It's Saturday Night Live starring all your favourite girls

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22.09.2007, 22:34

Re: It's Saturday Night Live starring all your favourite girls

I have to say that I don’t like the idea, because of the following reasons:

1. lack of intimacy: the night show with just two girls has been the only good thing in the last months, because in that couple of hours there was a good atmosphere sometimes. Now, that part is missing
2. confusion: there’s too little room for eleven girls. I’m afraid that they are obliged to be quite static if they want to avoid confusion
3. switching of camera: the camera must switch very often from a girl to another. This could mean that one will see less than usual

But I don’t want to pre-judge. Let’s see.

22.09.2007, 22:30

Re: It's Saturday Night Live starring all your favourite girls

Just a quick update. Maths was never my strongest subject. That's why I did the job I did -)))

There are actually 11 girls - add Lana, Alex, Lace., Randa and Tyra to those already posted

And here is the real killer. ALL the girls are scheduled to be there  throughout the night until 06:00 CET.

I hope they have some of that Tantra drink left over. Those girls may just need it. -))


