TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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17.03.2011, 22:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

giginho wrote:Tonight it waits us for a really boring showThumb downThumb downThumb down, Brona, Cindy, Evah and Nicole, they won't make to see nothing, Sabrina will pass the evening sat on the couch with some ministrips of 30 seconds, Tessa it will make a show similar to Sabrina and Aria it will put on topless to make grimaces and other things idiots, bets they are accepted for seeing if I am wrong meBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

you are right.
when i take a look back at the schedule, i realize that we are gonna have a very boring night show.because,so far we don`t expect brona and evah and nichole and cindy a topless show.
but i`m sure that the director of the show know that if the show goes on in a way that there are only 3 girls exposing themselves for the whole show(sabrina,tessa and aria...Sad),everybody would turn off the tv immediately.
so let`s be a tad optimistic.Thumb up

17.03.2011, 21:24

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I am reading this post of Giginho and I seriously hope he is wrong...I hpoe that for at least one girl he is wrong...I have a feeling Cindy will show a lot...I hope I am right. Still I will enjoy Evah no matter what she does (not) do.

17.03.2011, 21:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

When i see the top-class cast of tonight i wonder who will be allowed to do a pussy show, Aria or Tessa? I am so curious, perhaps Evah and Brona care for a highlight. Tongue

17.03.2011, 20:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tonight it waits us for a really boring showThumb downThumb downThumb down, Brona, Cindy, Evah and Nicole, they won't make to see nothing, Sabrina will pass the evening sat on the couch with some ministrips of 30 seconds, Tessa it will make a show similar to Sabrina and Aria it will put on topless to make grimaces and other things idiots, bets they are accepted for seeing if I am wrong meBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

17.03.2011, 19:51

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

bichomalo wrote:I hope to be wrong, but I doubt Brona and Evah go for two shifts today .... But if Cindy and Nicole are tonight, I think that will be enough to have new emotions.
We'll see.

No you are not wrong,both girls have booked for two shift´s in a row today maybe for someone a curse for other´s a blessing.Smile
For Cindy it is the first Nightshow but my expectations are not so high,but maybe she would be open to conviction and Nicole I don´t know why she has stopped to getting topless but maybe the day will come she do it againSmileSmile

17.03.2011, 19:33

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

do not deceive you spoil any of the three
Thumb down

17.03.2011, 19:27

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I hope to be wrong, but I doubt Brona and Evah go for two shifts today .... But if Cindy and Nicole are tonight, I think that will be enough to have new emotions.
We'll see.

17.03.2011, 18:37

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

onlydrift wrote:Evah has been added to the show tonight! I'm really curious...(Evah, Cindy, Nicol)...We hope to see a good show!

... don´t forgett Brona she replaced Claudia tonight!!!

17.03.2011, 16:28

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Evah has been added to the show tonight! I'm really curious...(Evah, Cindy, Nicol)...We hope to see a good show!

17.03.2011, 16:08

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I think they could rename evening shift as "The Evah & Brona Show".

17.03.2011, 14:27

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:she was the only reason for me to watch again this channel! Cry

dejavu? heard the same sentence from you about nikita, sabrina and carmen... and you were still waching...

come on Jonas, dont be down in the mouth! favourite models come and go, you'll find another one. Thumb up

17.03.2011, 14:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I think is better if ETV channel program for next times Ju , Brona , Cleopatra only on daytime show;
Carrie, Brianna and Melissa for night show Thumb up

17.03.2011, 14:00

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

outside wrote:All Natasha's shifts have been removed.
Why???? CryCryCry
I hope she didn`t leave! After Carmen`s demission Natasha was for me the very best model of Eurotic tv, she was the only reason for me to watch again this channel! Cry

16.03.2011, 23:20

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JuFan wrote:Wow, Sandra for one or two hours in the nightshow tomorrow.

Yes it would be a big suprise for us! But I think only to make some photo´s,but when get more then it´s also OK.Thumb up

15.03.2011, 22:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

surprise: on monday is Claudia's show