TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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25.09.2011, 13:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

zorgaux wrote:If there are two cameras, one needs a director to make the mixing of both during the show. It is simple to understand. Cool

and so we're back to what directors are active during a show.
the sound director, the video director, the show director and sometimes even a model who tries to be model & director the same time.

so "no director" means no one who says what should happen on the screen. the models can decide what to do and the video director decides what to show.

25.09.2011, 13:26

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JB you know it for some, the glass of ETV is always full... then .....Cool

25.09.2011, 13:21

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

HvB wrote:
JBGOOD wrote:I just see it as an important cost reduction, that is good for their economics but not for the quality of the show.
interesting view.
So receiving less calls is a cost reduction?
You should tell Volkswagen that the can reduce costs buy producing less cars and that it will be good for their economics...
I seriously doubt that they'll take you serious

I have never said saving money by producing less. This is what you have understood, and I'm sorry for that.
you said no director. only 2 cameras...
and only 4 models means also only 4 girls to be payed
cost reduction is always linked to efficiency: of course less model means also less calls but if I kook at the cast the good ones (the ones that get more calls) are still in.

in this respect they are doing properly, even if we must be happy they do not produce cars!

25.09.2011, 12:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JBGOOD wrote:I just see it as an important cost reduction, that is good for their economics but not for the quality of the show.
interesting view.
So receiving less calls is a cost reduction?
You should tell Volkswagen that the can reduce costs buy producing less cars and that it will be good for their economics...
I seriously doubt that they'll take you serious

25.09.2011, 12:14

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

we can see the glass half full or half empty.

But as no advetise from them I just see it as an important cost reduction, that is good for their economics but not for the quality of the show.

25.09.2011, 12:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

To give you a hint:
4 models
2 cameras
no director
moderators move out of the studio
so the girls will be on their own with the 2 camera operators and a lot of artistic freedom

25.09.2011, 11:49

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

zorgaux wrote:Perhaps the two days of the week who generate the less calls and SMS Confused

I doubt that a only 4 models show with e.g Evah, Karry, Mashiara & Scarlet would generate less SMS than a cast with e.g. Amira, Chloe, Emma, Janine, Kimberly, Lilian, Ronnie & Simona. Even about the mins of busy phone lines during the show I'm unsure.

25.09.2011, 11:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Mario205 wrote:Hey Tarl, I think that's very good that you've given the info!
I find that it is a great idea in these days to just 4 girls occupied!!!Thumb upThumb up
More time for the girls...
and the viewers are more happy...SmileThumb up

(I´m not him, but please let me interrupt...)

Well, I don´t know about any recipe for making everbody happy in here, but I´d like to applaude the will and the courage to do something different. Let´s see whether there will be flip or flop. In a couple of days we will have some hint.
I am curious about the thoughts the models (and director?) may have before their first show of this kind. (For it´s not gonna be like an evening talk show...?!...or?!) What are they going to do if they want to keep it interesting for so long time, having in mind that that has very seldom happened before? I´m curious...

25.09.2011, 11:00

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The argument usually goes: "More models on the night show means more callers can be answered means more income for eUrotic TV".
So the question is: "What is happening on Monday & Wednesday to reduce the number of callers?"
Or is ETV giving up some potential income for 'artistic reasons'?

25.09.2011, 10:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Slowfox wrote:wonder what the discussion will be, when there are 4 girls sitting or standing around the whole night in a jump suit. lol Smile

Gia visible that way for 5 hours and we'll see " Thumb up great show" posts. Smile

25.09.2011, 10:37

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Bad-Boy wrote:
Tarl_Cabot wrote:would be interesting to discuss about what could happen or what could be expected

"Worst case":Static camera. Sad

depends on, or? a static camera with some zoom and models who change the direct place in front of the cam could be more intersting than a heavy seasick switching camera style at night. if the models cooperate and accept that another model is fulfilling at the moment a viewers wish and so this one model gets the place in front of the camera a static camera can be a big step forward. but anyway: only 4 models in a show means more camera time for every model.

25.09.2011, 10:19

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:I gave the hint with the new 4 models only shows on monday & wednesday some posts below if maybe someone would be interesting to discuss about what could happen or what could be expected..... Sad

well...I would like to know more about this format...
I just wonder if it is the night version of the shows that take place in the evening, in the small room where the 4 girl are sitting all the time. or something like the last sunday night show.

EDIT and also the evening show cast is made of 4 models. will this night show be an extension of the so booring evening shows?

25.09.2011, 10:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:would be interesting to discuss about what could happen or what could be expected

"Worst case":Static camera. Sad

25.09.2011, 10:14

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Hey Tarl, I think that's very good that you've given the info!
I find that it is a great idea in these days to just 4 girls occupied!!!Thumb upThumb up
More time for the girls...
and the viewers are more happy...SmileThumb up

25.09.2011, 09:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
Mario205 wrote:next Wednesday, ONLY four girls in the night show. with gia naturally! Smile

next monday, ONLY four girls in the night show. without gia naturally! Smile

the schedule is wrong then?

the schedule isn't wrong. I answered to that post in the [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] to show that Gia isn't necessary in a 4 models only show.
I gave the hint with the new 4 models only shows on monday & wednesday some posts below if maybe someone would be interesting to discuss about what could happen or what could be expected. but obviously is discussing even less interesting than reading given infos. Sad
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