Girls page stats- Your votes

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30.11.2008, 23:00

Girls page stats- Your votes

Biggest riser of the month was Elsa.
Barbie and Donatella both lost ground.  Donatella turned out to be a fairly cold model after such a promising start, and the girls page votes always reflect that.

Fair point, Rockabye, hence the rewordingShowbiz is, on the other hand, a harsh world.

02.01.2009, 20:59

Re: Girls page stats- Your votes

Rockabye no matter how good often your posts are, this time I must object you. We have all right to rate them because this once was an erotic channel, now it is a disaster. By voting I dont rate them as average humans, but as models on a erotic channel. I am not saying some girls from the bottom half are bad women, they just suck as models. And you must have been drinking too much when saying they all are beautiful. Until etv stuff will read such smss, they will keep models like Mimoza and co. I got a good laugh yesterday when some smartguy wrote that it is so nice because eurotic is in new year still so erotic as in 2008. I said to myself what is erotic by seeing 6 girls, totally dressed just staring in the camera and doing nothing. Today I got up and saw what? Three beautiful girls showing nothing and then came of course mimoza and showed tits. This I understand as an insult to all those viewers who like these girls cleo brona and evah, and they are beautiful to me, but too expensive to strip. Or do they just feel ah there are a lot of stupid guys still to call us even if we do nothing??? Well it seems like it. And then someone will come on this forum telling me to call girls...Well certainly I wouldnt call mimoza or etti but someone I like...So for my taste lets say I like emily,brona,evah,gabriela...Tell me why should someone call them? To ask them to show maybe her fingers or shoulders if in good mood??? Bizarre. But it seems business is going well. Personally I miss times of Kaleya, lolita, veronika, larissa, hot sabrina, malena,alexa and many many others. Today there are at least 2 thirds of these girls who are big(read a 4 letter word I cannot write.) Otherwise I think we had all nice debates in 2008, I respect you all a lot and once again wish you all the best in 2009. But I am afraid that there will not be much erotic to watch on tv.

02.01.2009, 15:56

Re: Girls page stats- Your votes


Quite right ! But as showgirls ... ? You know that old saying: All men are equal, but some are more equal than others !

30.11.2008, 23:04

Re: Girls page stats- Your votes

they are all beautiful women and shouldn't be rated by us.

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