Kaleya - Discussion & Chat

3.14 (14 Bewertung(en))

(3.14 / 5, 14 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

25.12.2008, 20:31

Re: keyala

Before you start fighting: just remember that Bill 80 hasn't posted anything positive or constructive to date. Seems that he is just out to start some fighting. So it would be nice if you wouldn't fall into his pit...

25.12.2008, 19:10

Re: keyala

hey bill 80

I don't know what you want???? Kaleya is a very cute girl and she is very funny

25.12.2008, 17:16

Re: keyala


I never loved that girl
His departure was a relief for me
Every show she was doing, I changed channel

25.12.2008, 13:47

Re: keyala

Hey bill 80

What's your problem?????

ECW: The extreme musketeer

25.12.2008, 12:48

Re: keyala

at thse days last year. keyala make very great show on 31 dec mid night. it is unforgetable show of u, keyala. i can forget how is you laugh. your smile like angel smile. i hope to see u soon. i miss u so much.

25.12.2008, 11:13

Re: keyala

no one could say it better than shaky: bring back the little stormy lady with her beautiful smile :)!

sincerely and merry christmas to all of you,

al-qatari (the three musketeers - the arabic-german musketeer)

24.12.2008, 20:09

Re: keyala

@mark, that's how/who i am , so no problem :) And to add one more thing about Kaleya ,i just like her the way she is and how she want to do the show ,Kaleya will always have my support and respect ,no matter what !!!!!! No other girl can and will replace her !!!! Even when she's not active (at the moment annymore) it will always be kaleya for me !!!!!!!!!!!( like some of the other people/posters have his all time favorit girl )

Kind Regards to you !


(ps: let us not get out of topic please ,for the rest it's better to put it on the "Hot Air Topic "  if it's not about Kaleya ,thank you )

24.12.2008, 19:56

Re: keyala

shaky-schumi: your words touch my heart. usaid what i like to say and to tell everyone about keyala. i am with u who dont like her they can change the channel and leave us to enjoy with her beauty

24.12.2008, 19:33

Re: keyala

@Mark ,That would be my only christmas wish this year to finaly see my favorit girl/model again ,i stil mis her allot ( the most of the readers/posters knowthat ) so if i may this ,the sooner the better ,and this return would also make the shows better again ( i'm pretty sure of that ) ,ofcourse there wil always be people who don't like to see Kaleya on the shows but hey if this is so i would say zap to another station or close your eyes for a while if you don't like her .So i hope to see Kaleya back again !!! But the problem wil be how will we know when she's on the show because we don't have a schedule annymore ,and we can't watch Etv all the day ( well normaly not) because a lot of us people have a job ,so it would also be perfect to have a schedule back so that we all will know when our favorit girl/model is there in the show ( ofcourse everybody has his own favorit ).And it would also be great to have Kaleya back as not only a model but alsdo maybe , as director and moderator? ( specialy for the Italian viewers maybe ) ( and ofcourse some would disagree with this also ) And i would also be happy to here her voice again ,specialy "Das ist super" :)))))

I would be the first person to welcome her back ( hopefully :) ) But if you want to know more what /how i feel about Kaleya than just look at my topics about her and you will know it :))))

Kind Regards



(the three musketeers-the red/white shark)

Btw :it's Kaleya and not Keyala :))

And ofcourse how can i forget this , to everyone ! but especialy (sorry guys and girls) to Kaleya !!!!!!!!!!!!![Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

24.12.2008, 18:26

Re: keyala

Yes Yes Yes!!! I would love to see Kaleya return :)

24.12.2008, 18:19

Re: keyala

Please no return kaleya

Stay in your closet

24.12.2008, 17:40

Re: keyala

Come back Kaleya--pleeezzzzz. nobody pulls pants up tight between their legs anymore like you did or pour water down your body . Come back you sexy teasing ,gorgeus dreamgirl.

24.12.2008, 16:36


if u like to see keyala back again on eurtic tv plz leave your message

30.11.2008, 20:25

Re: What happend with kaleya??????


i hope my charming kaleya comes back very soon

i miss her so much

30.11.2008, 14:33

Re: What happend with kaleya??????

I saw yesterday a sms from Rhett asking if there's some news about Kaleya and Hans said that she's sick/ill at the moment but that Kaleya will return soon ,so there's still some hope for some of us ? Let's wait and see ! i will wait patienly like i always do for her !!!! And ofcourse Kaleya i hope you will be better soon ,none of us like to be sick/ill !!!!! But the only frustration i will have is not to know when she will be back because we have no shedule !!!!! So please Etv give us back the weekly schedule please .

Kind Regards


( the three musketeers-the red/white shark)

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