TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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20.02.2012, 21:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

brudgon wrote:roshana tonightTongue
as always great show with her and i like also the hot cast for tonightThumb up

I hear you, sir, but there is Randa the camera magnet

so assume it will be a tough standing for Roshana and Kate

but hope for the best


20.02.2012, 20:04

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

roshana tonightTongue
as always great show with her and i like also the hot cast for tonightThumb up

20.02.2012, 14:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

guys, back to topic.

20.02.2012, 14:37

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

klemi wrote:Even if true we shouldnt blame models for being boring...If for Example Tia lies on a bed, naked and legs open but shown from 6-7 metres and also from her backside not front, well, is she to be blamed or...??? I didnt think so. And Randa and Claudia have proven in past what they are capable of. BUT when they do it like mentioned above and of course not permitted to show open legs and not being permitted to do proper lesbian shows and not permitted to kiss and lick each other...well, what remains to be done on erotic channel??? Thumb downThumb downThumb down...Well, they can cook... CryCryCry

To stay with topic, I dont care for anything today. Karry will be more then enough stimulation for me. Like drinking 5 red bull drinks in 5 minutes. Who needs more.

I do not think pure naked flesh is the problem, Roshana is quite happy to show her panties, similar to Gia and now Karry is very good at being sexy and not showing to much.
Problem is the camera / Director cannot see it.
Personally Randa, Tia and Claudia does nothing for me but I am sure if they were a bit sexier rather than stayed naked all night the atmosphere may change.
Brona and Evah are the same they can be very sexy without showing anything.
Not sure how to make money this way, perhaps if we knew that a dance meant a sexy dance for the whole song played without the camera cutting elsewhere then it would be a start !

20.02.2012, 13:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Even if true we shouldnt blame models for being boring...If for Example Tia lies on a bed, naked and legs open but shown from 6-7 metres and also from her backside not front, well, is she to be blamed or...??? I didnt think so. And Randa and Claudia have proven in past what they are capable of. BUT when they do it like mentioned above and of course not permitted to show open legs and not being permitted to do proper lesbian shows and not permitted to kiss and lick each other...well, what remains to be done on erotic channel??? Thumb downThumb downThumb down...Well, they can cook... CryCryCry

To stay with topic, I dont care for anything today. Karry will be more then enough stimulation for me. Like drinking 5 red bull drinks in 5 minutes. Who needs more.

20.02.2012, 13:15

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:
JBGOOD wrote:angelina, randa, Clodia tonight. So I presume the newbies show is over

And always the same models who are in all the nightshows. Boring! Angry

Everybody knows, that for this guy all casts without Chelsea are boring, so who cares.
This cast is definitly not boring.

20.02.2012, 08:56

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:
JBGOOD wrote:angelina, randa, Clodia tonight. So I presume the newbies show is over

And always the same models who are in all the nightshows. Boring! Angry
.....with roshana isn't boringTongue

20.02.2012, 08:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JBGOOD wrote:angelina, randa, Clodia tonight. So I presume the newbies show is over

And always the same models who are in all the nightshows. Boring! Angry

20.02.2012, 08:04

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

angelina, randa, Clodia tonight. So I presume the newbies show is over

19.02.2012, 21:23

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Adara sure is the model we can see in the future nightshow.
It is appreciated, she looks pretty nice girl and I see a new Isabella (for instance).
Thumb up

19.02.2012, 21:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

klemi wrote:And is it still a secret which new model we will see???

read the comments about the new models [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] and the only answer will be: who cares?

19.02.2012, 20:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

And is it still a secret which new model we will see???

19.02.2012, 19:48

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
docock wrote:comes in the next nightshows a new girl ?Cool

new model: yes; Chelsea: no

I didn`t know that YOU are the boss of ETV Smile

19.02.2012, 18:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

docock wrote:comes in the next nightshows a new girl ?Cool

new model: yes; Chelsea: no

19.02.2012, 18:49

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

comes in the next nightshows a new girl ?Cool