed practice in the modelling world - and ETV is no different in that respect - that a nude/semi-nude model gets paid more than a clothed glamour model (not a fashion model).
Why should some girls get different treatment to others - Kaleya's 21st birthday was not celebrated and she has been there longer than Jaya if of course she is 21 (she said so on friday) - when they 'leave'. Of course, for some it may well be a 'instant' decision and there is no time to plan anything. But also, ETV is a business and all businesses do fire employees for whatever reason.
There have been models and former models posting here. I'm sure that some still do. But my understanding, from earlier posts, is that it is not encouraged and it could affect employment prospects if they were found out. So if they do then they take a risk.
Yet even the staff who have posted openly on here have not exactly been treated kindly. Hardly encourages continued debate does it.
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Post: #2
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.12.2007, 13:32
02.12.2007, 13:15
Re: Lots of Questions - Any Answers?
Try to answer to question about Dorian.
I've read here Dorian moved to Canada, quite far from "secret place where ETV broadcasts", so this was a real farewell party, Kia is a first hour model as Dorian, but she left suddenly, and many people at ETV were surprised about that. And I think Kia didn't move to another country.
About barbies and hot models, do you remember Malena's first shows?
About returns, I've already written that ETV model is the secondary job for almost all girls, a part-time employment.
About Samira (it was clear you were referring to me) I've heard from a mod (Ahat?) during a show (so no inside knowledge) she has to come back to school and she will come back. So, when school has a break during the year? Usually at Christmas time.
I'll try later to answer to other questions.
About former girls at birthday party, we've seen just what was in front of camera, italian mod Gin said there were 4 places where it was the party, but only in 2 of these were cameras.