TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

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06.05.2011, 21:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

laax wrote:Are u sure about Shelley ?
She is on schedule at Sunday.

JuFans summary was about next week and sunday is this week.
also was Shelleys leaving announced some days ago and so is maybe on sunday her last show.

06.05.2011, 21:37

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Are u sure about Shelley ?
She is on schedule at Sunday.

06.05.2011, 19:23

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Models missing: Angie, Lia, Melissa (left), Randa, Ronnie, Shelley (left)
Models with just a few shifts: Brona, Cindy, Kally, Karry, Nancy, Scarlet, Susan, Tia
Models return: Penelope

(Connie and Nancy in their first nightshow this sunday.)

06.05.2011, 19:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

So sad now, after long time they have plenty new beautiful models, but they dont want to use them...They obviously earn enough without putting hotties like Kate or Karry in nightshifts. And I agree with Tarl when he says how confusing are these rules. I wonder really how is possible Sexysat has naked girls at 2030 CET??? I wonder anyway if you are right saying that Connie might bring us an interesting weekend. I have to be prepared for that.

06.05.2011, 18:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Watcher wrote:
Tarl_Cabot wrote:8 models in the shower night

Hmmm ...
None of the evening shift models are staying on for a shower then ...

finally. someone understood one of my posts. Thumb up

06.05.2011, 17:50

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:next weeks schedule complete Smile

8 models in the shower night

Hmmm ...
None of the evening shift models are staying on for a shower then ...

06.05.2011, 14:56

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

next weeks schedule complete Smile

8 models in the shower night

06.05.2011, 12:30

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:Edit: Joanna will replace Evah in todays Evening Show.

and again they forgot that Evah should start at 15:00 cet and added no model on their schedule Sad

so we'll wait till 15:00 cet to add Joanna Smile

06.05.2011, 12:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

bellerophon wrote:Here's one for the betting speculator....

etv need to add a 3 hour extension model to Friday night's schedule. Normally, for a full show, it would automatically be Lilian, then Athina, then Joanna, then Jacqueline (the usual reserves in that order).

So which one of the 5 evening girls will join Susan and stay on for an extra 3 hours?

3-1 Kristina
5-1 Evah
15-1 Kleopatra
20-1 Brona
1000-1 Simona

Winner takes all.....

What a surprise ! Simona the girl who the chance was the lowest will join in todays Nightshow for that three extra hours Smile

Edit: Joanna will replace Evah in todays Evening Show.

05.05.2011, 20:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

for those of you who don't get updated by visiting ETV's twitter site so tonight is "Summer night dream! The poetry of the forest fairy Kristina! " - I don't bother to watch too much these shows now days but as far as I recall all shows with Forest/Flowers themes were a bit hotter and nicer to watch so lets see tonight ... I am counting on some c-through white garments (i have 2 models in mind)

05.05.2011, 18:52

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

laax wrote:Is Athina in the show tonight ?
Wich schedule is real? This or on ETV homepage?

our schedule updated, too.
Athina tonight replaced by Sabrina.

the only real schedule for etv is our schedule after the start of a show. all other schedules can be wrong. Smile

05.05.2011, 18:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Is Athina in the show tonight ?
Wich schedule is real? This or on ETV homepage?

05.05.2011, 16:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Gia show confirmed for next monday night.

05.05.2011, 13:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:... and the bad one is that Natasha is removed from her shift at Friday (It seems there come hard times for her fans).

Natasha is replaced by Cleopatra for the evening show but no replacement for the three night show so far.

05.05.2011, 13:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I have one good-and one bad news !The good one is that we will see Randa at this Saturday in the Night (She fill the free space) and the bad one is that Natasha is removed from her shift at Friday (It seems there come hard times for her fans).
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