Aria - Discussion & Chat

2.69 (13 Bewertung(en))

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30.05.2012, 22:38

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Joker1305 wrote:
JohnGuitar wrote:...
Sorry Szy but I dont understand why ETV recalls age retirement
models when it can get younger ones?Angry
Because ETV doesn't get better girls?
Being young is a quality, but no sufficient qualification.
Who of the girls joining in the last six months could come even close to Aria?
Depending on personal taste there may be more beautiful girls among them, but none of them is (yet) a hot night show model.

So from me a welcome back in business Aria Thumb up

Joker, I admire your intelligence and cleverness.
It is a fair comment.
That is indeed so, and I believe you have made a good point.
But just to mention one newly comer, what about ROSHANA
she joyned ETV five months ago.
All due respect to you great mate.

30.05.2012, 21:34

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

JohnGuitar wrote:...
Sorry Szy but I dont understand why ETV recalls age retirement
models when it can get younger ones?Angry
Because ETV doesn't get better girls?
Being young is a quality, but no sufficient qualification.
Who of the girls joining in the last six months could come even close to Aria?
Depending on personal taste there may be more beautiful girls among them, but none of them is (yet) a hot night show model.

So from me a welcome back in business Aria Thumb up


30.05.2012, 21:19

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

In these extraordinary tough times I see the return of Aria as one of the sign of hope ....Whether I /you/we ...agree or disagree or dislike her talk , attitudes , behavior ....

Aria is a truly big icon in ETV world ....whether as a model or as a moderator and sometimes as new and very talented director .......and for this I would say that her comeback is very welcome .

30.05.2012, 19:46

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

a bit of dynamism given by this vulcano to fight the boredon that prevails in the actual welcome back but please don't talk too muchBig Grin

30.05.2012, 19:12

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Szyderca wrote:Aria is back today!
Is it for good??? I'm watching her live right now, and can't believe my eyes. She's so beautiful!!!

Sorry Szy but I dont understand why ETV recalls age retirement
models when it can get younger ones?Angry

30.05.2012, 18:43

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Aria is back today!
Is it for good??? I'm watching her live right now, and can't believe my eyes. She's so beautiful!!!

05.05.2012, 22:29

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Happy birthday Aria, allthe best for the futureBlush

05.05.2012, 18:43

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Dear Aria,

I wish you a nice Happy Birthday. It is the same day like a good friend of mine has its birthday too.
Stay always healthy. So I think it is Saturday and to have a party, the best day.
I wish you nice gifts and a super party tonight. Not to forget success in all things you will do.

Best Regards

05.05.2012, 17:44

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Happy Birthday Aria!
I wish you all the Best!


05.05.2012, 17:14

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

happy birthday aria : Kalp:: Kalp:: Kalp:

05.05.2012, 14:31

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Happy birthday dear Aria.

i wanna see the pie... BlushBig Grin

05.05.2012, 14:14

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Happy Birthday Aria ! I wish Aria a lot of fun today with a party and some gifts/presents, i wish her a lot of fun and happiness in her life, friends that are good for her, a bright future, love, money ..but most of all i wish Aria a life with a very good health !

kind Regards

05.05.2012, 12:10

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

05.05.2012, 09:44

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Happy Birthday AriaSmile: D, I wish you the best in your life, love, happiness and especially all money and health: Cool:Smile: D: Thumbup:: Thumbup:

05.05.2012, 07:35

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Happy Birthday Aria
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