* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

1.33 (3 Bewertung(en))

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15.05.2008, 02:50

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

ETV = Oulala
After the top models, holy, dancers, singers, now men dressed as a woman
crisis? What crisis?

15.05.2008, 01:26

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

And please stop Eyes Wide Shut soundtrack.

15.05.2008, 01:15

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Since this is the 'crap' topic, no better place to talk about tonight's crap.

Director's at ETV are not judged by their 'art' but by how much money comes in.

I may say more about this in the usual place and the usual day. For now my dear Julia, there's a vacancy at the icecream stall.

15.05.2008, 00:41

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Julia is one of my favourites since first days I watched ETV in 2005, but last shows directed by her were quite unwatchable, so please don't complain if there are too little calls and don't get surprised.

Pity because tonight Sabrina is quite pretty and Desita, Tiffany and others look in good mood.

A man (like the beginning scene) and worse a pseudo drag queen are the most unerotic things I've ever seen in an erotic channel.

Julia, you can do far better, I know you can.

14.05.2008, 22:52

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Does they really need a guy dressed like a woman?

Is it funny or is it a new concept? Does they need now the "gays" to watch this channel or to earn more money?

This is no critic but i mentionend these days that the earlier shows are more sexy or better as every nightshow these days.

But the nightshow on ETV 2 is really good. There are Malena and Alexa and the very nice girl Spirit.

14.05.2008, 22:44

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

To me it is disgusting. By the way you noticed very well that many many girls are leaving these days. Maybe they are like me and just dont like funerals.

14.05.2008, 17:52

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

they go to the funeral of their channels
On etv1 they are 3 also dressed in black

14.05.2008, 17:38

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Come on guys,

let us joking a bit.

On ETV 2 are the coldest collection of girls they have. Starring Emanuela, Naliny and Ultraviolet. They are all dressed in black. It seems to me they have a funeral.

Is it sign or will someone saying something to us :-))

PS: They new girl of Monday is now on ETV 1. She is dressed black of course :-)

13.05.2008, 23:25

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

If the schedule is correct, Sunny returns thursday in the morning show of ETV 1 (11:00h - 16:10)

13.05.2008, 22:28

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

So Kim is back and her supposed sister Carolina disappeared, and she came when Kim left.

What happened to Carolina?

P.S. Dorian is at ETV2.

13.05.2008, 21:49

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

<<< sure some like her not. but that is because she is so special.  >>>

lol? :D

13.05.2008, 17:08

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

day of surprises...

german mods talk about a "secret 6th model" all the time and we will get a shower show if enough people write sms. :D 

12.05.2008, 22:15

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Oké ,no problem !!! we will open a new topic than !!

Kind Regards

12.05.2008, 22:11

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

The topic is closed. It will remain closed.

I will add just this. At the top of each posting page there is a link to the rules in THREE langauges. I trust that your new friend can read at least one of these.

You and your other friends certainly know the rules but seem determined to flout them at will. I am tired of having to remind you and your friends of this. If you are unable to keep on topic then you must accept the consequences.

12.05.2008, 21:50

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@Boardmod ,thank for answering  on the topic of " Kaleya :goodbye or just farewel ! but i'm sorry to say this but why did you closed it ? was it because of my last posts or was it because of some of the others and Rene  and Me that we were way of topic ? (please forgive Rene Calzone because he is new on this site and he maybe didn't know it ,and i know we should have, sorry again ,hope that you maybe could open it again and give us one more change ,i would ask it politely ,please .And thank you ,tthat you give us the change that we may keep writing about Kaleya,i'm very happy about it and i'm sure some of the other's will be happy also ,thank you !!!! and maybe nexttime if there's a topic who goes off it ,we should maybe write  one sentence on it  with"let's go to Hot Air topic" so that the real topic can/will stay on (if you know what i mean )what do you think ? could that be  a agreement ?

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark)

Ps:@Rene Calzone ,maybe you could give your answer  that i had written on the topic "Kaleya.... on this page .