Eurotic TV - General Discussion

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20.03.2010, 18:59

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

brera wrote:luca82 do you think that gia is supported by the camera? are you sure? i dont think so.. my vision is not impartial of course but a lot of times she's cutted during her show... For me is not important to see Gia completely naked or doing something hot with other models ( i know that wold be wonderfull!!! ... but the show must be erotic not porno i think.. ) but the camerawork doesn't allow she to make her show and cut Gia frequently in the topics moments... i think that for many other models isn't the same..

Maybe sometimes the camerawork for her is not enough long or there isn't zoom, but also in the moments of better assistence she doesn't change her type of show, she continue in her style based on the oops tits.

20.03.2010, 18:46

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

luca82 do you think that gia is supported by the camera? are you sure? i dont think so.. my vision is not impartial of course but a lot of times she's cutted during her show... For me is not important to see Gia completely naked or doing something hot with other models ( i know that wold be wonderfull!!! ... but the show must be erotic not porno i think.. ) but the camerawork doesn't allow she to make her show and cut Gia frequently in the topics moments... i think that for many other models isn't the same..

20.03.2010, 18:43

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

@ Jonas

Tonight Carmen has the possibility to do a show better respect yesterday, she and Inez are the better performers in this period; maybe Scarlet will have problems if Hans is present.

20.03.2010, 17:37

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

luca82 wrote:There are three type of bait:
1 - The girl supported by the camera that doesn't show nothing about the request (Gia)
2 - The girl ready to do a good show but doesn't supported by the camera (Scarlet)
3 - The girl ready to do a good show and supported by the camera (Amy)
Yesterday Carmen belonged to type 2, Mashiara to type 1

20.03.2010, 16:44

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

@ Jonas and Vappiano.

Like I said in some post it isn't important if a model is active or not, the important it is the function bait*, Mashiara in the case of yesterday.
There are three type of bait:
1 - The girl supported by the camera that doesn't show nothing about the request (Gia)
2 - The girl ready to do a good show but doesn't supported by the camera (Scarlet)
3 - The girl ready to do a good show and supported by the camera (Amy)

*bait: girl that can to give surprises.

In all these case, above all for the first two, I speak with you members of this forum that call or send a message don't do this.
I'm agree with this post

fman1 wrote:As Marialover said on ETV forum,
"If you are not satisfied about the show, the camerawork, the models, the director, ETV staff don't mind ! The only interesting thing is the number of calls/sms. If you want better shows, stop to call or send sms"

20.03.2010, 16:43

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

jonas wrote:@vappiano
Your view of that show is very subjective....
...So your argument that Vicky showed only the active models is totally WRONG!

Ok Jonas, this is your view and I have absolutely no will to have a long debate with you about this, because you see only one model.
I can only say: in my previous post you can't find this argument from me.
I affirmed that Amy and Mashiara were the most active girls (they always are, but probably yesterday was a special day for Mashiara's comeback), I didn't say they have been the only active models.

I can only say that the scenes between Amy and Mashiara of last night (especially the kisses and Tj with lollipops and the double-triple-shower) will remain in
'Vappiano's all time favourites scenes'.
And I appreciated the camerawork in these scenes.

Many viewers like this kind of action and this kind of girls (I'm one of them).
Now we know that such performances are possible and that can be showed in that way, so ETV could count on more costumers (probably more than one...)

20.03.2010, 15:59

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Your view of that show is very subjective. Perhaps you watched your record of that show in a quick manner, so you didn`t remark that Carmen (showed by the camera in a big distance after 0.30h) was very active and probably had a lot of viewers. She permanent tried to make a hot show, but the camera didn`t show her in a closer distance (like in the time between 23.00 and 0.00h). So your argument that Vicky showed only the active models is totally WRONG!
And: It`s the task of a director to make boring models more active! He can direct them to the pole, under the shower, ... But it was not necessary to motivate Carmen; she is always motivated - even YOU wrote that in a former post!
I had the impression that Vicky & camera team celebrated Zia`s birthday, so they had no eyes for the show. One camera was often fixed in direction of Amy and Mashiara, the other camera in a bigger distance to the bed with the other models. Then: Cheers! Not very professional! Thumb down

20.03.2010, 14:48

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

When Clio went from model to Italian mod. at the start of the night show she made a comment about Vicky taking a shower (as she often does) but I do not remember her saying whether she was directing (she could well have done before the shower comment).

Yes, the very reason I regularly look in on the Remote Cam (viewers cam). It can give a refreshing view of the 'spontaneous nature' of the show.
It is possible that what I saw was Vicky giving instruction to someone 'out of shot' rather than taking them.

Thanks to both.

20.03.2010, 14:07

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Vicky and Pablo tend to pick up a cam during their show.
At the viewers cam you can normaly see very well who is giving orders to the models and aranges them for the next shots.

20.03.2010, 14:07

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Full agree with you Thumb up
23.00-0.30 camerawork distributes evenly,good show also from Carmen,Spirit,Athina,Penelope,Vivian.
After 0.30 only Amy and Mashiara activ
This regie better as 5 sec - cuts
Camerawork Thumb up

20.03.2010, 13:59

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Watcher wrote:It seems to be accepted that Vicky was directing. Are we sure of this?
Maybe she was multitasking but she did seem to be taking direction from off screen.

Thanks for your reply.

Assumption about Vicky (I can't be sure 100%) as director:

- Friday night is always her show
- The music at the beginning of her shows is always the same.

Probably some HB viewers can be more precise (usually Clio,the italian mod., at the beginning of the show, tell the viewers the name of the director).
Unfortunately my recs are from Astra.

20.03.2010, 13:37

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Obviously the bait for yesterday show is been Mashiara, there was the curiosity to see her level after the return, the reponse is been this: she is became a topless model respect her old experience of handra model, this is good, but a lot of message about Mashiara fullstrip or Mashiara mushi show are been ignored. In this case the viewer must to understand the limits of a girl and doesn't spend money for useless message.

In general the show is been long time boring (carmen hot only in the few moments during first uncensored hour and Athina isn't been better respect last Friday), but the price of the ticket (in our case the patience for the waiting) is been repay by two great events:
1 - The kisses between amy and Mashiara
2- The last minute of the show when Amy has finally made a good pussyshow (no opss or no fast pussyshow ), great position with legs slighty opened and good camerawork with perfect angle from down to up.

20.03.2010, 13:19

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

As ever, a well presented case from vappiano68. Thank you.

It seems to be accepted that Vicky was directing. Are we sure of this?
I was watching the eUrotic TV Remote Cam at various times and she was definitely Camera Girl for Carmen's pussy show.
Maybe she was multitasking but she did seem to be taking direction from off screen.

20.03.2010, 12:52

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Good morning!

Just checked my recs (I was not at home last night) and just read some comments here,
for example some kinds of complaints from someone because of a too short camera time for his fav. model.

Maybe, at this point, we need to make some serious reflections about this fact.
Friday night: 8 girls in the studio. It's quite impossible that everyone of these girls can have the cameratime she deserves.
So the director has to make a choice:

- the shark-director's (or Dr. House's) choice: 5 secs cut-aways. In this way you could even obtain an equal distribution of the cameratime among the girls, but the result will be always a crap!
- Vicky's choice: she focalizes the cameratime on 2/3 models, the more active girls, probably because they receive more calls and smss, or probably because in many show there is a sort of 'pre-defined' regie, which decides which girls will be the 'Queens of that night'.

I make an example, to clarify this concept:
Try to imagine a MotoGP race, with 18/20 racers. Now imagine Valentino Rossi and Casey Stoner fighting for the win since the first up to last lap.
Do you prefer a regie showing their battle, or a regie cutting away every 5 seconds from them, showing the last racers ?

At this point we have to make a distinguish between subjectivity and objectivity:

if you are neither a fan of Valentino Rossi, nor of Casey Stoner, you would like to see on your screen your favourite racer...but this is subjectivity.

What's the meaning ?

In a show like that of last night Amy and Mashiara:

- are the most appreciated girls (see our ranking)
- are 2 girls always active during the 5/6 hours of their shifts.
- are good friends (so they can perform very well together)
- Last night was Mashiara's comeback in the nightshows.
- Probably it was pre-defined that the main show was for them.

So, objectivity must help us to understand that Vicky's show of last night is good because she gave more cameratime to the most active and nice (see the ranking) girls.

When can we say 'bad show' or 'bad camerawork' ?

- When the director destroys every possible scene with 5 sec cuts away.
- When the most attractive girls (see ranking) are ignored in order to show the Golden Dozen.
- When the girls involved in the action are ignored in order to show other girls doing absolutely nothing.
- When the action is showed by a camera from 3 miles distance, while the 'nothing' is showed in close-up.

All this to say, about last night:

VickyThumb up
Show Thumb up
Amy, MashiaraThumb up

The only complaints can be if you sent smss for wishes and they have been ignored.

20.03.2010, 12:38

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Don't worry be happy

Vicky had last night her birthday and get a personal gift from those two girls who were showed allllllllllllllllll evening.

What a crap, if a other girl would try to make a request strip it was broeken because that two girl weré "ïmportant".

I'll hope we have tonight a good sexy muesiful show