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This post was written after too many fruit sundaes, the occasional knickerbocker glory and certainly no banana splits. I've watched, no, make that suffered, the assorted pudding that is currently on the ETV menu. For the last two nights (Sunday & Monday) we even got a commercial for the main course to arrive at the table at 23:00 which is promised to be hot. But with Hans being your server (ie mod) for the first night you just knew that he would probably trip up before the dish got to the table. And when the dish was served, in the best traditions of the tv, they over-did the lights and you just could not see what they were trying to do. But on Monday they even bettered that. My head has just cleared from the migrane of trying to tell who was placed behind that red curtain with bright lights that pulsed through my screen. The only real consolation was that the experience was quite short. I know I watch too much and I do write too much. And in these writings I have at times questioned the honesty and sincerity of the whole thing. Sometimes conspiracy theories go in my head which I feel I must share with you. So allow me to point out some similarities from the last time mostly cold food was served on the plate. 1. There was a sudden influx of new models. We hoped to see them in nightshows just to see if they had Talent and Ability. 2. Whereas that time of day when you get the cherries served on top of the icecream scoops is suspposed to start at 23:00, can someone please explain to me why, for the last two mondays, there has quite deliberately been no exposure before 23:45. In fact almost on the stroke of 23:45 my suspicious mind tells me that some specific instruction took place - if you have a recording do take a look.If you do not then I will fill you in later. So while there may indeed be some legal framework controlling this, that may not tell the whole picture. What if these models were indeed brought in for a specific market ? And what if that market has different time-frames for different days ? Look in for ferther, or should that read further, developments. |
As previously said, I do not have to explain why I think a topic has gone 'off'. This discussion is now ended. Continue it elsewhere and you will have to watch yer ass.
@ OldGrizzly: < I know I watch too much and I do write too much. And in these writings I have at times questioned < What if these models were indeed brought in for a specific market ? > These are 2 phrases of the initial post of DB. So we can understand that the topic deals with: 1)Theories explaining the actual pitiful shows broadcasted by ETV. Now you can tell me everything but I really don't understand how can you < It certainly did not seem to add anything to the topic - just more wild theories. Where is the off-topic ??? ----------------------------------------------------- What do you exect I can reply to you ? |
Oh my. Here we go again. Someone posts a comment and the percieved victim starts bleating like a wounded lamb. Actually Vappiano I do not owe you an explanation. If I feel a topic has gone 'off' then I will close it. Unfortunately for this one which could have been a good topic it has gone 'oiff' and looking with a fresh mind at today's twitterings the post of 11:18 certainly kicked it all of. And I wonder just who was responsible for that. It certainly did not seem to add anything to the topic - just more wild theories. And then you wonder why people respond like they do. I will allow you the right of reply so that you do not foul any other topics after which this one will, unfortunately, be closed. |
@ ghostwriter2008 Ok.Thanks |
@ ghostwriter2008: < so you say somebody who just calls the girls to talk or at least doesn't want This could be the only rhetorical question and, in fact, I answered explaining my thought. Btw : < looks like it starts with the leaving of the models, if sabrina demands "jonas" to call there can be when did you hear this ? Today ? |
@ OldGrizzly : I think you own me at least an explanation. What's allowed: (that is what I do in this forum) What's not allowed: ( that is the only aim of Rockabye, with the result of Now can you tell me: "< in the real-world you have to pay too until a beautiful girl takes you to the promised land > This is not a matter of "sense of humor". I wait for your answer |
<<< Do you think this phrase of Rockabye respects the rules of the forum ? Can you take some measure ? where did I attack you??? with "you" I've meant you, me and anybody else. you have paranoia and I've never seen a person with such a low sense of humour... ... but you wanna go this way, a few posts ago you've called me an idiot ;-) |
@ OldGrizzly : < in the real-world you have to pay too until a beautiful girl takes you to the promised land > Do you think this phrase of Rockabye respects the rules of the forum ? Can you take some measure ? |
<<< I simply think the world is full of beautiful girls with whom you can speak in the real-world you have to pay too until a beautiful girl takes you to the promised land. <<< If you want to talk or you don't want to see something exciting from a girl, not only boobs and pussies can be exciting. |
@ Rockabye: < so you say somebody who just calls the girls to talk or at least doesn't want I simply think the world is full of beautiful girls with whom you can speak Is my explanation sufficient ? -------------------- < you are wasting valuable cells in even attempting to think like them > < they fake it - the whole thing is a scam > I totally agree ! |
@ vappiano68 you are wasting valuable cells in even attempting to think like them. Logical thought - no way Lateral thought - no way it is diagonal or circular or triangular or even spherical, if anything at all they seem to have many good irrational ideas that just don't work, or don't work for long. So they change something, anything. Austro - Molvanian thought patterns are more likely to be connected with the weather it happens - accept it, ...... buy an umbrella, buy some skis, buy some sun glasses. whatever you do it will always be the wrong choice it doesn't make any difference if you call the girls or not, they fake it - the whole thing is a scam good wholesome family entertainment that has been going for years, without actually doing anything. Models come, models go, some return, some don't it is the ultimate soap. |
@ vappiano <<< The problem is that I can't understand how many people can really call the girls to As I said before, maybe they think that new markets can provide a sufficient number of idiots ! >>> so you say somebody who just calls the girls to talk or at least doesn't want to see them naked is an idiot? |
Just a quick thought . Maybe ETV could think so: a) We had 1000 viewers resulting earnings : 100 2) Now We expand selling these pitiful shows : a) we have 10000 viewers resulting earnings : 300 ( 3 times the past earnings ). The problem is that I can't understand how many people can really call the girls to |
@ ghostwriter i shouldn't worry too much about this. from past experience you should know that the Austro-Molvanian way of thinking is very different to any other culture on this planet. |