Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 Bewertung(en))

(3.98 / 5, 143 Bewertungen)

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19.03.2010, 17:23

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

The_Feeling, how does economy work? One example:
Danone wants to sell "Actimel" to the consumer.
It's a useless and very expensive product. Advertising for "Actimel" is forbidden in Great Britain because it's a big cheat of the consumers.

ETV tries the same since the last year.
They tell us that stinky feet are very sexy and the best what you can see from a girl. And they have a little or big success with that kind of "shows".
In former days they offered feet, wax and ice cubes as well but not in the dimension of 2009.
Maybe now they, at least sometimes, remember that they arrived in the EU?

But what happens in this forum now is a fight of the "old" members (who want to get back the former show versions) against the newbies who are satisfied with endless and boring oops-shows. When summer is back in Berlin I can see lots of nice clothed girls in every supermarket. Why should I pay for a smile of a nice girl?

ps.: I still believe that Lace belongs to a freak show, not in erotic shows.

19.03.2010, 17:08

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Vappiano thanks for your response I think you and I are looking for different things in ETV than "The Feeling" .

19.03.2010, 16:26

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

@ The_Feeling

Don't worry, I'm quite calm.
But I sincerely didn't like this sentence from you:

"The www. gives all members a voice, no matter how nonsignificant you are".

You used this expression after the posts of these members, who joined this forum more than 3 years ago :

Bellerophon, Outside: they are the guys who update the models' page and the list of the models in the homepage of this site.
Yasmine: a member who joined this forum at its beginning, giving a great contribution to many interesting discussions.
JohnF: a guy who has a database with all the historical presences,every shift of every day, of the ETV girls.
Vappiano: ...

Try to look the fact fon the other hand: consider how many times I see, here, members professing their unconditional love for some models, independently from their performances, or their appreciation for the show, even when a shark director destroys every possible scene (with no respect for people spending money).
Then, according to your point of view, I should write:

'Every time only affection.
Almost, no real seriously criticism.
I think it is impossible to make you unhappy with the program/Ideas of Etv!
You always like the models and the director. Always everything is perfect!

I can only say: " The www. gives all members a voice, no matter how
nonsignificant you are"


I guess that if I write such a post many of these members could feel themselves irritated.
In fact I (and many others) avoid to write such posts.
Our criticism, when expressed, is directed towards ETV, not towards members who always appreciate ETV, and we avoid to define them 'nonsignificant', even if an always positive judgement (when unmotivated) should be as 'nonsignificant' as an always negative judgement (when unmotivated).

I hope you understand my point of view.
Nothing against you, as usual.

19.03.2010, 15:59

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

gia wrote:
brera wrote:
Tiffanus wrote:.......Gia at place 5. I cannot understand that. It is strange and will remain strange. Gia is boring and selfish. Sorry, my opinion.
i think you are creazy... Thumb down
Why is he crazy? I agree with Tiffanus. Gia is a beautifull but cold and boring model. I think the position of her must be near Clio and Brona (beautifull and cold models too).
you are wrong for me... Clio and Brona are nor comparable with Gia.. Two differents classes... regard body, sensulity and beauty. Clio and Brona naked dont excite me as Gia with her moves... is my opinion of course.. change your name.. is the right thing!!Big GrinBig Grin

19.03.2010, 15:25

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

pepers wrote:
outside wrote:Just killer name missing, who was the director last night?
Big Grin

I have seen Vicky on the remote camera with some other brunette girl. (Julia or Aria).
Vicky was there as a kind of tutor for the director (maybe Ely, I was told she directed last night).

19.03.2010, 15:01

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

The_Feeling wrote:It´s there any proven case indeed?
I really hope not. Big Grin For the sake of the girls. LOL!

19.03.2010, 14:46

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

The_Feeling wrote:@ BJ

good post.Thumb up
Etv is very far away from a good erotic channel! Cry
And you are right that a part of the crew make no good job sometimes.
But the matter of fact, and maybe some guys think about it, for me is this show concept pure entertainment. I do not spending any cent to this business which not means I demonise any callers or SMS writers.
I´m watching to see nice or beautiful girls they have fun in front of the camera. That makes me happy. But I don´t fool myself and aspirate a relationship to any model or some kind of stoker mentality.

Thumb up I guess we got kinda simular view on the show.Tongue
But you'll still will see meaningless critic from me any many others. I'm the counterweight I guess of all the people here who are so "lucky" that they found real love on etv. Big Grin

19.03.2010, 14:31

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

brera wrote:
Tiffanus wrote:.......Gia at place 5. I cannot understand that. It is strange and will remain strange. Gia is boring and selfish. Sorry, my opinion.
i think you are creazy... Thumb down
Why is he crazy? I agree with Tiffanus. Gia is a beautifull but cold and boring model. I think the position of her must be near Clio and Brona (beautifull and cold models too).

19.03.2010, 13:51

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

The_Feeling wrote:What is wrong with you all?

Every time only disaffection.
Almost, no real seriously criticism.
I think it is impossible to make a lot of you happy with the program/Ideas of Etv!
Sometimes you don´t like the models otherwise it´s the director. There is always a hair in the soup!
I can only say: " The www. gives all members a voice, no matter how
nonsignificant you are"

I dont know what you watch. Maybe you got some other channel. The main reson for MY criticism is the way etv fraud their "customers" day in and day out. They ask people to send in sms's with requests. People send in requests. What happens is that the model ignore it. And if she don't ignore it, the producer/regi will ignore her when she is doing a strip or something else. With the exception of a feet request that allways come thru.
I dont think it's possible for etv to make everyone happy but it's possible for etv to start kicking some butts and fire some people who work behind the scene. Like Hans and a few others that make "their" shows into a personal affair. If THEY dont like the model, she get on camera time. And that makes the Etv show unstable. One evening they can make a great activ show and the next night the models just sit there and noone is working the cameras. AND IT'S NOT BECAUSE THEY DON'T GET ANY SMS REQUESTS. The day etv get stable and the people who make the show got some guidelines to follow it will be a good show. As long as the show is based on the mood of the producer and regi, this show will allways be a failure. In my eyes a "bad" show it allmost never based on the models if they do something but 90% it's based on bad work by the camera crew (Who is often just sitting down), the producer/director and regi. So when the day that I can figure out that "tonight I'm gonna relax and check out eUrotic" I expect that the show is gonna be same as list time I did figure out I wanned to watch it. Meaning a stable guidelined show where nothing is based on what mood someone of the crew on etv are in because they know what to make.
So hopefully you get my point The_Feeling and everyone else.
And I dont blame anyone for being not to serious on their crictic because it's hard to take this channel seriously because of the ignorence they show their customers who send in sms's and call in. Thumb down

19.03.2010, 13:43

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

@ The_Feeling:

Probably it's also thanks to 'nonsignificant' people like me,spending part of my time to offer something to you and to the other members for free, that this forum goes on.
Try to give a look at my posts and you will find appreciation for some girls, compliments to ETV for some of their recruitments, suggestions and ideas for improving the shows and 100s videos.
Do you claim, after all this work, that I avoid to speak about something I don't like ?

This behaviour would be 'nonsignificant', because this forum would be the reign of some infatuated virtual lover, deprived of any possible constructive and propositive ideas (and of thousands good videos...)

If this is the forum you like, please tell us clearly, so that we all 'nonsignificant' people will avoid to give our contribution here.

19.03.2010, 13:36

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Aria was the other one (Amanda was standing just outside the pic on the right of Vicky). They took a look at the show. If Arias face was an indication of what she thought, she was less than satisfied ...

19.03.2010, 13:27

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

outside wrote:Just killer name missing, who was the director last night?
Big Grin

I have seen Vicky on the remote camera with some other brunette girl. (Julia or Aria).

19.03.2010, 13:20

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

That is why there are significant people like you who are always satisfied who are serving as counterbalance to many members here , lucky man !!

19.03.2010, 12:41

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Yasmine1 wrote:I just hope that tonight's show will compensate on last night show ....

or better last nightshows...because the whole week has been one of the worst week.

One more time ETV shows no interest in consistence, professionalism and will to make the number of their potential costumers growing.
Only 1 acceptable show in a week (pay attention please: acceptable show doesn't mean necessarily a show with gynecological camerawork...),
always in the week end, when many of us are not at home.


19.03.2010, 12:35

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Very good week.....

Monday: Calamity-Ely
Tuesday: Boring Meo
Wednesday: Pablo-the-cutter
Thursday: Miss Zzzzzzzzzz

AngryEnvyThumb down