Kristina - Discussion & Chat

3.87 (23 Bewertung(en))

(3.87 / 5, 23 Bewertungen)

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10.06.2013, 17:56

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

Big pleasure, for me, to have discovered again the great feeling of a couple that has had way in the past to give actions, the one between the wonderful Kristina and the historic (and very pleasant) Aliyah. Much tenderness in both of them. A further reason to say "welcome back Kristina".

09.06.2013, 15:59

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

To preserve the best of all times in their land ...That's really a unique achievements .

Congratulation ETV for ...Preserving and Having back ..... Your all time best model ....Kristina

09.06.2013, 14:24

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

Usual class, usual erotic power, the same will to enjoy and to make the viewers enjoyed. Welcome back in a nightshow Kristina, one of the main stars of this show that always shows to live this experience with the maximum engagement; as usual also the feeling with Mashiara, already seen several times but every time is a big pleasure also for the variety of actions that both the supergirls propose. Regards.

09.06.2013, 14:11

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

return was great, we missed his show at night

08.06.2013, 22:08

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

finally back in the nightshows... great news! Smile

31.05.2013, 19:23

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

Welcome back Kristina, the show has found again a little big diamond that in these years has written very important and exciting pages of Etv.

23.05.2013, 17:04

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

Good evening,
I'm watching the show of upward etvshow Kristina and I have to write that is really beautiful, sensual and has a gorgeous body when it is above all completely naked.

Checco79SmileBig GrinCoolTongueBlush

22.05.2013, 21:55

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

shaky-schumi wrote:
Ibykus wrote:She is in love again....Thumb up

piggy wrote:..the hell are you talking about of ? in love with WHOM ??????? Envy fraking jealous here.. Angry

Hey piggy's a simple answer ...we all know that Kristina was sick for some time ....but now she's back .....and this means that Kristina in love with her viewers again Cool...... because she has missed them/us Smile . So don't panic Cool Thumb up .

Kind Regards

i knew it.. i was only joking hehehe ^_^ TongueBlushBig Grin

22.05.2013, 21:45

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

Ibykus wrote:She is in love again....Thumb up

piggy wrote:..the hell are you talking about of ? in love with WHOM ??????? Envy fraking jealous here.. Angry

Hey piggy's a simple answer ...we all know that Kristina was sick for some time ....but now she's back .....and this means that Kristina in love with her viewers again Cool...... because she has missed them/us Smile . So don't panic Cool Thumb up .

Kind Regards

22.05.2013, 20:56

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

Ibykus wrote:[quote='hitman'].
She is in love again....Thumb up

..the hell are you talking about of ?

in love with WHOM ??????? Envy

fraking jealous here.. Angry

22.05.2013, 15:50

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

yes!!! but my mean is when is her future night show!?!?!?

22.05.2013, 14:40

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

CommanderData wrote:What are you talking about? There is no "new Kristina" . . . she always was cheerful and interesting and she still is . . . . maybe you have a serious problem with nudity, so you have not been able to like her before?

Will you dont like her anymore when she decides to take part in the nightshows again?

I always liked her, I still like her and if she doesnt change dramatically I will like her in future, too

Ans you're gonna explain me that you can hear the same discussions on a nightshow and on a dayshow ? On a NS, models basically pretend to take interest on the viewers just to ripe off their money (honestly, which model would not be fed up with marcel's wishes ?). On a dayshow, models have longer discussions, express themselves, sometimes talk about their everyday life, etc. I ressent all this completely differently, and I like this Kristina much more (even if I did not dislike her before)... Like it or not Cool

22.05.2013, 08:29

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

So-what you are trying to say is--you like Kristina ha ha

21.05.2013, 19:46

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

I quite like the new Kristina. A very cheerful, interesting girl. In fact, she is showing much more than just her body... WHich makes her much more interesting Cool

21.05.2013, 15:27

Re: Kristina - Discussion & Chat

when her first night show??? In loveHeartTongue
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