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Dear ETV A third annual open letter from me as another difficult year for you grinds to a close. First of all thank you for still being there, and congratulations on appointing Randa as casting manager. With 72 new models arriving during the course of 2008, we are lucky to have had a lot of very pretty new girls gracing the channel recently, after a rather sticky time when you seemed – as in previous years - to be haemorrhaging models at an alarming rate. You have finally had the good sense to close E2 which, without SMS income and with very few phone calls, must have been making a thumping loss for ages. That’s one thing I can at last remove from my wish list for the new year. It is only sad that its closure means that you have released many of the newer models who added some welcome freshness to the same faces on display day in, day out. Understandable that you have to keep your “full-timers” as opposed to your occasional models, but a shame to have to lose some very pretty new ones, especially after the hard work to recruit suitable candidates. My impression – to judge from recent double shifts and in poor Viviana’s case 12 hours continuously – is that you may have gone a bit too far with the cuts. There was a weird blip during the year when you stopped the models stripping at all during the day and passed it off as new censorship rules. Fortunately you changed your mind after a while, but it would have been nice if you had admitted that the censorship had been imposed by ETV and not from authorities outside. You do not have a great record on being honest and transparent. So Wish number 1 (as always) for 2009 is that you treat your customers with more respect. Even the closure of E2 happened without any notice or explanation. Not good customer care. Models still lie quite openly to the texters in order to have more texts sent in on the basis of the promise of a “strip” that is never going to happen. Wish 2 is that you do your best to heal the ill feeling between some of the older models and the newer ones. Some of the older models continue to be less than good at making new ones feel welcome. The body language and the positioning on the set speak volumes - older girls in a group on the left, newer girls on the right, often as isolated individuals. It is quite understandable that the more established girls resent having to do most of the visual work whereas so many of the new girls, however pretty, are very soft models and only stand/sit around doing very little for their money. The lack of chemistry has been noticeable this year. Wish 3 therefore is that some of these “very soft” models might allow themselves to be persuaded gradually to become at least a bit more adventurous. The erotic appeal of ETV is not just to watch how fast a girl we have seen topless many times can get her clothes off again, but to watch the “girl next door” pushing her own boundaries little by little as time goes by. This has happened only very rarely this year, so many thanks to those few for doing what they have.. Many new girls do good performances in their first few shows and then don’t bother much thereafter (Donatella, Brona, Elenora, Gabriela, Vanessa, Clio etc.). Somehow and from someone they are quickly getting the message that it is not necessary to be erotic, teasing or sexy. That source needs to be rooted out, and the girls need to be reminded of the channel’s name and that they are being paid to observe it. IMHO there are still three Totally Useless Models (TUMs) at ETV. These are models who either refuse to be even remotely sexy or who simply don’t know how. One has been at the channel for a long time. The other two are newer. One of them turns up fairly scantily clad, looking sexy and then does absolutely nothing at all except sit or stand around for five hours. Not surprisingly she gets virtually no callers. The second one also gets virtually no callers. This one dresses for a hike in the countryside, but does know what to do. She just isn’t very good at doing it. The effect of these girls can be like that of wet blanket or a bucket of cold water on the girls who are prepared to try. Wish 4 therefore is that you make your employment criteria very clear and finally sack any model who is making a mockery out of you and your customers by refusing or being unable to make the necessary effort. The vast majority of the girls do what they can within their own self-imposed limitations, which, though frustrating, is perfectly OK. Perhaps the girls could just refuse to work with them and walk off. Wish 5 is that you, somehow, finally escape your contractual or personal/obsessional obligations which mean that whenever Sabrina and/or Nikita and/or Gia are on screen that they should have at least 60% of all the camera time. This is hugely unfair and disrespectful to the other girls – and it’s very boring. The shows are a team effort, and there should be no place for divas or prima donnas. And the reverse of the coin is that, while it may be good business to have 8 girls in the studio, it means that the camera ends up spending very little time on each – which is equally disrespectful and frustrating for model and customer. It is perfectly understandable that one way of saving money is by having fewer camera operators and relying more on a fixed camera during some of the daytime shows. Unfortunately the larger number of girls in the studio means that the camera has to be quite a long way back to get all the girls in the picture at once and the viewer needs a pair of binoculars. Wish 6 is that you go back to having more mobile camera operators. It is clear that some of the girls – mostly those who have been at ETV for a long time - are often bored and unmotivated. This is not surprising, and it must be hard to give a fresh performance day after day for months on end. But they (and you) have a duty to entertain your paying customers, so Wish 7 is that you (or they) come up with ideas to motivate. Some of the girls need a month or two off to recharge their batteries. Some of the more disaffected exert such a negative influence that they need to be told that their future may be somewhere else rather than ETV. This would mean that you could employ again a few of the new girls of the kind you have recently had to release, thereby maintaining more freshness and variety. Wish 8 (which is not mine but borrowed from someone in the forum) is that you make sure a pole is installed in the studios. It is amazing how normally not very mobile girls can come to life if they have a pole to swing on. Double entendre intended. Wish 9 is that you sort out your censorship criteria. Some shows are heavily censored by the Regie, others not. This involves either telling girls who are normally prepared to show everything not to, or cutting away quickly if they do. There seems to be no pattern to this. It cannot be said for example that the night shows are less censored than the daytime ones. Finally Wish 10, given the coming world economic depression and your track record of closing one channel every year, is that ETV is still broadcasting at this time next year. You receive a lot of criticism from us, both justified and unjustified, but many of us would be very sad if you were not there. Good luck, good recruitment, and good creative management in 2009. In the meantime Happy Christmas to the girls (over 100 of them) for doing a very difficult job and entertaining us throughout the year. |
I agree to this letter and too many softmodels at the shows makes no sence too watch this Channel anymore |
hi , a little question . Has no one heard Penelope saying at her last shift : I'm going on a holiday ???? . Or am I wrong ? For all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!!! |
Bravo, take a bow, bellerophon, applaudissement ! That is what I would call precise and thorough critical comments on the bad state of ten points of programme policy of ETV, some points covering large areas, some singular aspects. As usual, sentences like these ring in a resounding “However", so: However, the short history of ETV has given the term of “eurotic” a well-defined meaning and a somewhat highflying trademark characteristic of best “erotic” entertainment. Since a turning point not so long ago there is a general loss of direction and a corresponding heavy loss of quality (and girls !). And the people responsible give the impression of being split in warring factions cogitating more about their own preponderance than continuing their success story. “…and enterprises of great pith and moment with this regard their currents turn awry, and lose the name of action”. I think that quite a number of the honourable members of this laudable Forum will agree that only a complete change of directorship and upper story personnel will remedy this situation. May all your Christmas days be merry in spite of these sobering thoughts. |
stopped dreaming |
The Bohemian night you refer to was quite nice, but my favorite show of the year was the jungle show back in mid February... |
Well said Bellerophon--I think your letter sums up the thoughts and wishes of a lot of us. I hope they keep going and can build on their mistakes but most importantly listen to the paying callers. They can produce really erotic and sexy shows when they want to. The tools are all there and they just need to use them.My best show of the tear must be the damp pillow show recently. Eurotic need to look at what type of show brought in the most revenue and make more along that theme. As already mentioned --more roving camera work is required (my eyes are not as good now ) ha ha So I wish everyone at eurotic a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.The same message goes to all the forum members who I have had a lot of fun with throughuot the year. |
If pigs could fly then we would be shooting for pork but better to keep that for the prize turkeys. Hang on. They do not fly either. Oh well. Ok, I know that my information has been a little bit suspect this year and top of my list of New Year resolutions - you know, the ones you tend to break within 2 minutes of making them -)) - is to engage brain before writing. But since it is not the new year yet I can safely write the following. By the greatest margin is the almost common misconception that the channel actually closed down E2. But the evidence is there in video form that this was not the case. No tv would close down in that way not even ETV. Of this I am absolutely sure. And while I cannot reveal the source of the information that backs this up nor actually make public the stated reason for the closure, it was totally out of their hands. I can fully accept that no one here, except those who have also heard this from the same, and this time totally trust-worthy source, will choose to accept this. Maybe one day it will be possible to be a little more informative. I also do not accept that as a consequence of the closure of E2 that the channel have dismissed some of their models. Everyone who works there does so on an open ended contract. It is their choice whether they work or not and to a degree they can even choose the particular time slot. I will illustrate that quite easily with the case of Penelope who was missing for many days and then suddenly re-appeared. The problem with such a system is that inevitabily you get an imbalance of casting for a particular slot and could end up with 6 or 7 hotter models followed by an equal number of cooler ones. The two-month 'clothes on' blip. It could have been self-imposed and there is certainly visual evidence to support that. I will not disagree with your wish list but I am curious to know who the TUM's are. Ok, I have a fair idea who one of them is. Maybe you want to leave that as the opening question for next year's Mastermind -)))
Respect an well don.I agree with almoust all of your wishes.Thanks and a Merry X-Mas |
Nice words indeed...but then again I dont expect anything else from a great mind. Merry Christmas to all of you. |
I think I could sign this letter too. Merry Christmas And Happy New Year from the outside. :))
Nice words, but switch to ETV and you can see what you get. A Barbie Christmasshow with cold and soft Models. Thank you ETV Santa for nothing. But your comments and your wishes are well spoken. Merry Christmas to everyone Markus76 |
Very nice comment but like all comments on this side it unfortunetly ends in the ETV garbage can. |
Nice one. |
And I thought my posts were long -))))) But I'll agree with some that you write and disagree with some. But if I was to fully comment then the reply would be even longer -))))))))) |