Ava - Discussion & Chat

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03.04.2014, 17:03

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

Tarl_Cabot wrote:sorry but I'm sure that I'm not the only one who will remember Ava and Roshana unmasked when I think about spending money for the illusion etv.
But you gotta admire the excellent job done by ETV´s visagists... Cool

03.04.2014, 15:47

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

Ava nice girl come back in nightshow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Cuore:

03.04.2014, 08:46

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

logic wrote:
Tarl_Cabot wrote:....

That's not fair Tarl........you could have chosen at least a screen-shot with a smile. Confused But I agree, she looks like too much work, cigarettes and alcohol. Sad

Nevertheless she's still a beauty in my eyes! Smile

I've chosen 2 caps without looking for the best nor the worst cap.
one cap for showing her face in a frontal view and one with the VIP in the background to show that she was the director of the show (the second info in my post ;)).
I'd say that these caps are average caps and sorry, but average seems to be the best word for the topic.
of course I know it's etv what means
- someone is Mod in the studio although she/ he doesn't know when to push which button
- the picture quality is often blurry although it could be HD
- models presenting other models although they don't know their names
- models saying their names although they don't remember which name they chose for fta Tongue
well, I could add an endless list of mistakes that shouldn't happen at a professional channel but it wouldn't change anything and we know it.
maybe it's just that I've expected more from Ava because of her usual look as a model or her behavious in the shows.
I know many women who wouldn't even leave home looking that way although these women wouldn't need any make up or less make up but for sure none of them would leave home this way for working at tv channel that earns money with seeling illusions. sending a love letter to a model costs up to 10 euro but if the model looks like every woman on the street people will start to think about spending money for a woman 2000 km away (from my pov) or giving a compliment to a woman on the street for free and maybe being answered with a smile from her.

some weeks ago I'd have said that Ava & Roshana are the most beautiful women of the current models (maybe both have lost that positions anyway because of some new models) but after these "no make up" views I'd ask myself why to watch etv if I'd get everything in a better "quality" for free in real life or at one of the endless webcam sites.

sorry but I'm sure that I'm not the only one who will remember Ava and Roshana unmasked when I think about spending money for the illusion etv.
etv is cheap compared with some other "services" but not for free and thus they should try to keep a certain level.

02.04.2014, 21:22

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

Tarl_Cabot wrote:....

That's not fair Tarl........you could have chosen at least a screen-shot with a smile. Confused But I agree, she looks like too much work, cigarettes and alcohol. Sad

Nevertheless she's still a beauty in my eyes! Smile

02.04.2014, 20:07

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

[quote='Tarl_Cabot']yesterday in the evening show Ava was the director (no idea since when she is a director nor how often she's a director).
directors should usually create some nice illusions for the viewers.
I must say that the unmasked Ava is the next model (after e.g. Roshana some weeks ago) who kills most illusions. Confused Sad

Ava is excellent solo player like Alice Smile
but should not shoulder the lead Cool

02.04.2014, 19:58

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

yesterday in the evening show Ava was the director (no idea since when she is a director nor how often she's a director).
directors should usually create some nice illusions for the viewers.
I must say that the unmasked Ava is the next model (after e.g. Roshana some weeks ago) who kills most illusions. Confused Sad

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

29.01.2014, 07:02

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

beautiful ava comeback to nightshow you are a hot model not soft model, your body is perfect TongueTongueTongue

01.01.2014, 14:50

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

brokingbull wrote:Goodbye Ava!

Today, in her first e.l.s., she talked about her good year at etv and the next year in her new job.Cry

I've checked 2 different vids of that show and each twice and as I've understood her she's talking about yesterday night and not about leaving etv in general.
of course we know that several of the models are doing more than 1 job and it has been always this way in all the years of etv.
sometimes it's said on the screen, sometimes it's obvious because of some schedule changes for some models.
so I'd sit & wait until we know more or it's confirmed another time by her or by someone else from etv. at the moment Ava is still scheduled for shows and so I'd expect her to be on the screen.
if the day of her leaving will come/ be the etv bosses will realise it maybe more than the viewers and at the moment I have no idea how to cover this loss.
of course the perfect body of Ava could be replaced by the perfect bodies of Katelin or Julia (probably not by the not so perfect bodies of the other newbies) but until a model has built such a fanbase it takes a lot of time and during this time etv will earn less from the fanboys (not negative) and it's the next loss of a bigger fanbase after the loss of the Scarlets, Sabrinas, Karrys, or Gias.
in the past of etv we have said that when one star leaves and she will be replaced by another, in the past ... Confused

PS: everyone who has ever workes at New Year's Eve knows that in this night usually twice or more than the money of a normal night can be earnt and thus many persons prefer to work this night. and for friends of women working that night it's often fine, too. you get the drinks cheaper and you have maybe someone who brings you home in the morning. Tongue

PSS: the music in the ELS is Thumb up but the loudness when a model answers is Thumb down

01.01.2014, 12:45

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
piggy wrote:
brokingbull wrote:Goodbye Ava!

Today, in her first e.l.s., she talked about her good year at etv and the next year in her new job.Cry

NOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.................... CryCryCry

!! i am shocked and sad now

have you ever thought about the piggy curse ?
check the list of your favourites and who of them is still working at etv???

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]


i don't want even think about it...

01.01.2014, 12:13

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

piggy wrote:
brokingbull wrote:Goodbye Ava!

Today, in her first e.l.s., she talked about her good year at etv and the next year in her new job.Cry

NOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.................... CryCryCry

!! i am shocked and sad now

have you ever thought about the piggy curse?
check the list of your favourites and who of them is still working at etv???

01.01.2014, 08:46

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

What a very bad news in a day we celebrate the New Year.
Ava is leaving means we are loosing again one of the best
and charming girl in ETV shows.
Although I wish for her a very prosperous future outside ETV I can
not in the same time hold my sadness and simply smilie and say
ok good girl gooooooo! And search for your happiness in any mean
and good luck for your new life.HeartHeart

31.12.2013, 22:42

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

ilian62 wrote:
brokingbull wrote:Goodbye Ava!

Today, in her first e.l.s., she talked about her good year at etv and the next year in her new job.Cry

is still registered in the plan on days 3 and 4 in the afternoon. This does not apply?ConfusedConfusedCry
Today she already left the show 2 hours earlier to begin her new job.......Confused
So these could be her last 2 shows at etv.Cry

31.12.2013, 22:37

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

brokingbull wrote:Goodbye Ava!

Today, in her first e.l.s., she talked about her good year at etv and the next year in her new job.Cry

is still registered in the plan on days 3 and 4 in the afternoon. This does not apply?ConfusedConfusedCry

31.12.2013, 19:00

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

Ava's leaving what a shit start to 2014 probably one of the sexiest models in recent times she sure knew how to tease and keep your eyes glued to the screen so all I can do is whish her well in what ever her new path will be take care Ava xxxxxxxxxxxx

31.12.2013, 18:05

Re: Ava - Discussion & Chat

goodbye ava