Written in the style of........the video

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27.04.2008, 11:00

Written in the style of........the video

(posted here not to be buried by the many Alexa vids you will not be getting any day day soon)

Some of you (but not that many),. realised that last week's post was a satire. To take someone's posting style and, hopefully, create some humour from it.

So I made a challenge to see if there were any willing 'victims' for a follow up. Rather surprisingly, I did have a 'volunteer'.

Now I am quite sure that my friend has been quite smug in his offer that I could not pastiche him. After all, he is a man of few words and usually lets another talent do the talking for him. A talent that most here readily acknowledge.

So today I will write in his style. Not that many words. But present the satire in a video form.

But I also recall that home movie of him that was posted on the net. So I thought it fitting that he should also be featured in the clip.

Please stick around for the real end of the clip and a little contribution from a couple of guys very close to my heart.

Music from the Beatles. With a little help from my friends ‘Acting naturally’

Video is not ipod friendly or even 768 * 576 MP4 but…..

Check out Veronica going left and right. Joanna proving that a hint of stocking can be something shocking. Viviana letting her fingers do the talking. Carmen proving that she is quite an opus. Proof that Spirit is at least 40%. That Carolina is more than a state. And Lilian being just Lilian.

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