Daisy - Discussion & Chat

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03.06.2010, 11:14

Daisy - Discussion & Chat

She is today in her third shift and so she gets her own threat. Smile

Daisy - she speaks english fluent and also french

For me she is a little bit uncertain in her behavior on the screen but it is of course just her third shift so

Welcome at etv, Daisy.

12.07.2010, 00:34

Re: Daisy - Discussion & Chat

Since Daisy had her last appearance on June 29th and since she hasn't been scheduled for next week, she has been removed from the models page.
Best wishes and luck to her.
A big kiss and a flower.

07.07.2010, 09:23

Re: Daisy - Discussion & Chat

bellerophon wrote:
outside wrote:Back tomorrow in the early morning.

Unfortunately not. Bye bye Daisy. You were very nice and promising in the short time you were with ETV.

A flower (a daisy) from me.

I would like that you are mistaken, unfortunately, we must to accept the sad truth, a tear of good-bye for Daisy, who was in a good way to become great

07.07.2010, 00:01

Re: Daisy - Discussion & Chat

Back tomorrow in the early morning.

20.06.2010, 17:09

Re: Daisy - Discussion & Chat

Tarl_Cabot wrote:For me she is a little bit uncertain in her behavior on the screen but it is of course just her third shift so

The uncertain is meanwhile history.
Nowadays we can say that she's usually a little bit late for her shifts. Smile

19.06.2010, 19:45

Re: Daisy - Discussion & Chat

Daisy is looking good this afternoon and seems to have lost most of her shyness. She is a very attractive girl and has a great body. I hope its not long before she considers a night show. Some fresh faces are required at night. She is certainly looking good in tights just now. Mmmm--I wonder if she would sit in that tub of water !! now wheres my phone ?

11.06.2010, 21:19

Re: Daisy - Discussion & Chat

Very lovely model looks as if she timid but its only a first impression ...She has a good potential and hopefully one day we will see her in a night show but not like Evah or Loretta style... And if you ask me she reminds me of first Veronica who in the begining was acting like her

08.06.2010, 15:38

Re: Daisy - Discussion & Chat

Yesterday in the afternoon/early evening show Daisy put on one of her most confident shows to date. She is relaxing now and gaining confidence at playing to the camera and looking oh so sexy. I like this girl and I hope its not long before she does a night show. She has a great body and I am sure she will attract a lot of calls.

05.06.2010, 16:24

Re: Daisy - Discussion & Chat

yes Daisy is on the right way for the nightshow and I adore her tatoo on the right buttock Heart

05.06.2010, 16:14

Re: Daisy - Discussion & Chat

Yep-its nice to see Daisy gaining confidence and not looking so "tight" as can be expected from most new models first shows. She looks so cute and I am sure she will have more to offer the caller in the future. Maybe a night show with Angelina and Calomira will boost her ratings--ha ha --only joking Daisy. I wait with anticipation.

03.06.2010, 11:45

Re: Daisy - Discussion & Chat

French, as a french cheese named Brie.
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