Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 Bewertung(en))

(3.98 / 5, 143 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

03.05.2016, 20:36

the two week trial - so far...

So, I'm giving ETV 2 weeks to show some improvements. Its not looking good
Just posted my thoughts to the ETV wall, and I'm posting them here, because I doubt they will post them

Well I said I'd give ETV to show me that things had improved, and I'm still waiting.
Sunday night wasn't good. The mud-wrestling inspired show was maybe a nice idea and new ideas are good, but it failed in that the girls had to shower after being covered in mud, so this slowed down the turnaround, and with the exception of Hestia, who provided the few minutes where we had a show aimed at adults, with an adult nature, and an adult level show, the rest was still the same old tame levels.
But OK, at least ETV is trying with new ideas, I applaud that at least, but this one, nope, nice try, good effort, but it didn't work. try something else next Sunday
Monday night and high hopes. The girls are control the camera for the exclusives. This could be make or break for ETV.
Sadly, the girls were keeping everything extra safe, to the point that main stream TV was more revealing, and the girls operating the camera were also clearly told what to view and what not to. This was sold as the girls taking charge of the camera and showing what they wanted to, but clearly, everyone had been given instruction on how to tame things down.
I hate to say this but 2 weeks, or 14 days and so far 2 days have shown ETV are worse than ever, not better. At this rate, I will have no intention of buying more credits.
ETV could be so good, if they gave is a show that is worthy of our money. For God's sake, its an adult show, so lets have adult level, not something that's almost safe enough for Daytime TV.
symbolic of this whole issue is Isadora, lovely girl, visually attractive and rather sexy, but content to tease, tease, and tease some more, takes request to show more, and then doesn't. At least she's consistent in her failure to deliver. If only ETV would announce a show where she would finally reveal all, and she actually did. Sadly, by now, I doubt anyone would believe it!
So, the two week trial: sadly disappointing so far. Come ETV get it sorted, give us a decent show, an adult show, that's sexy, a bit risky, with adult levels.

03.05.2016, 09:23

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Confused show, champions of the cartoons just about everything, maybe it would be better to go back in time a little bit back, to make programs simpler and desperately trying to do too honor it encompasses programs when they seem to be constantly flops.
ETV leaders wake up a bit of a dream !! (A bored)Thumb downSad

02.05.2016, 14:38

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

jeegrobot wrote:ETV is the only adults channel in the world who makes shows for kids.

Which doesn't make sense, if u take geriatrics (aging population) into account ;D

On another note, I have been absent for quite some time on this forum for a simple reason - i honestly give a rat's ass about ETV. The only time i occasionally tune in, is during the "oldschool" (and i use that term veeery loosely) night (Thursday - Friday.) And even then i just tune in for a couple of minutes until i shut it off and just wait for the highlight edits from guys like brudgon, etc..
Anyways I've read a pretty funny message from a user in one of these threads some time ago. Sorry that i can't remember who it wrote, but he basically made a comparison betwen the shows from not too long ago and nowadays.
He showed a screencap from a "close-up" show back then and now. Back then "close-up" was actually close-up, the camera was panning towards whatever the viewer requested and stayed there for a reasonable amount of time. Nowadays if someone requests, let's say, a close-up feet show, the way ETV decides to present it goes along the lines like this:
Zoom in. Stay there for about 3 seconds.
Zoom out. Zoom out. Zoom out. Zoom out. Zoom out. Zoom out. Perfect.
They zoom out so much that u need a magnifying glass to see the girl and even then u only happen to see her outlines at best. I would really like to know what in the name of something these idiots think.
Obviously it was stupid me who requested said close-up show about 1 or 2 weeks ago. Ever since that bs I can honestly say that i withdraw spending anything ever again.
I said it before and I actually pulled through with it - I didn't spend anything for about 5 months now and, as I said, I rarely - never watch ETV at all but sometimes there is still that glimmer of hope that maybe this one time they might not have a stick u their asses and are actually capable of presenting a show the way I want it to be produced. By no means was it the model's fault, she did a great job, but the guys in production give me a headache. It's not rocket science to produce a show the way a customer requested it.
But yeah, as I said, after that experience I realized that apparently you can't even count on the one free show anymore.

Another thing that I want to touch on real quick is the lack of "caring" lately. It's hard to describe, but if you compare the highlight cuts from Roshana from around may-june last year with the highlight cuts from Roshana nowadays, it's just not the same. The highlight cuts are really bad. It's not the fault of brudgon or anything, it's just that the shows feel so dull and lackluster it just severely lacks the energy and that special something that made Roshana shows so exciting... or, excuse me, i meant "exiting."

Anywho those were my couple of cents about the current state of ETV. Sorry for rambling on so much again but checking out the comments from you guys nothing much has changed and I'm glad to being able to spend my money on things that I enjoy far more than gambling with chances of getting a show that I might or might not enjoy.


02.05.2016, 08:22

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hi guys, there is the URL to see Eurotic TV on vlc?

02.05.2016, 08:08

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Yesterday there was something new. I did not see the show only few minutes before I went to my work. But I thing any thing new can make change to us and better than same shows every day ...

01.05.2016, 15:55

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Pirncemami wrote:
I think we should be optimistic about the change. We can decide end of next week if there is good change or not.... many idea can something good to the viewers

Optimist is always good!Thumb up

01.05.2016, 12:20

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Promotions, discounts, new shows are ok but it's useless till they go on to make these poor & childish shows. ETV is the only adults channel in the world who makes shows for kids. I'm not optimist about it because ETV wall is full of children fallen in love posts; maybe in the future the next ETV's model will be Peppa Pig. What a sadness ! Sad

30.04.2016, 12:29

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

The schedule for next week sounds not bad, a Shower show, Macro show, a show filmed by the girls with a handheld camera, Dirty Muddy Bodies, but we will see what they make of it.
My problem, my favorite girls are not in these shows, or only one of them. No need for me to spend money.
Wish all, really something has changed. (Good picture quality, less censorship or simple good shows).
Only on Friday they try again making art. Fellini- Nights of Cabiria?
A drama about a street hooker which is exploited by the men in her life, because she is so naive, sounds like a great show. Big Grin
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
This is a picture from the Movie

30.04.2016, 12:27

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I think we should be optimistic about the change. We can decide end of next week if there is good change or not.... many idea can something good to the viewers

30.04.2016, 11:39

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

bigboy24 wrote:As long as they censore the TV show just to feature their website. I can't say that anything is getting better. Nobody would recognize the website without the TV Show.
In the begining the website was only used too show things they can't show on TV. This self censoring is terrible.
But let's see what will happen.

If the webshow is hotter, less censored and they stop making it suitable for daytime TV levels, then I'll watch more. If they keep the same tame levels, I wont. simple as that.

30.04.2016, 10:40

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

As long as they censore the TV show just to feature their website. I can't say that anything is getting better. Nobody would recognize the website without the TV Show.
In the begining the website was only used too show things they can't show on TV. This self censoring is terrible.
But let's see what will happen.

30.04.2016, 07:14

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Pirncemami wrote:Good offers from Etv for the credit ....
Unfortunately before 2 days I bought credit !!!

Consider it as an investment. Buy more credits and your average credit price will reduce. Furthermore you can have the warm feeling to support a group of hard working people.

30.04.2016, 06:34

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Good offers from Etv for the credit ....
Unfortunately before 2 days I bought credit !!!

27.04.2016, 15:20

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Take a look at the ETV-Wall and see the amusing discussion about the Thursday TV-Show and ideas for new Shows and you have a kind of Deja-Vu.
More Pussy or not more pussy thats here the question. Pay or not to pay. Always the same neverending story.
For me its like the 2nd February in Punxsutawney and it is Groundhoug Day. Big Grin
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
Or as a wise man sayed
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

25.04.2016, 07:18

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I did not like the idea !!! I want watch effy not others models EnvyAngry
But something new good luck to the channel to make different type of shows Thumb up