Juri in concert LIVE!

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05.12.2007, 00:31

Juri in concert LIVE!

Nice idea! And good music too.

(Just adorable from my point of view. I always wanted to be as good as him. But my fingers were too short.)

Nevertheless: Where were the pussies?

P.s.: ETV, don't forget the pussies. Watch Hot Chili and dozens other channels and keep in mind what they offer fta. Havn't you closed a channel lately because of no profit?

P.p.s.: I will upload the concert when there are at least 20 requests here in the thread. :-D

05.12.2007, 11:04

Re: Juri in concert LIVE!

Transloation time since people do have problems with my in-cessant wit -))

You thought I came from Ireland so I responded with an Irish expression 'Begoraghh' which probably does not mean what I intended - a statement of shock, surprise and denial.

The 'Celtic Water' is my own description of the Irish Sea (that separates Ireland with the mainland UK) - both the Irish folk and the Welsh are Celtic people.

The Red Dragon - thought that one was obvious.

I'll reserve comment about the Weslh language as this forum has no place for such discussion.

05.12.2007, 01:35

Re: Juri in concert LIVE!

It puzzles me again, DB!

What is begoraggh, celtic water and Red Dragon?

I see, you come from Wales, the country with the most unspeakable language in the world. :-)))

@ outside

I think etv can afford only one guitar

05.12.2007, 01:20

Re: Juri in concert LIVE!

There was (is?)  a semi-reunion, just with Phil Collins (no Peter Gabriel unfortunately) and they did a gig in Rome at Circo Massimo last summer.

P.S. Was the same guitar "played" by Tia in her ETV+ clip? :))))

05.12.2007, 01:17

Re: Juri in concert LIVE!

Ireland begoraghh !!!. The other side of the celtic water si vous plais ! - The Land of the Red Dragon.

You wanted 20 requests so I put the first 'one down'

PS I will not hold you to the offer so you can sleep easy.

05.12.2007, 01:14

Re: Juri in concert LIVE!

@ outside

You do, what a real outsider must do all the time. :-)))

P.s.: Do they still exist?

05.12.2007, 01:10

Re: Juri in concert LIVE!


As far as I know you come from Ireland.  Right?  Your  english grammar is often hard to understand for those foreigners who just know the Oxford language. (I  assume that it is comparable with "hochdeutsch").

So what did you mean with "one down"  and the following  friendly smily? Please make it clear to me. Video or not?

P.s.: Veni, vidi, Viki

05.12.2007, 01:07

Re: Juri in concert LIVE!

I'm watching another concert on Italian TV (Genesis). ;))

05.12.2007, 00:47

Re: Juri in concert LIVE!

me three ;-)

05.12.2007, 00:41

Re: Juri in concert LIVE!

One down -))

You may be sorry you made this offer -)

05.12.2007, 00:41

Re: Juri in concert LIVE!

Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

And I was thinking to myself,
'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'

And she said 'We are all just prisoners here, of our own device'  (from Hotel California / Eagles)

exciting is it not, doesn`t Bryan Adams sound good afterwards ??

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