Last night's show

3.32 (22 Bewertung(en))

(3.32 / 5, 22 Bewertungen)

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05.06.2011, 08:53

Re: Last night's show

Since the interaction between the girls is limited by the new rules the shows are quite boring. I remember former action between Sabrina and Inez or Lace and Sabrina or Lace and Athina and so on. Now most of the time every girl is doing her show alone.

05.06.2011, 08:09

Re: Last night's show

I've noticed that the majority of the models,with the exeption of the "trio" ofcourse,were keeping their tits covered,most of the time.(Thank you Aria for doing that)
I'm just wondering...
Was that a kind of protest against Hans ?
After all Saturday night is suposed to be the best show of the week....

05.06.2011, 04:22

Re: Last night's show

There are a few times when hans makes me feel that he's really knows what he is doing .....and last night show was one of those rare occasions ....he just holds his cams and playing some teasing games for a while in order to guarantee the flow of calls and VIP and then start his show .

Using all his cards very well , and ignoring the inactive and useless models who have no intention at all to do anything and set their mind to participate by their presence in the studio

Focus only on the active models Tia , kristina , kia .....and make Angelina as the center of the actions ..

And despite that the show was not too revealing or hot but at least hans has succeeded in producing such an interesting and watchable show .....well handled mister hans .

02.06.2011, 23:32

Re: Last night's show

Amigo1205 wrote:Marayah, Lilian, Lace
and Sven as a moderator, so I imagine the hell! Big Grin

On the other side Amy, Mashiara and Nancy, could be the heaven or paradise.Big Grin

02.06.2011, 23:06

Re: Last night's show

Marayah, Lilian, Lace
and Sven as a moderator, so I imagine the hell! Big Grin

02.06.2011, 15:37

Re: Last night's show

for once i agree with u also Athena could do with a very long break she has lost her interest and courage.

02.06.2011, 10:24

Re: Last night's show

It started so slooooowllllllyyyy,...for the first time I fell asleep without starting my recorder. I woke up following a bit of Kia in aftershow.

02.06.2011, 09:11

Re: Last night's show

jonas wrote:You are a skinflint like a scotsman !

Erm...Excuse me?

02.06.2011, 08:47

Re: Last night's show

it started without water
...turned soon into a fine deep sleep
...and was probably the worst shower show ever.

30.05.2011, 15:55

Re: Last night's show

Legxpert wrote:10€ for 5 seconds of leg-creamiing Sad

legxpert is disappointed Confused

crap channel Angry

I will never spent a dime again for this channel Envy least until tonight when the queen is back In love

Only 2€/sec - 7200€/h and you are disappointed?!

You are a skinflint like a scotsman!

A tip: press the "pause" or "slow motion" button of your recorder! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Poor Mr.Ressel must earn money! Big Grin

30.05.2011, 11:00

Re: Last night's show

jost54 wrote:Will be a sinister beginning of the week.Confused
Julia and love that`s like fire and ice.Big Grin

Damn! I must admit i was wrong and have to apologise to Julia.Thumb up The show was much better than expected and a lovely start of the week.Smile

30.05.2011, 09:41

Re: Last night's show

10€ for 5 seconds of leg-creamiing Sad

legxpert is disappointed Confused

crap channel Angry

I will never spent a dime again for this channel Envy least until tonight when the queen is back In love

29.05.2011, 17:02

Re: Last night's show

zxcv wrote:I strongly doubt that Vicky was the director of last night show . the style of direction yesterday for sure wasn't hers .

she definitely not that kind of directors who always like to create hunger among viewers through ignoring all the desired models , frequently cut any good erotic scene...that's not her style in work .

that's simply the business philosophy of someone who believes on one theory , which is , producing the unsatisfying works is the best guarantee for success . no need to mention the name ..

I agree with you.
Sometimes in the past there was an officially director like Hans, Vicky or Julia, but another person was the REAL director who produces this crap and has a special business philosophy "producing the unsatisfying works is the best guaranty for success". Thumb downThumb downThumb down

29.05.2011, 15:21

Re: Last night's show

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
zxcv wrote:well , and what makes you so sure about it ?

Vicky preparing the studio, Vicky with the handheld cam even at the end of the show & no cr**y Hans talk on Astra

and last but not least: Hans was the director of the evening show

I agree with Tarl then german Mod. Zia had said around 23:00 that the Director is Vicky....maybe Tarl could check his records.

29.05.2011, 15:12

Re: Last night's show

zxcv wrote:well , and what makes you so sure about it ?

Vicky preparing the studio, Vicky with the handheld cam even at the end of the show & no cr**y Hans talk on Astra

and last but not least: Hans was the director of the evening show
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